Davin News Server

From: Loran <loran@invalid.net>
Newsgroups: bc.weather,can.politics,sci.environment,alt.global-warming
Subject: Re: Heinrich ice age coming!
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 10:31:52 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

The Bjornsdottirs - Lightning wrote:
> Europe to burn and freeze at the same time eh kid?
> As of Tue, 11 Jun 2024 16:02:50 -0600, in message
> v4ahia$18huk$2@dont-email.me, Loran <loran@invalid.net> wrote:
>> It's on, we're now in the early stages of a Heinrich Event leading up to
>> full glaciation shortly:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-1q5cW_V3M
>> TRIPLE CATASTROPHE - 6000-Year Cycle Happening Now
>> https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adh8369 Heinrich event ice
>> discharge and the fate of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning
>> Circulation
>> HTTPS://ORCID.ORG/0000-0002-7365-1600Authors Info & Affiliations SCIENCE
>> 30 May 2024 Vol 384, Issue 6699 pp. 983-986 DOI: 10.1126/science.adh8369
>> Editor’s summary Will ice mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet caused
>> by climate warming disrupt large-scale ocean circulation? Zhou et al.
>> reconstructed iceberg production rates during the massive calving
>> episodes of the last glacial period, called Heinrich events, when
>> icebergs did affect ocean circulation. The authors found that
>> present-day Greenland Ice Sheet calving rates are as high as during some
>> of those events.
>> https://cosmosmagazine.com/science/could-the-day-after-tomorrow-come-
> true/
>> A German scientist has echoed the warnings of the film The Day After
>> Tomorrow, finding that a major oceanic circulation system is becoming
>> more unstable – with concerning implications for the climate.
>> A study published in Nature Climate Change observes that the Atlantic
>> Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) – a massive ocean current
>> system that circulates through the Atlantic – may have been losing
>> stability over the past century, due to the influx of melted freshwater
>> into the ocean.
>> This is concerning because the AMOC is responsible for the Gulf Stream,
>> a swift current that brings warm water masses from tropical regions to
>> the northern hemisphere. Because it redistributes heat, this circulation
>> system is not only responsible for creating mild temperatures across
>> Europe but also influencing weather systems across the world.
>> “The Atlantic Meridional Overturning really is one of our planet’s key
>> circulation systems,” says Niklas Boers, the study’s author from the
>> Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Free University Berlin
>> and Exeter University.
>> If it collapses, it could have impacts such as significantly cooling
>> Europe and affecting tropical monsoon systems.
>> “We already know from some computer simulations and from data from
>> Earth’s past, so-called paleoclimate proxy records, that the AMOC can
>> exhibit – in addition to the currently attained strong mode – an
>> alternative, substantially weaker mode of operation,” Boers says.
>> https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.14877
>> Machine-learning prediction of tipping and collapse of the Atlantic
>> Meridional Overturning Circulation Shirin Panahi, Ling-Wei Kong,
>> Mohammadamin Moradi, Zheng-Meng Zhai,
>> Bryan Glaz, Mulugeta Haile, Ying-Cheng Lai Recent research on the
>> Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) raised concern about
>> its potential collapse through a tipping point due to the climate-change
>> caused increase in the freshwater input into the North Atlantic. The
>> predicted time window of collapse is centered about the middle of the
>> century and the earliest possible start is approximately two years from
>> now. More generally, anticipating a tipping point at which the system
>> transitions from one stable steady state to another is relevant to a
>> broad range of fields. We develop a machine-learning approach to
>> predicting tipping in noisy dynamical systems with a time-varying
>> parameter and test it on a number of systems including the AMOC,
>> ecological networks, an electrical power system, and a climate model.
>> For the AMOC, our prediction based on simulated fingerprint data and
>> real data of the sea surface temperature places the time window of a
>> potential collapse between the years 2040 and 2065.
>> https://www.wgbh.org/news/commentary/2021-03-24/weve-known-for-years-
> global-warming-could-lead-to-a-new-ice-age-why-is-no-one-doing-anything
>> Call it a cascade of calamitous events.
>> According to scientists, a “cold blob” of water has formed south of
>> Greenland. The blob’s origins can be traced to rapidly melting glaciers,
>> which in turn is the consequence of global warming. The blob could
>> impede the flow of the Gulf Stream, which carries warm water north. And
>> if that happens, the temperature in Europe may drop steeply, hurricanes
>> may become more intense, and sea levels on the East Coast of the United
>> States may rise even more rapidly than they are already.
>> “We’re all wishing it’s not true,” Peter de Menocal, a scientist at the
>> Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, told The New York Timesearlier
>> this month. “Because if that happens, it’s just a monstrous change.”
>> A monstrous change indeed — and one that we’ve known about for decades.
>> The possibility that climate change could flip and, in just a matter of
>> years, plunge part of the world into a new ice age is something that has
>> occasionally made its way into the media. Yet the world has done very
>> little about it.
>> http://www.longrangeweather.com/climate_change.htm
>> Recently, John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel, stated that,
>> "manmade global warming is the GREATEST SCAM IN HISTORY!"
>> He went on to add, "I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by this
>> theory of global warming based on fraudulent science."
>> He said this, folks, not me. (But, I certainly agree with Dr. Coleman.)
>> Coleman’s climatological opinion has been recently supported by a top
>> observatory that has been measuring a rather dramatic decrease in
>> sunspot activity. These scientists are predicting that global
>> temperatures will drop by at least two degrees in the next 20 years.
>> Our friend, Robert Felix, author of "Not By Fire, But By Ice," believes
>> that this significant cool down could possibly be the start of at least
>> another "Little Ice Age," possibly a new GREAT ICE AGE, which is overdue
>> following 11,500 years of generally warmer than normal global
>> temperatures.
>> This latest period of naturally-occurring warming peaked a decade ago in
>> 1998. It was the strongest such cycle of warming since the days of Leif
>> Ericcson around 1,000 A.D. At the time, the mighty Vikings were actually
>> farming parts of Greenland growing wheat, vegetables and raising cattle.
>> They actually grew tomatoes and grapes!
>> Robert Felix gives this warning: "Living in the northern U.S. could
>> eventually be hazardous to your health!"
>> He goes on to say, "the next major ice age could begin any day...next
>> week, next month or next year." (Get that snowblower tuned-up.)
>> Felix believes that someday soon we’ll be "buried beneath nine stories
>> of ice and snow as the bitter climate of Greenland descends upon Canada,
>> Britain, Norway, Sweden, the U.S. and other northern regions ---
>> practically overnight."
>> It’s all part of a dependable, predictable, natural cycle of climate
>> that returns "like clockwork" every 11,500 years.

First the Solar flare burn, that would be the precursor event, then the 
rapid glaciation, leading to things like this:
