Davin News Server

From: CaLaVeRa <cv@invalid.org>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: MerrickGarland held in contempt - DOJ refuses to uphold the law
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 17:42:23 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 6/15/2024 5:29 PM, Alan wrote:
> On 2024-06-15 15:34, michael cook wrote:
>> On 15 Jun 2024, Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> posted some
>> news:v4kqvm$3jvgd$2@dont-email.me:
>>> On 2024-06-15 12:42, Loran wrote:
>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>> On 2024-06-15 12:32, Loran wrote:
>>>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>>>> On 2024-06-15 12:18, Loran wrote:
>>>>>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 2024-06-15 12:04, Loran wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Jim Jordan
>>>>>>>>>> HERO!
>>>>>>>>>>> William Barr
>>>>>>>>>> Traitor.
>>>>>>>>>>> Scott Perry
>>>>>>>>>> Ooo ra!
>>>>>>>>>>> Andy Biggs
>>>>>>>>>> +1!!!!
>>>>>>>>> So disobeying ILLEGAL subpoena's is alright with you
>>>>>>>> Indeed.
>>>>>>> In what way were they illegal?
>>>>>> In what way were they not?
>>>>> You've made a claim that they were illegal.
>>>> Oh dear, and that piqued you too, lol!
>>>>> You can't even support that claim.
>>>> No need, I have full confidence in my observation.
>>>>> But I'll play.
>>>> In traffic?
>>>>> The Garland subpoena I now assert it illegal, and by your own rules,
>>>>> you must prove it is not.
>>>> Are you Kent Wills in drag?
>>> So you agree that the Garland subpoena must be illegal because you can't
>>> prove it's not.
>> He doesn't have to prove squat.  You made the claim, you support or
>> retract it.
> Tell him that.
> He's the one who first claimed that certain subpoenas were "illegal"...
> ...or is reading the entire thread too much for you?

Your obsession with our freedoms (while you lose yours in rapid fashion) 
is an amusing bit of projection and transference.


Freedom of expression in Canada is protected as a "fundamental freedom" 
by section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; however, in 
practice the Charter permits the government to enforce "reasonable" 
limits censoring speech. Hate speech, obscenity, and defamation are 
common categories of restricted speech in Canada. During the 1970 
October Crisis, the War Measures Act was used to limit speech from the 
militant political opposition.

In the province of Quebec, freedom of expression is restricted in the 
interest of protecting the French language. Outdoor commercial signage 
may only use English text if it is half the size of the French text 
under the Charter of the French language, or businesses can face 
financial penalties. The Supreme Court ruled the signage regulation a 
"reasonable" limit on the freedom of expression.

Internet censorship may also be undertaken by the corporations that 
control access - Internet Service Providers (ISPs). In 2005, a major 
Canadian ISP, Telus, blocked access to a website set up to publicize the 
views of a labour union in conflict with the company. The Canadian 
Telecommunications Act prohibits carriers controlling the content they 
carry for the public; however Telus argued that it acted within the law, 
citing its contractual power to block certain sites. The block 
incidentally affected hundreds of unrelated websites...

Communications control institutions are governmental agencies that 
regulate, may change the media, regulations, and new regulatory bodies. 
In 1982, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau said: "When the media do not 
discipline themselves, the state steps in".[22]: 91  There are some 
inter-media control institutions that regulate themselves to avoid being 
regulated by the government such as: The Canadian Association of 
Broadcasters, the Ontario Press Council, publishers associations, and 
advertising groups.

In 2004, broadcast carriers were to monitor foreign stations at all 
times and delete any content that may go against the Canadian Charter of 
Rights and Freedoms. Restrictions were placed on the broadcasting 
license for Al-Jazeera, an Arabic-language news network, by the Canadian 
Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).


In Canada, appeals by the judiciary to community standards and the 
public interest are the ultimate determinants of which forms of 
expression may legally be published, broadcast, or otherwise publicly 
disseminated.[1] Other public organisations with the authority to censor 
include some tribunals and courts under provincial human rights laws, 
and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 
along with self-policing associations of private corporations such as 
the Canadian Association of Broadcasters and the Canadian Broadcast 
Standards Council.

Over the 20th century, legal standards for censorship in Canada shifted 
from a "strong state-centred practice", intended to protect the 
community from perceived social degradation, to a more decentralised 
form of censorship often instigated by societal groups invoking the 
state to restrict the public expression of political and ideological 