Davin News Server

From: pothead <pothead@snakebite.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Canada: Worst in the World
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 23:06:15 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: Prescott Parasite Eradication Team

On 2024-06-17, Loran <loran@invalid.net> wrote:
> Alan wrote:
>>> Did you know your leader is a Marxist blackface-wearing fool?
>> So, no: you don't know why the White House is painted white.
>> :-)
> https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/623638/why-the-white-house-is-white
> The President of the United State’s famous mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania 
> Avenue in Washington, DC, stands out in part because its white facade 
> contrasts brilliantly with the well-tended, green grounds that surround 
> it. But while the appearance is certainly aesthetically pleasing, it’s 
> really just a serendipitous side effect—the real reason that the White 
> House was painted white is a little more utilitarian.
> In 1791, then-President George Washington chose the site for the estate, 
> and construction began the following year. By 1798, the year after 
> Washington had completed his second and final presidential term, workers 
> had finished erecting the sandstone walls of the building. Instead of 
> painting it with traditional paint, they used whitewash, a lime-based 
> liquid that would prevent water from leaking into the porous stone and 
> freezing.
> Reader’s Digest reports that the mansion’s first resident was John Adams 
> in 1800, and it wasn’t long before people stopped referring to it as 
> “the President’s House” and adopted a nickname that alluded to the 
> place’s eye-catching exterior: the White House.
> “There is much trouble at the white house, as we call it, I mean the 
> President’s,” Massachusetts congressman Abijah Bigelow wrote to his wife 
> on March 18, 1812 [PDF]. As The White House Historical Association 
> points out, this was just three months before the United States would 
> declare war against Britain.
> In August 1814, British troops actually set fire to the White House, 
> giving rise to the still-prevalent rumor that the White House was 
> painted white to cover up the damage, but the whitewashing that took 
> place after the disaster was really just a continuation of the 
> years-long tradition. In 1818, the maintenance staff finally switched to 
> using white lead paint (a whole 570 gallons of it) to keep the White 
> House in gleaming condition.
> The nickname remained informal for the next 80-odd years, until 
> President Theodore Roosevelt made it the official name of the residence 
> in 1901. It wasn’t the only lasting impact Roosevelt had on the 
> place—the following year, he launched a major renovation project that 
> included relocating the president’s offices to what’s now known as the 
> West Wing.
> Laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh...at YOU - pretentiously moronic Canucklehead!

They should have painted it glow in the dark green so maybe Joe Biden would be able to find his way 
home instead of wandering around like a half dead retard.

Joe Biden is the absolute WORST President Of the U.S. ever.
Nobody else is even close. Including Jimmy Carter.
Vote for ANYBODY but Joe Biden in 2024.