Davin News Server

From: R Kym Horsell <kymhorsell@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Argentina's Cold May
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2024 05:41:48 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: kymhorsell.com

In alt.global-warming Mitchell Holman <noemail@aol.com> wrote:
> Serial Dimwit <dimwit1@whitebread.com> wrote in
> news:MPG.40c7f846b19b003698a34a@news.eternal-september.org: 
>> Argentina's Cold May
>    ...where it is WINTER.

Dimwit is obsesses with the 1% of the 
world that is not behaving like the
other 99% so he doesnt wet himself.

His postings this time of year are
dictated by the number of tornado reports
he saw on TV over the past 5 d.

Today the surface of the earth breaks down:

decile	avtemp
	(deg C rel ~1980s)
1	-.2
2	.07
3	.42
4	.70
5	.88
6	1.01
7	1.20
8	1.52
9	1.66
10	2.35

So 90% of the planets is above 1980s avg temps
and almost 50% is 1C more than 1980s avgs.

Next Dimwit will look at the tops of all
the mountains to again prove the heat
is trapped down nr sea level by GHG.

[The Never Changing Story:]
> Says the guy that claims to have 1000s of IP's.
Says?  Where?  When?  Cite it, or shut the fuck up, liar. Are you talking
about when I may have said I use a VPN?
-- Alleycat Computers, 01 Dec 2018

I recall it was when you were trying to DOS a web server that was blocking you:
$ AlleyCat Aug 18, 2018, 4:25:25PM wrote:
$ http://kym.massbus.org/4306606_std.jpg
$ LOL... take down your page, because of the smarter people giving you hell?
$ Remember to look up the IP I got on your sock puppet with, so you can
$ block it too.
$ That's OKIE fine by me... I've got 1000s of addresses to choose from 
-- rkh, 01 Dec 2018

I CAN use 100s (not 1000s) of IPs, IF I WANT, but I don't. I
don't feel the need for anonymity, like you skeered little basement
dwelling children.
-- Alleycat Computers & 100s of 1000s of other nyms, 01 Dec 2018 10:56:40