Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Rudy, So STUPID! - Doesn't Know That Capital Lettering IS Used For EMPASIS
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 22:02:28 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

"Uppercase and italics are TYPICAL	 ways of emphasizing a word or phrase."

"For EMPHASIS, writers can vary the look of their text in a number of ways with 
bold, italics, underlining, and all-caps."

"Titles and Headings: Capital letters are often used in titles and headings to 
EMPHASIZE key words or concepts. This practice aids in the readability and 
organization of written content."

"It is better to avoid typing text all in capitals UNLESS you are emphasizing 
only a few words." (as I do, moron)


Using Capital Letter For A Word In A Sentence I Want To Put Emphasis On?


Using capital letters within sentences makes a writer seem uneducated and 
ignorant. One can use typographical effects such as italic, bold, underlining, 
etc, but even these should be used sparingly. ...use bold and italic as little 
as possible. Bold or italic (Butterick's Practical Typography)


Formatting For Emphasis (From Italics To ALL-CAPS) - Proofed


Formatting for Emphasis. In this post, we'll be looking at four ways to format 
emphasis in Microsoft Word: italics, bold, underlining, and all-caps. We'll 
also look at why you shouldn't use quote marks for emphasis. 1. Italics. In 
formal writing, italics are the best way to emphasize text. This includes most 
business writing and academic ...


How To Use "Capital Letters" In A Sentence: Diving Deeper


Grammatical Rules For Capital Letters. 1. Sentence Beginnings: Capitalize the 
first letter of the first word in a sentence. This rule applies to any type of 
sentence, be it a declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory 
sentence. For example: Declarative: "The sun is shining brightly Today - .".

Titles and Headings: Capital letters are often used in titles and headings to 
emphasize key words or concepts. This practice aids in the readability and 
organization of written content.


How To Show Emphasis In Writing | The Proofreading Pulse


An em dash can be used in the middle of a sentence-like this- or at the end as 
in the previous example. A colon can be used similarly, but only at the end of 
the sentence. Both em dashes and colons are useful in formal and informal 
writing, but, again, a little goes a long way. The dash in particular gets 


Capital Letters For Emphasis - Writing Tips Plus - Writing Tools ...


The different sizes and shapes of letters are cues that we all use to recognize 
words. Text in capitals is harder to read because the letters are all the same 
height. The eyes tend to slide over a long string of words all in capitals, in 
search of text that is easier. Therefore, the effect is the opposite of what 
