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Subject: Re: Joe Biden's congnitive disfunction so sadly obvious.
From: WhataWonderfulWorld <thunnusalbacares@hotmail.com>
Organization: Foobar
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 06:32:15 GMT

pothead <pothead@snakebite.com> wrote in

> On 2024-06-16, NoBody <NoBody@nowhere.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, 15 Jun 2024 12:03:02 -0700, Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> wrote:
>>>On 2024-06-15 11:51, NoBody wrote:
>>>> And the media tries to spin this away with "fact checks".  The
>>>> video speaks for itself.
>>>> "President Biden started to wander off during a skydiving
>>>> demonstration at the G7 summit in southern Italy Thursday, with the
>>>> host nation’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni pressed into action to
>>>> pull him back toward the group.
>>>No. He turned to talk to another parachutist.
>> Look at the video, the parachutist is busy at work and doesn't even
>> look up.  Biden had absolutely no idea what was going on.
> The world is laughing at the USA.
> And our adversaries, like Xi and Putin, are licking their chops
> waiting to attack. 
> Biden is not fit to stand trial for the trove of documents he
> illegally took but he is fit to be POTUS.
> Come on man. That makes no sense at all and is putting the US in grave
> danger. 
I totally agree but the Qrange Buffoon is in the same league. Are these the 
2 BEST options america has ? I can't believe there isn't 2 smart people one 
in each party that don't have senility creeping in.