Davin News Server

From: Loran <loran@invalid.net>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: 75 year old woman sentenced to prison for a peaceful protest
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 16:11:01 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

Alan wrote:
> On 2024-06-11 15:05, Loran wrote:
>> Alan wrote:
>>> On 2024-06-11 14:59, Loran wrote:
>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>> On 2024-06-11 14:43, Loran wrote:
>>>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>>>> On 2024-06-11 14:14, Loran wrote:
>>>>>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 2024-06-11 12:59, Loran wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-06-11 08:35, Loran wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-06-11 08:25, Loran wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-06-10 17:17, Charlie Glock wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-06-10, Loran <loran@invalid.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-06-10 08:45, Loran wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-06-08 08:56, Loran wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Evidence presented at trial established that the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> defendants used
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> force and physical obstruction to execute a clinic 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blockade
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BULLSHIT LIE!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Really?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What's your counter evidence, loser-2?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Right where I left it, before you snipped it out, you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gutless little
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BC puke!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://rumble.com/v4zd9e9-vile-d.c.-judge-sentenced-elderly-pro-lifer-to-2-years-for-protest-at-an-ab.html 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What Judge Said to Elderly Pro-Lifer She Sentenced to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 Years for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PRAYING Outside Abortion Clinic Is Vile — Guess 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paulette Harlow should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have just blocked traffic in the name of Palestine or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something … This
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seems like an admission that Harlow was blocking 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something, doesn't it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Watch the video - dumb fuck.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, the seniors were sitting in easy chairs blocking a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> door.!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is just awful. A DC judge just sentenced 75-year-old 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paulette Harlow,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who is in poor health, to 2 years in prison for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> praying outside an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> abortion clinic. Her husband fears she might die 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there. The actual
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> story just gets worse: The sentencing was passed by 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Judge
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kollar-Kotelly. After Harlow's husband begged for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mercy, expressing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his fear that his wife would die alone in prison, the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> judge taunted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that maybe Harlow would "make an effort to remain 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alive” because that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a “tenet of [Harlow’s] religion.”
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPJt6LAWIAAqFJ8?format=png&name=small 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How is this justice? How is this happening in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> America? Here is a video
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the protest this poor woman is going to prison 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for. Praying. The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nerve.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The aggressive prosecution of these pro-life 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> activists was a response
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to their protesting Washington Surgi-Clinic 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> abortionist Cesare
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Santangelo, who has murdered full-term, viable 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> infants and admitted to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> leaving living babies to die. Lauren Handy retrieved 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the bodies of 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> babies from the trash of this abortion clinic. The 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bodies showed signs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of illegal late term/partial birth and even 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post-birth abortion. The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> police never investigated the murders of these 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> babies, but sentenced
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lauren to prison. Welcome to Biden's America. Scary 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> times we're living
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in, folks. The charge against Paulette Harlow was a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> violation of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FACE Act, as she and her companions were blocking the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entrance to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> baby murder facility as they prayed. Blocking 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entrances has always
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been a common form or protest for PETA, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pro-Palestine, BLM, Climate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Change, and Trans activist protestors. Only for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pro-lifers has the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> government carved out a special federal law with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stiff penalties like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this. This is unjust.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blocking an entrance to a freeway, hospital, or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> airport? Perfectly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acceptable behavior. Blocking an entrance to Planned 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Parenthood. Throw
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's an ACTUAL admission that she was blocking the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entrance, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people get arrested for blocking entrances ALL THE TIME.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But not manhandled and beat up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for speaking in favor of elder abuse, you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eminently punchable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> little fascist turd!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And BLM blocked highways, bridges and so forth.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So how many people died because the ambulance could not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make it to the hospital in time?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have THEY been charged?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give an incident 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There were SO many!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then it should be easy for you to provide just one, Loser-2!
>>>>>>>>>>>> One?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Just ONE?????
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN2502NP/
>>>>>>>>>>>> U.S. prosecutors do not charge Portland protesters with 
>>>>>>>>>>>> antifa ties
>>>>>>>>>>> But they were arrested.
>>>>>>>>>> You LOSE again, fish face!
>>>>>>>>>> LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>>>>> https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN2502NP/
>>>>>>>>>> U.S. prosecutors do not charge Portland protesters with antifa 
>>>>>>>>>> ties
>>>>>>>>> You're misreading that.
>>>>>>>> Nope.
>>>>>>> Yup.
>>>>>> Nope.
>>>>>>>>> That didn't charge them FOR their ties to Antifa...
>>>>>>>> That is irrelevant (to an extent) given what they did:
>>>>>>> It is completely relevant.
>>>>>>> You're trying to claim that certain people (those with ties to 
>>>>>>> Antifa) weren't charged.
>>>>>> All true.
>>>>>>> That is false.
>>>>>> You are LYING AGAIN!
>>>>>> "Antifa, which stands for anti-fascist, is a largely unstructured, 
>>>>>> far-left movement whose followers broadly aim to confront those 
>>>>>> they view as authoritarian or racist.
>>>>>> The Portland federal prosecutor's office said it arrested more 
>>>>>> than 40 people on charges ranging from failing to obey lawful 
>>>>>> orders and operating a drone in restricted airspace to arson and 
>>>>>> assaulting a deputy U.S. marshal with an explosive device.
>>>>>> In a July 26 internal memo first reported by the Lawfare.com blog, 
>>>>>> Brian Murphy, a former FBI agent who was serving as acting chief 
>>>>>> of the Department of Homeland Security's Intelligence and Analysis 
>>>>>> office, suggested calling many Portland protesters "Violent Antifa 
>>>>>> Anarchists Inspired."
>>>>>> Murphy was transferred to a different job over the weekend."
>>>>> Literally nothing in there says that anyone was excused from being 
>>>>> charged because of their affiliation with any group.
>>>> You're truly brain dead, aren't you?
>>>> "I think there are anarchists and far-left groups involved in the 
>>>> violence in Portland," Attorney General William Barr said in 
>>>> testimony before Congress last week. "I think antifa is involved in 
>>>> Portland."
>>> And?
>> It's not a surprise, to anyone.
>>> Where does that show that anyone was NOT charged because of any group 
>>> with which they were affiliated?
>> Your obfuscatory muses are dismissed, as ever.
>>>> "In a July 26 internal memo first reported by the Lawfare.com blog, 
>>>> Brian Murphy, a former FBI agent who was serving as acting chief of 
>>>> the Department of Homeland Security's Intelligence and Analysis 
>>>> office, suggested calling many Portland protesters "Violent Antifa 
>>>> Anarchists Inspired."
>>>> "Murphy was transferred to a different job over the weekend."
>>>> Got it yet densoid?
>>> Yes.
>> Good.
>>> You have nothing.
>> I have proof the Feds shut him up.
> Nope.


"Murphy was transferred to a different job over the weekend."

> But whether they shut him up or not.

"Murphy was transferred to a different job over the weekend."

> People in those incidents WERE CHARGED...

Not really:


Federal prosecutors in Portland, Ore., have moved to dismiss almost half 
the cases they charged in connection with violence accompanying last 
year’s protests over racial injustice, as authorities grapple with how 
to tamp down politically motivated unrest that has arisen since then.

Of 96 cases the U.S. attorney’s office in Portland filed last year 
charging protesters with federal crimes, including assaulting federal 
officers, civil disorder, and failing to obey, prosecutors have dropped 
47 of them, government documents show. Ten people have pleaded guilty to 
related charges and two were ordered detained pending trial. None have 
gone to trial.


Indeed, most suspects have had their charges dropped or dismissed, some 
as soon as the day after their arrest. As of October 5, charges had been 
dropped in around 90% of the cases stemming from September’s protest 


A federal court has dropped its case against a Portland Antifa rioter 
accused of assaulting police officers, letting the defendant go in 
exchange for doing 30 hours of community service.

Eva Warner, a 26-year-old transgender woman from Beaverton, Oregon, was 
arrested by Portland police on three separate occasions for rioting. She 
was released without bail each time, according to multiple reports.

On one occasion the police said she pointed a high-power laser at 
officers’ eyes as they were attempting to disburse a crowd during a riot 
in August 2020.

She fought with the police during the arrest, according to the police.

Ms. Warner was taken into by U.S. Marshals and charged with felony civil 
disorder in September of last year amid a federal investigation.

Last week, acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, Scott Erik 
Asphaug, filed a motion to dismiss Ms. Warner’s charges noting that she 
had performed “30 hours of community service” as part of a Deferred 
Resolution Agreement, according to court documents.


Charges have been dismissed against 58 of the 97 people arrested during 
the unrest last year

Between May 25 and Oct. 7, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Oregon filed 
federal charges against 97 people connected to the Portland unrest. 
Since then 58 of those cases have either been dismissed outright or are 
on track for dismissal through a deferred resolution agreement. 
Thirty-two cases are still pending, with many likely to also end in 
dismissal according to sources.

> ...and that is what you and your ilk claimed didn't happen.


Federal prosecutors in Portland, Ore., have moved to dismiss almost half 
the cases they charged in connection with violence accompanying last 
year’s protests over racial injustice, as authorities grapple with how 
to tamp down politically motivated unrest that has arisen since then.

Of 96 cases the U.S. attorney’s office in Portland filed last year 
charging protesters with federal crimes, including assaulting federal 
officers, civil disorder, and failing to obey, prosecutors have dropped 
47 of them, government documents show. Ten people have pleaded guilty to 
related charges and two were ordered detained pending trial. None have 
gone to trial.


Schmidt introduced a new policy Tuesday that will result in dropping a 
significant portion of the more than 500 protester cases brought over 
the course of the demonstrations.

To help people avoid the repercussions of having an arrest record, Lewis 
and Clark Law School students are going to work with the Multnomah 
County District Attorney’s Office to make sure people who are eligible 
know how to expunge their records.


Indeed, most suspects have had their charges dropped or dismissed, some 
as soon as the day after their arrest. As of October 5, charges had been 
dropped in around 90% of the cases stemming from September’s protest 


Charges have been dismissed against 58 of the 97 people arrested during 
the unrest last year

Between May 25 and Oct. 7, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Oregon filed 
federal charges against 97 people connected to the Portland unrest. 
Since then 58 of those cases have either been dismissed outright or are 
on track for dismissal through a deferred resolution agreement. 
Thirty-two cases are still pending, with many likely to also end in 
dismissal according to sources.


A federal court has dropped its case against a Portland Antifa rioter 
accused of assaulting police officers, letting the defendant go in 
exchange for doing 30 hours of community service.

Eva Warner, a 26-year-old transgender woman from Beaverton, Oregon, was 
arrested by Portland police on three separate occasions for rioting. She 
was released without bail each time, according to multiple reports.

On one occasion the police said she pointed a high-power laser at 
officers’ eyes as they were attempting to disburse a crowd during a riot 
in August 2020.

She fought with the police during the arrest, according to the police.

Ms. Warner was taken into by U.S. Marshals and charged with felony civil 
disorder in September of last year amid a federal investigation.

Last week, acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, Scott Erik 
Asphaug, filed a motion to dismiss Ms. Warner’s charges noting that she 
had performed “30 hours of community service” as part of a Deferred 
Resolution Agreement, according to court documents.