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Subject: Re: Time to call it what it is: ANOTHER war because Muslims STILL
Newsgroups: alt.politics.democrats.d,alt.society.liberalism,can.politics,or.politics
From: a425couple <a425couple@hotmail.com>
Organization: Newshosting.com - Highest quality at a great price! www.newshosting.com
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 15:13:19 -0700

On 6/16/24 13:16, Baxter wrote:
> Tyrone <none@none.none> wrote in
> news:d7ucncvgi6ZIj_L7nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@supernews.com:
>> On Jun 16, 2024 at 12:56:11 AM EDT, "NefeshBarYochai"
>> <void@invalid.noy> wrote:
>>> You Can’t Turn Back the Clock on Genocide: “Easily 200,000 Deaths
>>> in Gaza.”
>>> https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/05/31/you-cant-turn-back-the-clock-o
>>> n-genocide-200000-deaths-in-gaza/
>> Boo hoo.  The God Damn Muslims started it. You know, the "religion of
>> peace" people. MAYBE they will learn a few things from this:
>> (1) Don't attack Israel.
>> (2) Don't hide your weapons inside civilian
>> buildings/hospitals/whatever.
>> (3) If they don't give up soon, maybe they will see 300,000 Deaths in
>> Gaza.
>> (4) Don't start a war with a very heavily armed country and then whine
>> about how many people are dying.
>> (5) Maybe, JUST MAYBE learn to get along with your neighbors.
>> But I doubt it. Muslims are too fucking stupid to learn anything. At
>> least the women have an excuse for being stupid: The "men" don't allow
>> them to go to school. The "men" have no excuse.
> The only difference between Palistinians and Isrealis is religion.
> The Isreali settlers have been stealing Palistinian land and killing
> Palistinians for decads - and you applaud.

Boy!  Baxter is certainly being a disagreeable old coot.

Remember a few years ago when he was fully behind Hillary Clinton 
becoming President?
She certainly thinks Israel can and will keep a bargained peace
and their part of an agreement.


Hillary Clinton: Anti-Israel protesters ‘don’t know very much’
about the Middle East

‘Propaganda is not education,’ says ex US secretary of state, slamming 
campus activists for ignorance of Palestinians’ rejection of husband 
Bill Clinton’s 2000 peace initiative
11 May 2024, 10:43 pm

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during an interview with 
MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' program, aired May 9, 2024. (Screen capture: 
Youtube/NBC, used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)
Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during an interview with 
MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' program, aired May 9, 2024. (Screen capture: 
Youtube/NBC, used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)
Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton slammed the pro-Palestinian 
and anti-Israel protest movement that has swept American colleges, 
saying in an interview Thursday that student activists were misinformed 
by propaganda on social media and in the classroom.

“I have had many conversations with a lot of young people over the last 
many months. They don’t know very much at all about the history of the 
Middle East or frankly about history in many areas of the world, 
including in our own country,” Clinton told MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Student-led demonstrations against Israel’s war on Hamas in Gaza have 
roiled US campuses since the fighting broke out on October 7, when the 
Palestinian terror group led a thousands-strong invasion into Israel, 
killing 1,200 people and taking over 250 hostages.

The pro-Palestinian rallies — which some Jewish groups have described as 
antisemitic — have assumed a sharper tenor since April, when a “Gaza 
Solidarity Encampment” at Columbia University was violently dispersed by 
law enforcement, summoned to the campus for the first time in over half 
a century by the university’s embattled president, Minouche Shafik.

Clinton, a professor of public affairs at Columbia, said students 
protesting the war were ignorant of the Israeli-Palestinian peace 
process spearheaded by her husband, former US President Bill Clinton, 
which collapsed in 2000 when an unprecedented land-for-peace offer by 
then-prime minister Ehud Barak was rejected by late Palestinian leader 
Yasser Arafat.

Under her husband, Clinton said, “an offer was made to the Palestinians 
for a state on 96% of the existing territory occupied by the 
Palestinians with 4% of Israel to be given to reach 100% of the amount 
of territory that was hoped for.”

Arafat’s rejection of that offer — attributed by Clinton to his fear of 
being assassinated like past peacemakers, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat 
and “our dear, dear friend,” Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin — was “one of 
the great tragedies of history,” said Clinton.

“This is a very important piece of history to understand if you’re going 
to take any kind of position with respect to what’s going on right now,” 
said Clinton.

The former Democratic nominee for US president continued to criticize 
student protesters’ knowledge of the conflict, much of which, she 
claimed, came from “willfully false… incredibly slanted, pro-Hamas, 
anti-Israel” propaganda sources.

“Propaganda is not education,” said Clinton, adding: “Anybody who is 
teaching in a university or anyone who is putting content on social 
media should be held responsible for what they include and what they 

File – United States President Bill Clinton watches as then-Prime 
Minister Ehud Barak (R) and late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (C) 
joke with each other about which one of them will enter first the door 
first, after walking on the grounds of Camp David, Maryland, July 11, 
2000. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds, File)
“We have to do a better job… with young people in trying to help them 
understand how to filter and interpret the information they’re getting. 
We also need to do a better job in our classrooms, particularly at the 
college or university level, not to fall into easy absolutes — you’re 
either for or against. Life is too complicated, history certainly is,” 
Clinton concluded.

The former first lady’s comments drew backlash from pro-Palestinian 

“As Hillary Clinton condescends to student protesters, she ignores 
[first] the supposedly great deal that Bill Clinton offered Palestinians 
didn’t demarcate borders or address refugees… [second] that [it] doesn’t 
justify bombing and starving civilians today,” wrote Kennet Roth, a 
former director of the international group Human Rights Watch.

Clinton had already provoked the ire of pro-Palestinian activists by 
criticizing their call for a ceasefire a month into the war between 
Israel and Hamas.

File – Former US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton meets with families 
of Israelis held hostage by Hamas, in New York, December 21, 2023. 
(Photo: Hostages and Missing Families Forum)
“Remember, there was a ceasefire on October 6, that Hamas broke by their 
barbaric assault on peaceful civilians,” she told ABC in November. 
“There was a ceasefire. It did not hold because Hamas chose to break it.”

Her criticism of the student protests follows comments she made in a 
February interview with MSNBC, in which she insisted that demonstrators 
need to obey the law.

“There’s a role for protest, and I think there should be rules set, 
guardrails set,” she said at the time. “People who violate the rules 
have to be held accountable. You can’t have a responsible debate about 
whatever your point of view is if you’re screaming at each other.”

During that interview, Clinton also slammed Prime Minister Benjamin 
Netanyahu, who she said was not “trustworthy.”

“If he’s an obstacle to a ceasefire, if he’s an obstacle to exploring 
what’s to be done the day after, he absolutely needs to go,” she said in 
the interview.

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