Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: If It Wasn't For Obstructionist Democrats Wanting Illegal Aliens To Vote, Trump's Wall Would Have Been Built
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 22:02:30 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:50:43 GMT,  Klaus Schadenfreude says...  

> AlleyCat wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > It's 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs
> > and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021). - Politfact
> > and The BBC
> > 
> I suck dick.

We know... that's why you're a member of the BLM/Drag Queen/Gay/Socialist/ 
Antifa/Fascist/Marxist/Communist/Racist/Insurrectionist/Liberal Democrat Party.

Or, if you're an Arsetralian liberal... that's the only reason. LOL


2006: "Marriage is between a man and a woman and states must respect that," Joe 
Biden said.

Biden opposed same-sex marriage when he and Obama were first elected in 2008. 

He opposed it when he was running against Obama for the Democrapic nomination. 

He opposed it in the earlier Meet the Press interview.

And he opposed it in the United States Senate.

Biden voted for the Defense of Marriage Act as a senator from Delaware in 1996. 
It prevented federal recognition of same-sex marriages and allowed states to do 
the same for same-sex marriages performed in other states.

Biden's views on same-sex marriage have never been cutting edge. When 
majorities opposed it, so did he. Once support for same-sex marriage became the 
mainstream Democratic position, Biden adopted it.

That is why Biden "got into trouble" with Obama for his gay marriage 
endorsement. Obama and Biden were under activist pressure for being late to 
supporting same-sex marriage. By the time Biden announced his new stand, most 
rank-and-file Democrats were already on board. Preempting Obama made him look 
bad with liberals.

Obama and Biden had hesitated because of residual opposition from Hispanic and 
especially black voters. Black Californians voted in 2008 for Obama and Biden, 
and to define marriage as a man and a woman by passing the ballot initiative 
Proposition 8.

The sincerity of their opposition to same-sex marriage by that time could be 
called into question - in his 2006 Meet the Press interview, Biden was invoking 
the Defense of Marriage Act in part to explain his opposition to a Republican-
backed federal marriage amendment - but it remained reflected in federal law 
until the Supreme Court handed down Obergefell v. Hodges. Public support for 
same-sex marriage hit 60% in Gallup the month before the decision.

The other issue is the strident tone Biden and his team have taken toward 
people who continue to espouse the same position on marriage he held for most 
of his adult life. Biden said he was striking a "blow against hate." Jean-
Pierre spoke of "extremist conservatives who appear bent on taking away 
fundamental rights, including marriage equality."

Liberals may be shell-shocked by the reversal of Roe v. Wade earlier this year, 
and frequently invoked a stray sentence on substantive due process in Justice 
Clarence Thomas's concurring opinion which wasn't joined by any other justice 
and isn't supported by Justice Samuel Alito's majority opinion. But there is no 
comparison between the nearly 50-year legal and political campaign to overturn 
Roe, which came within one vote of being reversed 30 years ago, and the 
remaining anti-Obergefell activities.

That's why the Respect for Marriage Act, essentially codifying Obergefell, 
sailed through Congress and a bill ostensibly codifying Roe couldn't get 
majority support in a Democratic-controlled Senate.

How Biden speaks of faith-based and traditional views of marriage matters 
because of ongoing religious liberty concerns. Opponents believed the Respect 
for Marriage Act's religious liberty protections were weak. Others maintain 
they went too far.

"There's a section here that speaks to the ability of nonprofit religious 
organizations, faith-based social agencies, educational institutions, employees 
of those organizations to deny services, accommodations, facilities, goods, 
advantages, privileges to gay couples," a reporter said to Jean-Pierre at 
Tuesday's White House briefing. "So how is that not codifying discrimination?"

Biden, the second Catholic president, may face political pressure from those 
who believe religious liberty exemptions are codified discrimination.

"My wife said I was the most socially conservative man she had ever known," 
Biden told an interviewer when he was a freshman senator.