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From: Lucas McCain <Lucas_McCain@tutanato.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.immigration,alt.politics.nationalism.white,can.politics
Subject: Re: 10 Reasons to Oppose Mass Immigration to Canada
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2024 13:23:03 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 6/4/2024 5:28 PM, D. Ray wrote:
> Lucas McCain <Lucas_McCain@tutanato.com> wrote:
>> Ten Reasons To Rethink Mass Immigration To Canada
>> Published On: May 1, 2024Tags: Immigration
>> By Riley Donovan
>> Swiss novelist Max Frisch, referring to the foreign “guest workers”
>> allowed into Europe after the Second World War, said, “We wanted
>> workers…but we got people instead.”
>> 1. Housing Crisis
>> This one is simple enough: Prices are determined by the relationship
>> between supply and demand. As Canada’s population has grown through
>> large-scale immigration, which reached a rate of nearly 1.3 million in
>> 2023 alone (when including non-permanent residents like foreign workers
>> and international students), both home prices and rents have soared.
>> Don’t lose touch with uncensored news!  Join our mailing list today.
>> Vancouver, Toronto, and Hamilton are now the three least affordable
>> cities in North America. In his 2010 book Millionaire Migrants, UBC
>> (University of British Columbia) Professor David Ley found a positive
>> correlation coefficient of 0.94 between Vancouver and Toronto house
>> prices and net international migration. For more evidence on the
>> relationship between immigration and housing prices, check out Madeline
>> Weld’s excellent article on the topic: “Blatantly Oblivious to the
>> Blindingly Obvious.”
>> The result is social chaos and displacement, with younger generations
>> feeling locked out of the housing market and delaying having children,
>> and elderly Canadians on a fixed income returning to work to meet rent
>> or mortgage payments.
>> 2. Strained Healthcare
>> This one is also pretty simple: Immigrants need healthcare too! Adding
>> large numbers of future patients from overseas every year is
>> exacerbating the pre-existing problems with our healthcare system.
>> Though the population has grown by 5 million people in the last ten
>> years alone, Canada has added just 167 medical residencies. In 2023,
>> Canada accepted 471,550 permanent residents, as well as around 800,000
>> foreign workers and international students. Despite the federal
>> government’s claim that the solution is to bring in doctors and nurses
>> from overseas, in reality, we only accept about 4,000 immigrant
>> healthcare workers per year.
>> As a result, more than 6 million Canadians and counting do not have
>> access to a family doctor.
>> 3. Farmland Loss
>> Despite having the second-largest landmass in the world, just 4.3% of
>> Canada is arable, and 90% of Canadians live in a winding line of
>> settlements within 160 KM of the U.S. border. Most immigrants settle in
>> this same strip, which drives urban expansion: 15 million acres of
>> farmland have been lost since 1976. Ontario loses 319 acres of farmland
>> every day. Since 2001, Canada has lost the equivalent of seven small
>> farms per day.
>> This loss of farmland weakens Canada’s food security, forcing us to
>> depend on importing food from other nations—in an increasingly fractious
>> world order. It also fuels urbanization, threatening Canada’s beloved
>> countryside landscapes, and the rural lifestyle many of us are attached to.
>> 4. Crowding of Schools
>> Like so many effects of mass immigration, the overcrowding of Canadian
>> schools is a function of the law of supply and demand—which our
>> political elite is apparently unaware of! Simply put: Provinces and
>> school districts are being overwhelmed by large numbers of additional
>> students from newly-settled immigrant families. In Prince Edward Island,
>> Charlottetown and Stratford received 375 newcomer students who were
>> neither predicted nor planned for. Surrey, B.C., is considering putting
>> schools in high rises!
>> To be sure, school crowding is not the fault of the immigrant families
>> in question. Both immigrant and native-born Canadians alike are the
>> victims of the classroom crowding caused by an out-of-control federal
>> immigration policy.
>> 5. Foreign Interference
>>  From the alleged Chinese interference in recent Canadian elections to
>> the assassination of Khalistan separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar outside a
>> Surrey temple, Canada is now a hotspot for foreign interference. While
>> politicians of all stripes have denounced the meddling of foreign states
>> in Canadian affairs, none have explicitly linked it to the presence of
>> large foreign diaspora populations on Canadian soil.
>> The fact is, the presence of large diasporas invites foreign
>> interference. This is especially true of China, which considers all
>> ethnic Chinese to be nationals of China—regardless of their place of
>> residency. For Xi Jinping, overseas Chinese play an irreplaceable role
>> in China’s rise. The link between diaspora populations and foreign
>> interference appears to be an ironclad rule of geopolitics, and has been
>> seen in Europe as well, with Turkish president Erdogan urging Turks in
>> Germany to vote against German Chancellor Merkel after a diplomatic
>> rupture between the countries.
>> 6. Declining Living Standards
>> Large-scale immigration is touted as necessary to Canada’s economic
>> success, but this could not be further from the truth. While Canada’s
>> immigration-driven population growth does grow the Gross Domestic
>> Product (GDP), it lowers GDP per capita. In other words, while the
>> economic pie grows, most people’s slice gets smaller!
>> This process has gotten so bad that the National Bank of Canada released
>> a report warning that Canada is in a “population trap” whereby any
>> increase in living standards is impossible—a problem which usually
>> occurs in emerging economies like India or Sub-Saharan Africa!
>> 7. Urban Sprawl and Densification
>> The federal government describes immigration in abstract terms:
>> addressing labour shortages, offsetting ageing populations, or growing
>> the GDP. In reality, immigrants are not just workers, they are
>> people—people who need a roof over their heads! To accommodate
>> immigration-driven population growth, a large amount of Canada’s energy
>> and wealth is spent endlessly building both single-family developments
>> and high rises.
>> The urban sprawl strategy is most visible in places like Calgary, with
>> new cookie-cutter developments being continually built on the
>> surrounding prairie. Alberta saw a population boom of 184,000 in 2023
>> alone (with international migration accounting for far more than
>> interprovincial migration), so this looks likely to continue. The
>> densification approach is most apparent in British Columbia, which
>> recently abolished single-family zoning in most communities to
>> accommodate immigration-driven population growth.
>> 8. Declining Social Cohesion
>> Social cohesion is a measure of the strength of the bonds linking
>> members of a group to each other—and to the group itself. As ethnic and
>> cultural diversity increases because of large-scale immigration, the
>> number and severity of society’s cultural fault lines increases.
>> One way in which this is manifesting in Canadian society is brawls
>> between or within diaspora groups. On September 2nd, 2023, about 150
>> Eritreans clashed in the parking lot of Calgary’s Falconridge Plaza,
>> armed with sticks and pipes. Similar clashes occurred in Edmonton and
>> Toronto. The origin of the disputes was a difference of views about the
>> government in Eritrea. In November of 2023, viral videos emerged of a
>> clash between Hindus and Sikhs on Diwali in Mississauga.
>> 9. Incompatible Cultural Practices
>> Most of Canada’s immigration now comes from India, Asia, Africa, and the
>> Middle East. While culturally rich in their own way, cultures and
>> religions in these regions often hold values diametrically opposed to
>> those of Anglo Canadian and Quebecois society. The result is the import
>> of behaviours incompatible with—or even offensive to—the Canadian way of
>> life, such as:
>> A furniture store in Richmond, British Columbia, advertising for a
>> “Chinese sales person.”
>> A daycare worker in the Quebec city region discovering, while changing a
>> young girl’s diaper, that she had been the victim of female genital
>> mutilation.
>> The revelation in Quebec that three schools had set up Muslim prayer
>> rooms, segregated by gender.
>> The construction of a 55-foot-tall statue of Hanuman, a Hindu god and
>> “commander of the monkey army,” in Brampton, Ontario.
>> Discriminatory rental ads specifying that apartments or houses will be
>> rented to “Indians only.”
>> The controversial spread of massive Chinese “monster homes” in
>> Vancouver, British Columbia.
>> 10. Erosion of National Identity
>> By 2036, immigrants are projected to make up about 30% of the Canadian
>> population. By 2050, roughly half the country’s population will be
>> non-white. In some areas, these projections have already been reached or
>> surpassed. In Brampton, Ontario, 65% of the population is South Asian.
>> Richmond, British Columbia, became majority Chinese in 2016. In Quebec,
>> the French language is in serious decline because of large-scale
>> immigration.
>> If immigration targets remain unchanged, there will be a dramatic change
>> in the country’s ethnic, cultural, and linguistic composition. Many
>> citizens, both native-born and immigrants, will be uncomfortable with a
>> change at this rate and scale to the country they know and love. To make
>> matters worse, the successive federal governments, which have overseen
>> Canada’s policy of large-scale immigration, have never consulted
>> Canadians on whether they actually want this kind of change. [Published
>> in Druthers, May, 2024]
>> What do you think?
>> Originally published at dominionreview.ca
> Perhaps guys in can.politics would be interested to see it.

Thank you for adding a Canadian news group.
You voted for student loan forgiveness. You got demographic replacement
and World War 3.

"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

“Western values mean three things: migration, LGBTQ, and war." Viktor Orban

Nothing is built, back, or better under Resident Brandon.
