Davin News Server

Organization: Usenet.Farm
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 24 23:07:36 UTC
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
From: D. Ray <d@ray>
Subject: Re: Arsetralian Going Full Commie

AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> The Dutch were the first known Europeans to reach Australia, in 1606. British 
>>> colonization began in 1788 with the establishment of the penal colony of New 
>>> South Wales. By the mid-19th century, most of the continent had been explored 
>>> by European settlers and five additional self-governing British colonies were 
>>> established, each gaining responsible government by 1890. The colonies 
>>> federated in 1901, forming the Commonwealth of Australia. This continued a 
>>> process of increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom, highlighted by the 
>>> Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942, and culminating in the Australia Acts 
>>> of 1986.

This is all irrelevant. Soviets didn’t create Poland or Hungary, but they
were definitely the ones calling the shots in these countries after WW2,
since Poland and Hungary were in Soviet sphere of influence. Same with US
and Australia. Ever noticed that this “commie shit” happens in all
countries in American “sphere of influence”? Europe, Canada, Australia, New

>> Don?t pretend to be that stupid.
> I'm not pretending.

I guess you’re not. I guess you really are that stupid.

>> Where do you think America is getting this shit from? Or you think you?re
>> free over here?
> OK... first you say Arsetralia's getting it from U.S.
> "Australia is part of Judeo-American Empire, where do you think it's getting
> things like that from?"
> Now, you're saying WE'RE getting it from Arsetralia?

No, I didn’t say that. I was asking you where do you think we’re getting it

> "Where do you think America is getting this shit from?"
> Please... enlighten all of us. And explain  what YOUR explanation has to do 
> with Arsetralia going full commie?

America is ruled by the people who hate Whites, and America is passing it
to other countries, such as Australia.

> I never said anything about WHERE Arstralia is getting anything "from", so why 
> don't you either refute what the police commissioner is saying, of just shut 
> the fuck up.

Why should I “refute it”? I’m pretty sure she said it because they say same
things in US.

> I don't give a flying FUCK where she's getting her ideas from.

It’s because you’re either an idiot, or you know where she’s getting it
from but don’t want to talk about it.

> Australian police commissioner: "Police will be the source of truth, and not 
> social media and misinformation." 
> This is the kind of statement I'd expect to hear from an openly authoritarian 
> regime, like the Chinese Communist Party, or North Korea.

You mean United States of America? Because openly authoritarian regime of
USA was training police forces and especially FBI to “fight disinformation”
for many, many years. For example:

“Police Officers: This Article Will Make You Better at Combatting


“Social Media and Tactical Considerations For Law Enforcement”


Et cetera, et cetera. 

> Can Australia still be considered part of the "free world"?

No. US is not part of it either. And the reason Australia is not part of it
is because of US.