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From: Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com>
Subject: Re: Joe Biden's congnitive disfunction so sadly obvious.
Organization: Always Locked and Loaded
Date: 17 Jun 2024 01:31:39 GMT

On 2024-06-16, Loran <loran@invalid.net> wrote:
> pothead wrote:
>> On 2024-06-16, NoBody <NoBody@nowhere.com> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 15 Jun 2024 12:03:02 -0700, Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> wrote:
>>>> On 2024-06-15 11:51, NoBody wrote:
>>>>> And the media tries to spin this away with "fact checks".  The video
>>>>> speaks for itself.
>>>>> "President Biden started to wander off during a skydiving
>>>>> demonstration at the G7 summit in southern Italy Thursday, with the
>>>>> host nation’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni pressed into action to
>>>>> pull him back toward the group.
>>>> No. He turned to talk to another parachutist.
>>> Look at the video, the parachutist is busy at work and doesn't even
>>> look up.  Biden had absolutely no idea what was going on.
>> The world is laughing at the USA.
>> And our adversaries, like Xi and Putin, are licking their chops waiting to attack.
>> Biden is not fit to stand trial for the trove of documents he illegally took but he is fit to be
>> Come on man. That makes no sense at all and is putting the US in grave danger.
> https://oversight.house.gov/release/grothman-announces-classified-hearing-on-ccps-efforts-to-infiltrate-u-s-military-bases%EF%BF%BC/
> WASHINGTON—Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign 
> Affairs Chairman Glenn Grothman (R-Wis.) will hold a classified hearing 
> titled “Intruder Alert: Assessing the CCP’s Ongoing Infiltration of U.S. 
> Military Installations.” The subcommittee hearing will explore the Biden 
> Administration’s policy failures that have enabled the CCP and other 
> malicious actors to infiltrate U.S. military installations. This is a 
> classified hearing that is closed to the public and will be held inside 
> the Secure Compartmentalized Information Facility (SCIF) within the U.S. 
> Capitol.
> “There has been a multitude of concerning media reports on Chinese spies 
> and other hostile foreign actors accessing and infiltrating U.S. 
> military installations. The Biden Administration’s lax immigration 
> policies have facilitated the entry of individuals engaged in espionage 
> activities and it is unacceptable and endangers American citizens. I 
> look forward to gaining critical answers to how the Department of 
> Defense and the U.S. Intelligence community are responding to these 
> threats and what strategies have been instituted to ensure incursions of 
> U.S. military bases are prevented moving forward,” said Subcommittee 
> Chairman Grothman.

Biden should be held accountable for treason for not following the US Constitution which is the 
primary objective of a President of the United States. That would be Article II. 

Charlie Glock
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
-  Thomas Jefferson 1776