Davin News Server

From: Dhu on Gate <campbell@neotext.ca>
Newsgroups: can.politics,alt.politics
Subject: Moscow is a Fence
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 20:17:15 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

That operates to keep Russia's krazies at home:


We might not agree with all their ideas on the matter, but Moscow is Russia's 
answer to Law, Order and Good Governance.  It needs updating, for sure, but 
only overt, constructive influence is gonna sell in NiznyRussia...


Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.  
 C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-) 
 Duncan Patton a Campbell