Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: How Narcissists React When Things Don't Go Their Way
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 19:34:52 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 23:29:38 -0700,  Chris Mueller says...  

> > ... Donald Trump is STILL not a convicted felon.
> He *will be* on July 11






May 30, 2024 - Can Trump still run for president after his hush money 
conviction? The former president was convicted on 34 felony counts of 
falsifying business records and will be sentenced on July 11.


Can Trump Still Run For President? Can He Still Vote? - CNN


May 30, 2024 - Now that a New York jury has convicted former President Donald 
Trump of all 34 felony charges of falsifying business records, the next obvious 
question is: Can a convicted felon run for president?

The US Constitution lays out just three requirements for presidential 
candidates. They must:

Be a natural born citizen.
Be at least 35 years old.
Have been a US resident for at least 14 years.

Trump meets all three requirements.


Trump Is Now A Convicted Felon: Can He Still Run For President? - USA TODAY - 

https://www.usaToday - .com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/30/donald-

May 30, 20241:09. Donald Trump is the first former president convicted of a 
His conviction on Thursday does not bar him from ...


Trump Guilty Plea: Can He Still Run For President? Questions Answered

https://www.usaToday - .com/story/news/2024/05/31/donald-trump-guilty-what-

May 31, 2024 - Can Trump still run for president in 2024? Yes. The U.S. 
Constitution does not bar anyone from running for president after they become a 
felon. The only qualifications are the following:

Be a natural born citizen.
Be at least 35 years old.
Have been a US resident for at least 14 years.

Trump meets all three requirements.




Mar 22, 2023 - Yes, Trump can run for president. Fortunately for Trump, there's 
nothing in the Constitution prohibiting candidates with criminal records from 
holding office. In fact, an individual only has to be ...


What Happens After Trump Is Convicted In NY Trial? | TIME


May 21, 2024 - CAN TRUMP STILL RUN FOR PRESIDENT? YES. A felony conviction will 
not disqualify Trump from continuing his presidential campaign, even if he were 


Could Trump Become President After Being Convicted Of A Crime? - Los ...


Apr 15, 2024 - Published April 15, 2024 Updated May 30, 2024 3:04 PM PT. 
WASHINGTON -. Donald Trump became the first former president to be convicted of 
felony crimes. A New York jury on Wednesday found him ...





How Narcissists React When Things Don't Go Their Way


What Is Narcissism?
Find a therapist who understands narcissism.

Key points

A study found that the higher people scored on measures of grandiose 
narcissism, the greater their coping flexibility.
This study fits into the pattern of other investigations showing the high 
ability of grandiose narcissists to manage life's problems.
Bolstering one's own confidence in being able to overcome stress can help even 
non-narcissists cope.

It's all too familiar: You made careful plans to attend a family event or a 
friend's milestone birthday, or to take a business trip. But then the hours of 
planning and preparing that went into minimizing mishaps all seem wasted, as 
everything that could go wrong does.

Part of dealing with disappointment and frustration involves getting over that 
sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach that there's no way out. Consider 
the case of traveling to a friend's milestone birthday celebration. When you 
made your original arrangements, you allotted yourself plenty of time to get 
there, booking the least expensive flight you could find that would still give 
you a 3-hour cushion to arrive at the party. Sure, there were other options 
available, but they were just outside your budget.

Much to your dismay, with no reason for a travel snafu, your flight gets 
cancelled and you're stuck in an airport lounge. There are no available seats 
on any other flight, and it looks like the celebration will go on without you.

One way to respond to broken plans is to rail against the forces of fate that 
gave you this very bad deal. And yet you can yell all you want at the ticket 
agents but it will not fix your problem. In fact, they're only going to get 
aggravated at you, making it less likely that any of them will go out of their 
way to assist. On the other hand, if you retreat to the nearest bar to lick 
your wounds, your problem will go ignored by anyone who could have helped.

Somewhere in between aggressively attacking and retreating behind a wall of 
inaction is the right approach to handling frustration and disappointment over 
circumstances beyond your control. Psychologists talk about two coping methods, 
neither of which is necessarily "better," but each of which has advantages:

In problem-focused coping, you try to change the situation; in emotion-focused 
coping, you don't try to change anything but instead try to make yourself feel 
better. In this case, after calming yourself down (emotion-focused), you can go 
online or call the airline to try for a standby seat on the next flight out.

Flexible adaptation to frustration is part of a larger picture of adjusting to 
life changes in general. In a review of the studies on coping flexibility and 
adjustment to life changes, University of Hong Kong psychologist Cecelia Cheng 
and colleagues (2015) note:

"Some people are sensitive to and ready for such changes, and actively try 
various coping strategies to deal with the changing environment, whereas others 
feel surprised and uncomfortable when changes occur and resist formulating new 
strategies to cope with the altered environment." (p. 1582)

There are ways to measure your ability to adapt to stress using the criteria 
that Cheng and her colleagues developed from their review of the literature. 
Each involves combining problem-focused and emotion-focused coping rather than 
using one to the exclusion of the other. Adapting to stress means that you can 
choose from a variety of coping methods depending on the situation so you're 
ultimately able to match your stress-reducing strategy to the nature of the 

How Narcissists Deal

We might expect that the reaction narcissists choose when things go wrong is 
full of vitriol, rather than a conscious and deliberate consideration of 
alternatives. Part and parcel of narcissism, after all, is the sense that 
you're entitled to get your way. When the fates don't cooperate, you're enraged 
and you lash out at anyone and everyone, but especially those you identify as 
thwarting your goals.

Getting infuriated when your wishes are blocked falls in the category of 
emotion-focused coping: It doesn't accomplish anything other than perhaps 
annoying the people who could help you (and maybe making you feel-temporarily-
better). If you're a narcissist, such an explosive reaction actually puts you 
in a negative light, which is the last way you want to appear to the outside 

As it turns out, though, there are two types of narcissists, with different 
levels of psychological well-being:

Grandiose narcissists are the ones with an inflated sense of their own 
importance; their self-esteem tends to be high.
Vulnerable narcissists are at the opposite end of the pole; their self-esteem 
is low and so are their levels of overall adaptation. Their weak sense of self 
leads them to overcompensate-their narcissism is really just a superficial 
cover-up for feelings of inferiority.

A research team headed by the University of Hong Kong's Henry K.S. Ng (2014) 
examined how the two types of narcissists handle stress and, in turn, how their 
coping approaches related to their psychological well-being. They knew in 
advance that vulnerable narcissists would have lower levels of both self-esteem 
and well-being than grandiose narcissists. The question was whether the two 
types of narcissists would differ in the flexibility of their coping methods.

[Before jumping into the findings and their implications, it's important to 
note that the term "narcissism" is being used somewhat loosely in that these 
are not clinical populations. Instead, research on narcissism in non-clinical 
samples uses a questionnaire measure that ranks people along a continuum from 
low to high in what we might consider the everyday form of self-aggrandizement, 
entitlement, and inability to have empathy with others.]

Ng and his collaborators administered questionnaires to assess narcissism, 
self-esteem, degree of stress, and preferred coping methods to reduce stress. 
They did not actually expose participants to stress or follow them over time. 
Of course, all measures were self-reported, and those qualifications must be 
kept in mind.

Using the basic model in which narcissism scores became predictors of life 
satisfaction and perceived stress via the role of coping flexibility, Ng and 
his team found that the higher people scored on measures of grandiose 
narcissism, the greater their coping flexibility-and the higher their self-
esteem. Both coping flexibility and high self-esteem, in turn, were related to 
higher life satisfaction and lower perceived stress levels. The opposite 
pattern emerged for vulnerable narcissism: These individuals tended to cope 
less flexibly, have lower self-esteem, and be lower in life satisfaction and 
higher in perceived stress.

This study fits into the pattern of other investigations showing the 
surprisingly high ability of people high in the personality trait of narcissism 
(the grandiose type) to manage life's problems. Again, this is not true of 
pathological narcissists who meet the criteria of the psychological disorder. 
However, it does suggest that the next time you're feeling overwhelmed you can 
take a few pages from the healthy narcissist's playbook:

Bolster your own sense of self-esteem, especially your confidence in being able 
to overcome stress.
Remind yourself of the times that you've managed to get through a problem by 
keeping your wits about you.
Rather than feel that the world is out to get you, take a more positive view of 
your situation.
Run through all the coping strategies available to you, especially those you 
hadn't initially considered.

Rolling with the punches is not only the method that healthy narcissists use 
but one that can actually help you resolve the stresses that face you on a 
daily basis.