Davin News Server

From: CLV <cv@invalid.org>
Newsgroups: can.politics,can.general,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,seattle.politics,alt.politics.trump
Subject: Re: Tommy Robinson arrested for drawing breath in Canaduh
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 10:57:32 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 6/25/2024 9:54 AM, Dhu on Gate wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 09:44:11 -0600, CLV wrote:
>> Well you Turdeau "no free speech" fascists are at it again, aren't you?
>> Couldn't even let the poor man say his peace before your jackboot
>> royalist thugs whisked him away on bogus immigration charges.
>> What a shameful and chilling performance you 'polite and mannerly' serfs
>> have rolled over for, just shameful!
>> https://www.rebelnews.com/shock_tommy_robinson_arrested_after_speaking_event_in_calgary
>> Moments ago Tommy Robinson received a standing ovation in Calgary,
>> Canada, for a powerful speech about censorship and government overreach.
>> And then moments later, ten police – both undercover officers and
>> uniformed officers, swarmed him, arrested him, put him in the back of a
>> big SUV and drove him away.
>> This is outrageous but completely unsurprising. One of the few places
>> with worse censorship than the UK itself is Justin Trudeau’s Canada.
>> Well, not on my watch.
>> Tommy was our guest on a speaking tour. The least we can do is keep him
>> safe from bullies like Trudeau’s highly-politicized RCMP.
>> Rebel News has hired Calgary's leading criminal lawyer Alain Hepner and
>> we are working to secure his release as soon as possible. He’s on the
>> case right now.
>> We’ll work through the night to get Tommy free.
> Such are the wages of Civilization: this is Canada.
> Carry on...
> Dhu

One step removed from the Botany Bay penal colony of your brethren, eh?

Noose flash:


He was freed from the UK’s high-security Belmarsh prison on Monday and 
taken to the airport, from where he flew out of the country. Assange 
will appear at a court in Saipan, a US Pacific territory, at 9am on 
Wednesday (23:00 GMT on Tuesday), where he will be sentenced to 62 
months of the time already served.

“Julian Assange is free,” WikiLeaks said in a statement on X.

“He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, 
after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High 
Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the 
afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.”

A video posted on X by WikiLeaks showed Assange dressed in a blue shirt 
and jeans signing a document before boarding a private jet.

He will return to Australia after the hearing, the WikiLeaks statement 
added, referring to the hearing in Saipan.

The plane carrying Assange landed in Bangkok on Tuesday to refuel before 
flying the WikiLeaks founder to the US territory.

His wife Stella Assange said she was “elated” and it was “incredible” 
that her husband was set to be freed.

“He will be a free man once it has been signed off by the judge and that 
will happen sometime tomorrow,” she said, speaking from Australia.

>> https://rumble.com/v53m9k2-tommy-robinson-speaks-at-his-first-canadian-event-gets-arrested-on-bogus-ch.html
>> Reply
>> Evilbughead
>> 2 hours ago
>> what a croc of shit our country has become a fkn joke to the world
>> Reply
>> › Show 1 reply
>> Hypercube
>> 2 hours ago
>> Canadian Gestapo. Does Trudeau really see a viable exit for himself.
>> Reply
>> zepsett
>> 2 hours ago
>> *They let him in to begin with*
>> Reply
>> bregan507
>> 2 hours ago
>> It's now illegal to be a conservative.
>> Reply
>> NormalGuyCrazyWorld
>> 2 hours ago
>> They need to leave this man alone. WTF.
>> Reply
>> FrankBroughton
>> 2 hours ago
>> Glad I am banned from entering Communist Canada.