Davin News Server

From: Loran <loran@invalid.net>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: The FBI Is Lying... The Laptop Simply Had Some of Hunter Biden's
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2024 09:57:21 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

pothead wrote:
> On 2024-06-08, Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> wrote:
>> On 2024-06-07 14:08, Charlie Glock wrote:
>>> On 2024-06-07, Mitchell Holman <noemail@aol.com> wrote:
>>>> pothead <pothead@snakebite.com> wrote in
>>>> news:v3v0iu$22ghn$7@dont-email.me:
> ~
>>>>> On 2024-06-06, AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> So says Ski Bunny.
>>>>>> "The laptop has not been proven to have ever belonged to Hunter
>>>>>> Biden, and yet the NY Post lies and claims it was his."
>>>>>> Whose is it, moron?
>>>>>>> There is only "some information" of the "owner" of the device on
>>>>>>> EVERYBODY'S computer/laptop/PDA, etc., stupid... so this "some
>>>>>>> information" is enough to KNOW it's Hunter Biden's.
>>>>>> Nope.
>>>>>> Because data can be COPIED.
>>>>>> So... it was a setup? By whom?
>>>>>> "He's acknowledged that SOME INFORMATION on the laptop is his."
>>>>>> Again, moron... there aren't THAT many files that bear the owners'
>>>>>> name.
>>>>>>> Hunter Biden laptop story quashed.
>>>>>> Prove it.
>>>>>> *I* don't have to, idiot.
>>>>>>> Hunter Biden Laptop
>>>>>> Which was in fact not credible.
>>>>>> What do you think now, bitch?
>>>>>>> FBI, DOJ Debunk Claims The Hunter Biden Laptop Story Is 'Russian
>>>>>>> Disinformation'
>>>>>> No source = fake news.
>>>>>> How do you like him now, faggot? Still in love with Hunter?
>>>>>>> LOL... you looked it up and found it to be true, so you pulled that
>>>>>>> typical left-winger bullshit of having someone else post the cite,
>>>>>>> so you can say that that site isn't "credible".
>>>>>> Nope.
>>>>>> The fact that you won't present a source tells us what you think of
>>>>>> that source's credibility...
>>>>>> ...if it even exists.
>>>>>> Welp... ya got me there... NO ONE trusts the FBI.
>>>>>> =====
>>>>>> And don't forget swill's assessment!
>>>>>> They never had Hunter's laptop. They had a modified copy of a hard
>>>>>> drive. Files had been added and altered and many of the emails were
>>>>>> counterfeit. The chain of custody is uncertain. The list of reasons
>>>>>> this MANUFACTURED SCANDAL is worthless is endless.
>>>>>> =====================
>>>>>> Stupid liberals. (see below)
>>>>>> =====
>>>>>> The FBI just admitted in court that Hunter Biden's laptop is real.
>>>>>> Here are 20 minutes of Joe Biden, U.S. intelligence officials, and
>>>>>> the American media claiming that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian
>>>>>> disinformation."
>>>>>> The FBI has had possession of Hunter's laptop since December 2019.
>>>>>> Leading up to the 2020 election, Twitter and Facebook censored the
>>>>>> Biden laptop story because the FBI warned them of a potential
>>>>>> hack-and-leak operation targeting Hunter Biden.
>>>>>> The FBI knew that Hunter's laptop was real the entire time.
>>>>>> In October 2022, @MarcoPolo501c3 published a 640-page Report on the
>>>>>> Biden Laptop that meticulously documents 459 crimes involving the
>>>>>> Biden family and their associates.
>>>>>> The report provides evidence of Foreign Agents Registration Act
>>>>>> (FARA) violations, money laundering, and tax fraud found on Hunter's
>>>>>> laptop.
>>>>>> It also exposes how federal law enforcement agencies, influenced by
>>>>>> politics, protect the Biden family from prosecution while targeting
>>>>>> President Biden's primary election opponent, Donald Trump.
>>>>>> Shame on all of these people for lying to the American people,
>>>>>> rigging our elections, and destroying the integrity of our nation.
>>>>>> https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1798448687762587648/vid/avc1/128
>>>>>> 0x720/l2h eE7MXa-eX_Btj.mp4?tag=14
>>>>>> =====
>>>>>> Don't forget then senior campaign adviser, Antony Blinken,
>>>>>> orchestrated the letter signed by 50 current and former intelligence
>>>>>> officials to discredit the laptop as Russian disinformation. His
>>>>>> election inference was richly rewarded with the Sec of State post.
>>>>>> Same guys who want to censor "disinformation"
>>>>>> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPQQTxMaAAAXBys?format=jpg&name=large
>>>>> All of those involved in the laptop cover up need to be held
>>>>> accountable for election interference. And that includes the fake news
>>>>> media and big tech.
>>>>        What coverup?
>>>>        It was the Trump administraion that
>>>> seized the laptop in Sept 2019.
>>>>        It was the Trump-headed FBI that has
>>>> had the laptop ever since.
>>>>        If this laptop had any noteworthy
>>>> intel on it why didn't the Trump Admin
>>>> release it?
>>>>> But it will never happen.
>>>>> They got away with installing Joe Biden into office and now we are all
>>>>> suffering. And they might get away with it in 2024 as well.
>>> This has been explained to you by numerous people including myself so it's not our fault that you
>>> fail to acknowledge the obvious.
>> Point to such an explanation.
>> I'd be a grand that you can't.
> Already posted recently, like yesterday, by various people.
> Your memory retention seems defective Alan.

He's a serial liar, his memory is just fine.