Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics.trump,or.politics,can.politics
Subject: Re: FEC Expert Witness Whose Testimony Merchan Denied Discloses What
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2024 10:20:36 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 2024-06-04 09:43, Loran wrote:
> Alan wrote:
>> On 2024-06-04 08:55, Loran wrote:
>>> Alan wrote:
>>>> On 2024-06-03 15:07, Loran wrote:
>>>>> Mike Colangelo wrote:
>>>>>> *Every* lie Cohen told was for
>>>>> Getting his plea deal and not doing hard time, true.
>>>> But prosecuted by TRUMP's DOJ...
>>> If it were his, they'd not have coached Cohen into lying to get to 
>>> Trump, duh.
>> There is no "if" 
> Yes, there is.


It is a FACT that Cohen was charged, tried and convicted by Trump's DoJ.

> https://thefederalist.com/2024/05/09/house-republicans-refer-convicted-liar-michael-cohen-to-doj-for-perjury/
> “Cohen’s testimony is now the basis for a politically motivated 
> prosecution of a former president and current declared candidate for 
> that office,” wrote James Comer, R-Ky., and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, in the 
> joint letter. “In light of the reliance on the testimony from this 
> repeated liar, we reiterate our concerns and ask what the Justice 
> Department has done to hold Cohen accountable for his false statements 
> to Congress.”

That's not what he was tried for, Loser-2.

'That afternoon, Cohen pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges: five 
counts of tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a 
financial institution; one count of willfully causing an unlawful 
corporate contribution in breach of the Federal Election Campaign Act 
(FECA) of 1971; and one count of making an excessive campaign 
contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) for the "principal 
purpose of influencing [the] election".'

Do you see what ISN'T listed there, Loser-2?