Davin News Server

From: JTEM <jtem01@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: REAL Cowards Say, " But But But Trump"
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 01:34:47 -0400
Organization: Eek

  Alan wrote:

> On 2024-06-15 16:28, AlleyCat wrote:
>> Gov. Whitmer Touted 12,000 EV, Battery Jobs. Billions Later, Only 200 
>> Were
>> Created

> What you leave out is that it was only in 2022...

Lie. It's pretty consistent, across the board, where the claims
regarding ANYTHING "alternative" fall far short of the reality.

They want you to believe that their future, the one they are
willing to allow us, is going to be exactly like the present
only all our energy will be coming from windmills, and everyone
will be driving EVs.

This is never going to happen. It can't and they don't want it

I remember when EVs came out I pointed out how they do one
thing and one thing only, and that's raise the price of cars,
price people out of cars.

It worked. They priced people out of cars. People are poorer.
They can't afford as much. Which, by definition, means they
are poorer.

       ...they claim that a Dodge Hornet has something like a
"600 day supply." Which means that, at the current rate of
sales, it'll take 600 days to clear all those cars off of the
dealership lots.

The Ford F series lost about 250,000 sales. In 2023 they were
down to 750k units.

People are priced out of cars. This is a trend that will
continue. The divide between the Haves and Have-Nots will
rapidly expand into a canyon of pain.

This is all thanks to the policies you endorse here.
