Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: LOOK Who The FUCK Is Talking
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 15:48:16 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Sun, 16 Jun 2024 13:17:04 -0700,  Alan says...  

> > July 6 (UPI) -- Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, used a sneaky 
> > editing trick allowed by state law to amend the state's biennial budget 
> > to fund public education for the next 400 years.
> Looks like deflection from the topic when you're losing, Loser-2

God DAMN... that's ALL YOU DO. 

For fuck's sake, Ski Bunny... will you EVER stop being THIS childish?


Why Are Narcissists Such Hypocrites?

In the narcissistic world view, everything they do is the greatest. They can do 
no wrong. And, they refuse to see facts or evidence that suggests otherwise.

Fundamentally, this disconnect between facts and reality comes about because 
narcissists live in a fantasy world they construct for themselves. Their aim is 
to control their life by manipulating everyone else around them to see them 
they way they want to be seen.

When confronted with contrary facts to this reality, a narcissist will -

Ignore the facts

Blame other people for those faults

Lie to make them OK

Use triangulation and gaslighting to make other people believe their lies

Go on the offensive to distract people from their mistake

Narcissists are also overly judgmental. This too stems from the desire to be 
better than other people. By holding other people to high standards, they are 
able to easily criticize people who they fear might be competition and bring 
them down a notch.

A narcissist doesn't have to be good, they just feel and think they have to be 
better than you.

When a narcissist's judgmental mentality combines with their warped perception 
of reality, the become a hypocrite. A narcissist will blame you and call you 
out for doing exactly the same things that they do.

A narcissist will pay heavy lip service to themselves: how good they are at..., 
the high standards they hold for themselves, how they are perfect in every way. 
Yet, will feel no obligation to actually perform.

Yet, when you fail to hold to their unrealistic standards, they will call you 
out for being a failure.

Are All Narcissists Hypocrites?

All narcissists are hypocrites by their very nature. The symptoms of 
narcissistic personality disorder are thought to stem partially from 
upbringing, and invariably cause them to act hypocritical.

As a child, most narcissists experienced either overly strict parenting or 
lived in a family with little parental guidance. As a consequence they failed 
to develop self-esteem, and a healthy separation between their own thoughts and 
emotions and the thoughts and emotions of others.

Because of this, they need to need other people to feel good about them in 
order for them to feel good about themselves. And, they have a severely 
underdeveloped instinct for empathy.

Why does this make them hypocritical?

A narcissist will do anything to make themselves look good in the eyes of other 
people, and don't feel the need to be fair or reciprocate. They don't seem them 
self as an equal to everyone else. Instead, they are special in their own mind, 
and follow their own set of rules that don't apply to everyone else.

By definition, they are hypocrites because they don't apply their own rules for 
other people to themselves.

Do Narcissists Realize They are being Hypocritical?

While narcissists know they are being hypocritical on a intellectual level, 
they do not feel like they are being unfair or hypocritical.

This is very much linked to their difficulty separating their needs and wants 
from the needs and wants of others. To a narcissist, what is good for them is 
good forever everyone else. How could someone want something other than what 
they want?

So when a narcissist passes judgment on you, so that they feel good, there is 
no contradiction in their mind when they act the same way that you did, again 
so they feel good. If it feels good to them, then it aligns with their 
conception of good and bad.

If a narcissist could be objective about the facts of the situation, then they 
would agree that they are being hypocritical. For instance, if you described 
what they are doing back to them, but say that you are talking about a friend, 
then they would be able to recognize how they are being hypocritical.

However, if you confront a narcissist directly with their hypocrisy, then they 
will never be able to recognize or accept that that they are the ones at fault.