Davin News Server

From: Baxter <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.democrats.d,alt.society.liberalism,can.politics,or.politics
Subject: Re: Time to call it what it is: ANOTHER war because Muslims STILL can't get along with their neighbors (was: Time to call it what it is; a Holocaust)
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 20:16:35 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

Tyrone <none@none.none> wrote in

> On Jun 16, 2024 at 12:56:11 AM EDT, "NefeshBarYochai"
> <void@invalid.noy> wrote:
>> You Can’t Turn Back the Clock on Genocide: “Easily 200,000 Deaths
>> in Gaza.”
>> https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/05/31/you-cant-turn-back-the-clock-o
>> n-genocide-200000-deaths-in-gaza/ 
> Boo hoo.  The God Damn Muslims started it. You know, the "religion of
> peace" people. MAYBE they will learn a few things from this: 
> (1) Don't attack Israel.  
> (2) Don't hide your weapons inside civilian
> buildings/hospitals/whatever. 
> (3) If they don't give up soon, maybe they will see 300,000 Deaths in
> Gaza.  
> (4) Don't start a war with a very heavily armed country and then whine
> about how many people are dying.
> (5) Maybe, JUST MAYBE learn to get along with your neighbors. 
> But I doubt it. Muslims are too fucking stupid to learn anything. At
> least the women have an excuse for being stupid: The "men" don't allow
> them to go to school. The "men" have no excuse.

The only difference between Palistinians and Isrealis is religion.

The Isreali settlers have been stealing Palistinian land and killing 
Palistinians for decads - and you applaud.