Davin News Server

From: R Kym Horsell <kymhorsell@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: bc.weather,can.politics,sci.environment,alt.global-warming
Subject: may 2024: prev 12m are record warm in 70 out of 96 dataseries
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 21:38:35 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: kymhorsell.com

With the UAH and CRUT yet to report their May numbers it's time for
the call of the board among the data series we monitor on A.G-W.
Of the 96 series from the US, UK and Europe we follow 70 have
recorded record warm for the past 12m Jun23-May24.
The only data-series to fall out of the top 10 are the UAH
data for the lower stratosphere that has been cooling since
records began in the 1970s but for the past 12m has been 
above the trend.
With so many data ranking "warmest on record" going back up to
175y the stand-outs are those series showing an average for the 
past 12m approaching 3C above normal -- notably the NOAA's Arc and 
Arcland series.
Other NASA, NOAA, Hadley, Berkeley and UAH series (22 of them)
show warming more than 1C above baselines that mostly refer to 30y 
periods centered on the 1980s.

The summary table is as follows:

Dataseries		Rank	Value	#m	firstm	lastm
seaice.extent           1       10.2750 22      202306  202404
aravgArcland            1       2.7423  12      202306  202405
aravgArc                1       2.5888  12      202306  202405
aravgNHland             1       2.0049  12      202306  202405
nhtsdsst                1       1.681   12      202306  202405
hadcrut5nh              1       1.6106  11      202306  202404
aravgNTemp              1       1.5372  12      202306  202405
aravgNH                 1       1.4616  12      202306  202405
berkglobair             1       1.3555  10      202306  202403
glbtsdsst               1       1.303   12      202306  202405
hadcrut5                1       1.2299  11      202306  202404
berkglobwater           1       1.2147  10      202306  202403
hadsst4_nh              1       1.2012  10      202306  202403
uah_globe6TrpcsLand     1       1.1591  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6NHLand        1       1.1045  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6NoExtLand     1       1.1018  11      202306  202404
hadsst4_trop            1       1.0725  10      202306  202403
aravgNHocean            1       1.0509  12      202306  202405
uah_globe6Trpcs         1       1.0418  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6GlobeLand     1       1.0273  11      202306  202404
uah_mtTrpcsLand         1       1.0164  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6NoPolLand     1       1.0082  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6TrpcsOcean    1       1.0073  11      202306  202404
aravg                   1       1.0033  12      202306  202405
hadsst4                 1       0.9963  10      202306  202403
aravgSHland             1       0.9473  12      202306  202405
uah_mtTrpcs             1       0.9427  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6NH            1       0.9391  11      202306  202404
shtsdsst                1       .928    12      202306  202405
uah_mtTrpcsOcean        1       0.9227  11      202306  202404
uah_mtNHLand            1       0.9155  11      202306  202404
uah_mtNoPolLand         1       0.9118  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6NoExt         1       0.9000  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6AUST          1       0.8964  11      202306  202404
uah_mtNoExtLand         1       0.8964  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6NoPol         1       0.8855  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6SHLand        1       0.8600  11      202306  202404
uah_mtNoPol             1       0.8509  11      202306  202404
hadcrut5sh              1       0.8492  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6NHOcean       1       0.8336  11      202306  202404
uah_mtGlobeLand         1       0.8336  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6              1       0.8333  12      202306  202405
uah_mtNH                1       0.8327  11      202306  202404
hadsst4_sh              1       0.7960  10      202306  202403
uah_mtNoExt             1       0.7836  11      202306  202404
uah_mtNoPolOcean        1       0.7827  11      202306  202404
uah_mtNHOcean           1       0.7809  11      202306  202404
uah_mtAUST              1       0.7600  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6GlobeOcean    1       0.7464  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6NoPolOcean    1       0.7418  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6NoExtOcean    1       0.7191  11      202306  202404
uah_mt                  1       0.7136  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6SH            1       0.7109  11      202306  202404
uah_mtNoExtOcean        1       0.6836  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6SHOcean       1       0.6827  11      202306  202404
jma                     1       0.6736  11      202306  202404
uah_mtGlobeOcean        1       0.6655  11      202306  202404
uah_mtSHLand            1       0.6464  11      202306  202404
uah_mtUSA49             1       0.6245  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6SoExtLand     1       0.5982  11      202306  202404
uah_mtSH                1       0.5927  11      202306  202404
uah_mtUSA48             1       0.5891  11      202306  202404
uah_mtSHOcean           1       0.5800  11      202306  202404
aravgSH                 1       0.5451  12      202306  202405
uah_globe6SoExt         1       0.5291  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6SoExtOcean    1       0.5155  11      202306  202404
aravgSHocean            1       0.4512  12      202306  202405
uah_mtSoExtOcean        1       0.4091  11      202306  202404
uah_mtSoExt             1       0.3982  11      202306  202404
uah_lsSHLand            1       -0.7691 11      202306  202404
uah_globe6USA49         2       0.6400  11      202306  202404
uah_globe6USA48         2       0.6355  11      202306  202404
aravgSTemp              2       0.3463  12      202306  202405
uah_lsTrpcsLand         2       -0.5700 11      202306  202404
uah_lsTrpcs             2       -0.6245 11      202306  202404
uah_lsTrpcsOcean        2       -0.6409 11      202306  202404
aravgArcocean           3       1.2253  12      202306  202405
uah_globe6SoPolOcean    3       0.4382  11      202306  202404
uah_lsSH                3       -0.4018 11      202306  202404
snowcover.area          4       23.9603 12      202306  202405
uah_lsSoExtLand         4       -0.8564 11      202306  202404
uah_mtSoExtLand         5       0.3445  11      202306  202404
uah_lsSHOcean           5       -0.3273 11      202306  202404
uah_globe6SoPol         6       0.2364  11      202306  202404
uah_lsGlobeOcean        6       -0.2273 11      202306  202404
uah_lsAUST              6       -0.2800 11      202306  202404
uah_lsSoPolLand         7       -1.7027 11      202306  202404
piomas.vol              8       14.0315 12      202306  202405
uah_ls                  8       -0.2245 11      202306  202404
uah_mtSoPolOcean        9       0.1545  11      202306  202404
uah_lsSoPol             9       -1.1836 11      202306  202404
uah_lsGlobeLand         10      -0.2109 11      202306  202404
uah_lsSoExt             12      -0.2627 11      202306  202404
uah_lsSoPolOcean        12      -0.9364 11      202306  202404
uah_lsSoExtOcean        14      -0.1555 11      202306  202404
uah_lsNHOcean           16      -0.0973 11      202306  202404
uah_lsNH                17      -0.0455 11      202306  202404

Over 135 million Americans face dangerous `heat dome' this week with temps 
soaring from New York to Chicago
The Independent on MSN.com, 16 Jun 2024 20:42Z
Over 135 million Americans face dangerous `heat dome' this week with temps 
soaring from New York to Chicago - Records could ...

USA Today, 16 Jun 2024 18:12Z
Crazy weather week coming to the US: From searing heat to snow. Yes, snow.
The coming week will bring weather extremes of almost every stripe to the 
U.S.: From a baking heat wave in the Midwest and ...

  Dangerously hot temperatures to hit US this week with heatwave expected to 
  send temperatures as high as 105F prompting warning from health officials
  Daily Mail, 16 Jun 2024 20:11Z
  Michigan, Ohio and western Pennsylvania were all under heat warnings 
  starting Monday, with alerts in place until Friday ...

Brazil's Pantanal Faces Devastating Wildfires Amid Climate Crisis 
LatinAmerican Post, 16 Jun 2024 18:08Z
Wildfires are ravaging Brazil's Pantanal, the world's largest tropical 
wetland, with nearly 32,000 hectares destroyed. The intensity of this year's 

At least 14 Hajj pilgrims die in intense heat
Yahoo News Australia, 16 Jun 2024 17:04Z
Jordan's foreign ministry said its nationals had died "after suffering sun 
stroke due to the extreme heatwave".

  As pilgrims swelter, climate change looms over hajj
  Couriermail, 13 Jun 2024 19:15Z
  From misting systems to heat-reflective road coverings, Saudi officials are
  trying to aid hajj pilgrims in coping with heat, ...

China plants 6000 GW energy colossus in desert: America worried about what 
it might do
ECOticias, 16 Jun 2024 12:00Z

Since the 1900s, vital estuary habitats such as the Tampa Bay and Charlotte
Harbor have lost 50-60% of their mangrove forests. Other environmental issues,
including climate change and water pollution, also threaten mangroves by
changing the distribution and chemistry of their environment.
[In 1996 legislation banned mass destruction of mangrove forests incl
use of defoliants and specified how they could be "trimmed"].
-- floridamuseum.ufl.edu

Climate crimes must be brought to justice
UNESCO 26 June 2023
Climate denial has increased the risk of catastrophic global change. Should
international criminal law be used against those who promote ...

The accounting trick at the heart of the world's climate goals 
SMH, 16 Jun 2024 19:07Z
On paper we can offset our way to net zero. In the real world, we cannot.

Climate 200 names nine new Coalition seats where it hopes to replicate teal 
wave at next election 
The Guardian, 16 Jun 2024 20:56Z
Exclusive: After months of speculation the fundraising giant has identified 
more electorates where independent campaigns meet its criteria for support.

Peace talks 'tomorrow' if Russia leaves Ukraine - Zelensky
BBC, 16 Jun 2024 15:03Z

  [G7] Summit backs Ukraine on territory, but some nations abstain
  Financial Times, 16 Jun 2024 15:31Z

Israeli military says it will begin a daily "tactical pause" to allow for 
humanitarian aid into southern Gaza
CBS News, 16 Jun 2024 13:03Z

How ceiling fans contribute to sustainable design and energy efficiency
Architecture and Design, 16 Jun 2024 10:50Z
Ceiling fans are gaining recognition for their potential to significantly 
enhance indoor climate control strategies, marrying ...

Is America ready for warning labels on its gas stoves?
Politico, 16 Jun 2024 11:50Z
Environmental groups are backing bills in California, New York and Illinois 
to put labels on gas stoves warning of their health hazards.

Billionaire who funded climate science denial group has given the Tory Party 
#100,000 this year 
The Ferret, 16 Jun 2024 07:0Z

The Victorian government has proposed new housing targets for local councils.
These are the suburbs expected to boom
ABC News, 16 Jun 2024 06:22Z
The state government said Victoria has the largest annual population
growth of all Australian states, and it needs more than two million
additional homes by the 2050s. Here are the suburbs it's proposing to grow.

Teachers, police, healthcare workers in Sydney to get access to cheap rent
ABC News, 16 Jun 2024 06:20Z
The Minns government will build apartment blocks for Sydney's essential
workers, offering them cheap rent so they're not priced out of the city.

Only 50 of these tiny frogs are left in the wild, but a drop of thousands of
eggs in Kosciuszko National Park may change that
ABC South East NSW, 15 Jun 2024 21:53Z
More than 3,400 southern corroboree frog eggs have been released into
their natural habitat in the NSW Snowy Mountains in the hope of
bringing the iconic species back from the brink of extinction.