Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: THIS Is THE Epitome of Liberal Hypocrisy
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 20:38:09 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Wed, 19 Jun 2024 07:29:52 -0400, NoBody says... 

> >But that doesn't matter anyway. Trump will use the "13th Juror", so hold off on 
> >that moniker for now.
> What does it matter when it was a sham of a trial?

Even more than that. Merchan might not give him any jail time AND Trump's going 
to appeal no matter what.

These liberal worms have nothing to argue with, because they know Trump should 
win, barring a last ditch cheat by the Democrats.

They're already building up another fake pLandemic - Bird Flu.

No telling what else they'll do to cheat Trump out of his rightful place.

According to Dr. Meryl Nass, the FDA has approved 3 vaccines for bird flu. 
One of the approved vaccines is Audenz. 
One in 200 people died in the clinical trial. 

BREAKING: Australia has become the first country to ration food to prepare for 
the Bird Flu 'pandemic'. The state of Victoria has ordered farms to go on 
lockdown, culled millions of chickens, and banned consumers from purchasing 
eggs. The people will NOT comply this time!


ONE "alleged case of bird flu" in Michigan 

They killed over 6.5 million chickens because of it IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS. 

Guess where these chickens were from that were killed? Organic, regenerative 
farms. Where they have space and a fresh "salad bar" of grass every day. 

 Chickens controlled by the Big Food companies (aka gov) in nasty factory 
farms, riddled with disease, were spared. 

The intentions behind all of this fear mongering are CONTROL AND A CENTRALIZED 

They do NOT WANT you to know your local, organic farmer. 

You would lose brain fog. Weight. Type 2 diabetes, and many other things if you 
stopped eating THEIR FOOD. 

They need you sick! They need you obedient! 

They need you SCARED!

PAY ATTENTION: chickens in the first picture are GOOD AND SAFE. Chickens in the 
second picture are DANGEROUS AND BAD.


The media are starting to push this H5N1 avian bird flu, which "experts" now 
claim has "jumped" into mammals, and now into humans, and could be "100x worse 
than Covid" (NY Post).

Flashback August, 2023, Russian MIL claimed the US were "preparing a new 
pandemic, just like they did in 2019".

The Russians even specifically mentioned "avian bird flu" as one of the viruses 
the US were modifying to infect humans and orchestrate man-made pandemics, aka 
bioweapon usage. 

It's only a matter of time before the Dems start calling for mass mail-in 
voting and changes to the election laws. If the Deep State want to win in 2024, 
they have to steal it again.
