Davin News Server

From: Loran <loran@invalid.net>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Gov. Whitmer Touted 12,000 EV, Battery Jobs. Billions Later, Only
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 13:39:39 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

Alan wrote:
> On 2024-06-15 12:17, Loran wrote:
>> Alan wrote:
>>> On 2024-06-15 12:02, Loran wrote:
>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>>> theyve-created-200-jobs
>>>>> So $1 billion actually spent so far...
>>>> A fine 20 million $ /job, lolol!
>>> How many jobs has Wisconsin's $4 billion paid to Foxconn created?
>> How many times will you point to one thing when caught lying about 
>> another?
>> https://reason.com/2021/04/21/foxconn-finally-admits-it-wont-create-13000-jobs-in-wisconsin/ 
>> " The Foxconn folly was the brainchild of former Gov. Scott Walker, a 
>> one-time darling of the Republican Party who has now vanished from the 
>> political scene."
>> But he wasn't their governor then:
>> https://ballotpedia.org/Party_control_of_Wisconsin_state_government
>> Wisconsin Party Control: 1992-2024
>> Tony Evers (D) was:
>> https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/apr/30/tony-evers/gov-tony-evers-doesnt-tell-whole-story-claim-new-f/ 
> Read your own cites more thoroughly, Loser-2:
> 'The plan dramatically scales back promises of 13,000 jobs and $10 
> billion in investment negotiated under former Republican Gov. Scott 
> Walker that would have cost the state nearly $3 billion. But the 
> company’s proposed LCD manufacturing facility in Mount Pleasant never 
> came to fruition, and the company now seems to be shifting its focus to 
> create a wider range of products on that campus.'


Citation of proofs?

No, none.

> Furthermore:
> 'At the groundbreaking in June 2018 [when Walker was still governor], 
> President Trump praised the plant, describing it as "the Eighth Wonder 
> of the World".


That's what it was sold to him as.

> The Wisconsin state [Republican-controlled] legislature 
> granted Foxconn special legal privileges within the Wisconsin judicial 
> system. In 2018, the Walker administration shifted up to $90 million in 
> local road funding to road work related to the Foxconn factory. The 
> state spent $252 million on widening a portion of I-94 from six to eight 
> lanes in anticipation of the increased traffic generated by the project.'
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wisconn_Valley_Science_and_Technology_Park>

Guess what his replacement is up to:


July 6 (UPI) -- Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, used a sneaky 
editing trick allowed by state law to amend the state's biennial budget 
to fund public education for the next 400 years.

State law allows the governor to strike out entire words and numbers 
from a bill sent to his desk for his signature, amounting to a partial veto.

Evers, by striking out just seven words and two numerals from a single 
sentence, was able to allow school districts to raise their total 
revenue amount by $325 per student every year.

School districts will have the authority to raise property taxes to meet 
revenue goals if the state's legislature does not increase state funding 
in future years.

The law, which was passed by the Republican-led state Senate and state 
Assembly, had intended for the $325 adjustment to apply for only the 
2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years.

"In future biennia and effectively in perpetuity, school districts will 
have continued, additive per pupil revenue adjustments of $325 every 
year, sustaining school district spending for the foreseeable future," 
Evers' office said in a statement.

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said in a statement that 
Republicans have "worked tirelessly to block Gov. Evers' liberal agenda."

"Unfortunately, because of his powerful veto authority, he reinstated 
some of it today," Vos said.

Vos claimed the law will cause "massive property tax increases" in 
coming years.

Former Republican Gov. Scott Walker has become infamous for his use of 
the powerful veto authority to extend one measure in the 2017-2019 
budget to last until the year 3018.

|| Btw, Walker was another Romney grade RINO, so he wins no favor with 
true conservatives||
