Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Gwobull Warbling debunked, again
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 10:32:03 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 2024-06-03 10:20, JTEM wrote:
> Alan wrote:
>>  JTEM wrote:
>>>   Alan wrote:
>>>> On 2024-06-03 09:35, JTEM wrote:
>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/reel/980075903560598
>>>>> Not that it matters, or that Gwobull Warblers are capable
>>>>> of listening... or thinking... anything... but...
>>>>> There is no Gwobull Warbling what so ever. Your AGW
>>>>> fantasy is just that:  A fantasy.
>>>> How does any of that relate to the topic under discusion:
>>> Okay. So you're retarded to such an extant that you want to
>>> know HOW the fact that there is no Gwobull Warbling, that
>>> everything the media, the so called "Science" says is
>>> bullshit relates to the fact that you are citing that same
>>> media, the same bullshit "Science" as proof that natural gas
>>> is awful?
>>> It's it's awful, let's do Europe an enormous favor and keep
>>> our natural gas -- ALL OF OUR NATURAL GAS -- and use what we
>>> used to export as a motor fuel.
>>>       ...suddenly natural gas becomes awesome, even vital.
>>> For Europe.
>> Even if all that was true, 
> It's all true. And it means you have ZERO basis for anything you
> "Argue."

I'm not discussing whether or not global warming is real or not in this 
sub-thread. I'm also not discussing the childish need to write it as 
"Gwobull Warbling".

>> it doesn't change the fact that it wasn't wind power that was most 
>> responsible for Texas's troubles during ice storm Uri.
> It was wind & solar, absolutely. They didn't "Revise" the
> narrative, make it about NG, until later. It's literally
> impossible for it to have disrupted NG.

I'm sorry, but no.

The articles already posted describe precisely how it happened.

> Dude, seriously, it gets a shit ton colder here in New England than
> it does anywhere in Texas... it gets a shit ton colder in places
> like Canada, and these things literally NEVER happen.

Because those places created systems that were designed for the 
possibility, doofus.

> You are clinging to refuted sources in defense of an incredibly
> stupid notion.





I like that last one especially in light of your claims about "these 
things literally NEVER happen[ing]" in New England:

"‘Unprecedented’ amount of lost generation

FERC and NERC staff previously shared sobering details of the effects of 
Elliott, which took place December 21-26, 2022. During that time, 1,702 
generating units experienced 3,565 outages, derates or failures to 
start. 825 of the units were natural gas-fired generators."

Just to put that in full context, Maine reported over 250,000 customers 
without power.

Maine is still IN New England, right, loser-3?