Davin News Server

From: CaLaVeRa <cv@invalid.org>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Troll Says Companies Close All The Time, So Tupperware Moving To
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 16:20:15 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 6/19/2024 4:02 PM, Alan wrote:
> On 2024-06-19 11:05, Loran wrote:
>> Alan wrote:
>>> On 2024-06-19 10:44, Loran wrote:
>>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>> The facts are that during Trump's administration, US manufacturing 
>>>>> investment was moribund despite all of Trump's promises...
>>>> Bullshit LIE!
>>>> https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/proudly-made-usa-president-donald-j-trump-leading-resurgence-american-manufacturing/
>>> Pointing to 
>> Indeed:
>> https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/proudly-made-usa-president-donald-j-trump-leading-resurgence-american-manufacturing/
> I present actual facts...
> ...you reply with propaganda.


Employers added 224,000 jobs in June, according to the U.S. Bureau of 
Labor Statistics, more than most economists expected. The nation’s 
unemployment rate was 3.7%, remaining at historic lows.

The manufacturing sector saw 17,000 jobs added after four months of flat 
activity. This followed a strong run of an average of 22,000 
manufacturing jobs added every month in 2018 and 15,800 per month in 
2017. Those gains followed two weak years that saw 7,000 manufacturing 
jobs lost in 2016 and only 5,800 per month added in 2015.

In the last 30 months of President Obama’s term, manufacturing 
employment grew by 185,000 or 1.5%. In President Trump’s first 30 
months, manufacturers added 499,000 jobs, expanding by 4.0%. In the same 
30-month time span during the mature, post-recovery phase of the 
business cycle, some 314,000 more manufacturing jobs were added under 
Trump than under Obama, a 170% advantage.

Some have attributed the recent soft patch in manufacturing growth to 
ongoing trade tensions, especially with the People’s Republic of China, 
as the Trump administration seeks to remedy longstanding concerns 
regarding intellectual property theft and non-tariff barriers that 
discourage China’s importation of key American goods.

With the likely final approval of the United States-Mexico-Canada 
Agreement (USMCA), the largest trade deal in history, China-linked 
supply chains may see some reordering, shifting back across the Pacific 
to North America. Mexico and Canada enjoy proximity and a cultural 
familiarity with the U.S. that China cannot replicate. But while China 
formerly attracted investment and interest in its vast markets, these 
advantages have faded rapidly as the Chinese Communist Party has 
reasserted control after two decades of vigorous economic growth, 
heightening concerns regarding rule of law, earnings repatriation, and 
intellectual property rights.

Manufacturing job growth at the state level has been uneven, with state 
tax, labor, regulatory and energy policy being significant factors in 
manufacturing activity.

Since President Trump’s election in November 2016, Nevada has seen the 
most vigorous growth in manufacturing, adding 32.9% more jobs through 
May 2019 on a seasonally adjusted basis. Nevada is a low-tax state with 
no state income tax. Its neighbor to the west, California, has the 
highest marginal income tax rate in the nation, 13.3%, and one of the 
highest business tax burdens in the nation as well as high energy prices 
due to the state’s mounting campaign against greenhouse gas emissions. A 
significant share of Nevada’s manufacturing success comes at the expense 
of California, one of the bottom 10 states for manufacturing with an 
anemic 2% payroll growth over the same period.

The rest of the top ten is rounded out by Wyoming, 12.0%; South Dakota, 
10.0%; Arizona, 9.9%; Idaho, 9.5%; Utah, 8.7%; North Dakota, 8.6%; South 
Carolina; 8.1%; Texas, 7.4%; and, Iowa, 7.2%.

The ten states with the most sluggish or negative manufacturing 
employment growth are: Alaska, -5.3%; Hawaii, -2.8%; Rhode Island, 
-2.5%; New York, -1.3%; Massachusetts, -0.5%; Minnesota, 0.8%; 
Pennsylvania, 0.9%; Maryland, 1.6%; California, 2.0%; and Montana, 2.0%.

The Northeast’s weak manufacturing climate is especially interesting in 
light of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s fight against the use of clean and 
affordable American-made natural gas, with needed pipeline projects 
being halted. Both industry and residential customers now find securing 
enough gas to be a challenge. On top of New York’s high taxes, Cuomo’s 
environmental virtue-signaling appears to be scaring sorely needed 
manufacturing jobs out of state.


The Trump Administration's historic tax cuts reduced business taxes to 
level the playing field and brought manufacturing jobs back to the 
United States. Chinese officials even worried that the President's law 
would "set back China's global competitiveness and spur companies to 
invest in America instead of China." And they were right:

The US added 510,000 new manufacturing jobs between President Trump's 
election and February 2020.

In 2018, the United States added 264,000 new manufacturing jobs -- the 
most in 30 years.

During the Trump Administration's first 37 months, manufacturing 
production grew at a rate 11 times greater than the last 37 months of 
the Obama-Biden Administration.

In 2018, 95% of manufacturers had a positive outlook on their business, 
a record high.

President Trump negotiated America First trade deals to boost manufacturers:

President Trump's United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is 
expected to create 176,000 new jobs and grow the U.S. economy by up to 
$235 billion.

The USMCA will boost manufacturers in every state, and the International 
Trade Commission predicted American manufacturing would experience "the 
largest percentage gains" in higher wages, new jobs, and greater exports 
out of any industry thanks to the USMCA.

President Trump is standing up to China's unfair trade practices. He 
successfully used tariffs to persuade China to sign a Phase One Trade 
Agreement that secured significant protections for American workers and 

The Trump Administration is investing in opportunity for American 
manufacturing workers:

The Trump Administration established the National Council for the 
American Worker to develop a strategy for training and retraining the 
workers needed across high-demand industries.

More than 430 companies and organizations have signed President Trump's 
Pledge to America's Workers, contributing to over 16 million new 
education and training opportunities for students and workers.

President Trump is expanding apprenticeships, education, and workforce 
development programs in America.

The Trump Administration established the American Workforce Policy 
Advisory Board to provide advice to the National Council for the 
American Worker and improve skills-based hiring and training.