Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: REAL Cowards Say, " But But But Trump"
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 18:28:52 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

Gov. Whitmer Touted 12,000 EV, Battery Jobs. Billions Later, Only 200 Were 

To which cowardly cunt implied when he whined, "But Truuuummmp. But 
Wisconsinnn. But Scott Walllkerrrrr."

See? Cowardly Canadian liberal cunt trolls are too chicken shit to simply start 
their own threads. 

This proves he's just a troll. He never posts anything... just snipes at people 
like a child.

Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's multibillion-dollar effort to lure 
electric vehicle (EV)-related factories to the state has not produced the 
thousands of jobs she promised, according to an analysis conducted by Bridge 













Whitmer and the state government have already spent $1 billion of the $2 
billion pledged to five different projects to build EV battery factories or 
expand EV production, but only about 200 jobs have been created, a far cry from 
the 12,000 jobs Whitmer has stated the companies will ultimately provide for 
Michiganders, according to Bridge Michigan, a Michigan-focused nonprofit 
publication of the Center for Michigan.

Two years after the subsidies were extended in 2022, only 2% of the jobs 
promised have been delivered while the state-backed projects have downsized 
relative to original plans or faced delays.

The companies that are to receive the $2 billion in pledged funds include Ford, 
LG Energy Solution, Our Next Energy, and General Motors.

Also included is Gotion, the subsidiary of a China-based company that has 
significant ties to the Chinese Communist Party, which the Daily Caller News 
Foundation has covered extensively.

Each of the projects is now off schedule, and scale reductions have cut the 
best-case scenario for job creation by 13%, according to Bridge Michigan.

However, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), which has played 
a key role in providing the subsidies, is still confident that its efforts will 
provide considerable benefits to Michiganders.

"While there has been some re-scoping, we are still talking about billions of 
dollars being injected into the state and thousands of jobs being created," 
Otie McKinley, a spokesperson for MEDC, told Bridge Michigan.

General Motors has so far received about $468 million of the state's total 
pledged boost of $600 million to build an EV battery factory and expand EV 
production at a separate Michigan plant, according to Bridge Michigan.

Whitmer and other proponents touted projections that the developments would 
cumulatively create 4,000 jobs, but so far there have only been 120 jobs 
created between the two projects.

Both General Motors projects were supposed to be completed and open this year, 
but construction remains ongoing at both sites, according to Bridge Michigan.

LG Energy Solution's planned facility in Michigan is the only of the five 
examined by Bridge Michigan that has yet to receive a large, up-front check 
from the state to facilitate its efforts.

Our Next Energy received $78.3 million from the state to build a massive EV 
battery factory and bring $1.6 billion of investment into Michigan, with the 
company initially saying that the factory would generate more than 2,100 new 
jobs, according to Michigan Bridge.

However, the company has about 50 workers staffing its Wayne County project and 
has terminated 25% of its employees.

Michigan has also spent $70 million to purchase land for the Ford and Gotion 
projects, but officials did not "explicitly disclose" those payments, according 
to Michigan Bridge.

Further, the state has already extended loans worth $51 million and spent an 
additional $600 million on utility hookups and other equipment for the same two 
developments, Michigan Bridge discovered through public records requests.



Feet Of June Snow Hit Fonna, Norway As Europe Turns Blue

Eastern Australia Shivers

Record June Snow In The Alps

Summer In Japan Arrives a Little Late

Europe Chills

It Was A Cold May For Many

Heavy Snow Hits Northeast Iceland

UK Enduring A Historically Cold June

Frosts on June 11

Summer Snow In Northern India

50 Billion Tons Of Snow Has Fallen On Greenland So Far In June

Snowstorm In Himalayas Kills At Least 9

Snow Hits Parts of South Africa For First Time In 40 Years

Scotland Sees Snow

Global Temperature Drop (of COURSE... Hunga Tonga's Water Vapour!)

Warnings Issued In South Africa For "Disruptive Cold And Snow"

Coldest May Lows In 70-Years Hit Wagnerite, Australia

Argentina Abnormally Cold

Almost 7-Feet of June Snow Traps Hikers In German Alps

Snow Set For Scotland

Rare Frost Advisories In Ontario

It's Snowing In Northern India

Spring Freeze "Sharply Reduces" Russia's Wheat Harvest

Summer Skiing In Europe After Record-Breaking Spring Snow

Record Cold Strikes Japan

Frigid Streak At The South Pole

Low Olive Harvest In Greece Due To 'Weather Shifts'

Greenland's Record Ice Gains

Colder-Than-Average May In Europe

South America Freezes



U.S. Ski Industry Reports 5th-Best Season On Record
"Deep, Drifting Snow" Keeps Beartooth Closed
The Suess de Vries Cycle
Spring Anomalies From BC To SoCal
Winter Prolonged In Alaska
Australia's Cold And Snow
Chile's Weather Agency Got It Dead Wrong As South America Freezes
Spring Anomalies From BC To SoCal
Record May Cold Hits South Australia
Latest Snowfall In Decades At Snoqualmie
Frozen Turkey

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