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From: Steven Forbes <X@Y.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,or.politics,can.politics,talk.politics.guns,rec.arts.tv,alt.atheism
Subject: Canada Is 4 Positions Ahead of USA in the 2023 Human Freedom Index According To Rightist Cato and Fraser Institutes
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 16:02:09 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

Page 5

Canada is 13th,  USA 17th.

Click here to read the full report: The Human Freedom Index 2023


Canada Rises To 13th Place In Latest Human Freedom Index
December 29, 2023 9:05 am by Fraser Institute

As a result of increasing restrictions on liberties in Hong Kong—once among 
the freest places on earth—it now ranks 46th in the latest Human Freedom 
Index report, released this month by Canada’s Fraser Institute and the 
U.S.-based Cato Institute.

As recently as 2010, Hong Kong was the 3rd freest jurisdiction on earth. 
Mainland China has always been less free than the territory and this year, 
China ranks 149th out of 165 jurisdictions.

“Freedom has suffered a precipitous decline in Hong Kong, but its tragic 
descent into oppression provides important lessons about the value of 
freedom,” said Fred McMahon, resident fellow at the Fraser Institute and 
co-author of this year’s report.

The index measures personal freedom—the rule of law, safety and security, 
identity and relationships (i.e. the freedom to choose your relationship 
partner), freedom of movement, speech, assembly and religion—alongside 
economic freedom, the ability of individuals to make their own economic 

This year’s report ranks 165 jurisdictions around the world. It finds that 
from 2019 to 2021 (the latest year of available data), 89.8 per cent of the 
world’s population experienced a decline in freedom.

In Hong Kong, the areas that show the most pronounced declines in this 
year’s report are: The rule of law, freedom of expression, and freedom of 
association and assembly.

“Suppression in Hong Kong continues to ramp up as the jailing of 
journalists and pro-freedom advocates grows, with arrest warrants issued 
for exiled activists to quash even overseas dissent,” said Ian Vásquez, 
report co-author and vice president of international studies at the Cato 

Switzerland, once again, tops this year’s freedom ranking followed by New 
Zealand, Denmark, Ireland, Estonia and Sweden (tied for 5th). The five 
least-free countries are (in descending order) Iran, Myanmar, Sudan, Yemen 
and Syria.

Overall worldwide rankings for other significant countries include Taiwan 
(12), Canada (13), Japan (16), the United Kingdom and the United States 
(tied at 17), Germany (21), South Korea (28), France (39), Ukraine (83) 
Mexico (95), and India (109).

Crucially, people in freer jurisdictions are more prosperous than those in 
less-free jurisdictions. For example, the average per-capita income for the 
top-quartile of jurisdictions on the index was US$47,421 compared to US
$14,157 for the least-free quartile in 2021.

“Human freedom increases prosperity and human well-being and has powered 
the growth of some of the most remarkable jurisdictions in the world, 
including Hong Kong,” McMahon said.

The complete index, a joint project of the Fraser Institute and the Cato 
Institute, is available as a free PDF download at www.fraserinstitute.org. 
The co-authors of the report are Ian Vásquez, Fred McMahon, Ryan Murphy, 
associate professor, Bridwell Institute for Economic Freedom, Southern 
Methodist University, and Guillermina Sutter Schneider, data scientist and 
former research and project director at the Cato Institute.
