Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: The Epitome of The Bullshit/Semantics-Driven, Gay As Fuck, Pedantic Little Pussy-Boy Liberal
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 18:29:44 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

"Nearly Half of American EV Owners Want To Switch Back To Gas-Powered Vehicle, 
McKinney Data Shows" - FoxNews

"Want to".

A significant share of Americans who own an electric vehicle have buyer's 
remorse, according to new data.


Search "want" (8 hits in 1 file of 1 searched)

  new 1 (8 hits)

	Line   1:	"Nearly Half of American EV Owners Want To Switch Back To 
			Gas-Powered Vehicle, McKinney Data Shows" - FoxNews
	Line   3:	"Want to".
	Line   9:	If someone is LIKELY to do something, that means they WANT 
			to do that something.
	Line  18: 	> >> want to...
	Line  32:	46% of EV owners want to go back to gas-powered cars.
	Line  60:	46 Percent Of American EV Owners Want To Go Back To ICE
	Line  62:	https://gmauthority.com/blog/2024/06/46-percent-of-	

Likely synonyms: expected, inclined


When they can't refute what you've posted, they pick apart the semantics and 
make it into what THEY think they can argue.

If someone is LIKELY to do something, that means they WANT to do that 

Oh nooo... that's not good enough for the chicken shits who are scared shitless 
to post their own articles and get refuted.

Nooo... they'd rather nitpick to satiate their need to be the smartest little 
gay fuck in the room, and they think that if they can persuade others into 
thinking they know how to read people's minds, well, that makes them feel 
better about their sad and pathetic selves.

Take your semantics bullshit and shove it up your ass, and have your boyfriend 
help... it's a wide load.


On Wed, 26 Jun 2024 11:11:43 -0700,  Alan says...  

> >> Nope. I'm just pointing out something that the previous poster didn't
> >> want to...
> > 
> > WHAT "something?
> > 
> > WHAT didn't I "acknowledged"? [giggled]
> > 
> > Oh wait... I DON'T CARE.
> Which is why you're spending all the effort to make this post.

Oh... yeah... OK... lemme rephrase... I don't give a fuck what your OPINION is. 
You're always acting like you know what every author of every article I post is 
thinking, while OTHERS are thinking what the authors mean when they say 

John Kennedy
46% of EV owners want to go back to gas-powered cars.

Alliance For Consumers
JUST IN: A massive percentage of EV buyers are having buyer's remorse...
According to a new survey, 46% of EV owners in the US, said they're "very" 
likely to switch back to owning a gas-powered vehicle.

NTD Tonight
A McKinsey and Company survey found that 46% of U.S. EV owners are 'likely' to 
switch back to gas cars. @DavidLamNTD hears from some Californians who either 
love their EV's or have the best of both worlds.

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP
46% of Americans surveyed who own an EV are very likely to switch back to 
gasoline-powered vehicles! Major reasons include poor public charging 
infrastructure (35%), high ownership costs (34%), and long-distance driving 
challenges (32%).

"McKinsey & Co.'s Mobility Consumer Pulse for 2024, released this month, found 
that 46% of EV owners in the U.S. said they were "very" likely to switch back 
to owning a gas-powered vehicle in their next purchase."

Howard Rothenburg
23 Jun
46 Percent Of American EV Owners Want To Go Back To ICE
"electric vehicle owners appear to be experiencing buyer's remorse due to 
inadequate public charging infrastructure, high ownership costs, and 
limitations with long trips."

Paul Gessing

According to a new McKinsey and Co. report via 
 46% of American EV owners are "likely" to switch BACK to a gas-powered 
vehicle. Of course, since 96% of EV owners have a gas powered vehicle also, it 
is questionable how many EV owners have actually "switched"

McKinsey and Co.'s Mobility Consumer Pulse for 2024, released this month, found 
that 46% of EV owners in the U.S. said they were "very" likely to switch back 
to owning a gas-powered vehicle in their next purchase.

How are Joe, Gavin, et al, going to force EV ownership?: McKinsey and Co.'s 
Mobility Consumer Pulse for 2024, released this month, found that 46% of EV 
owners in the U.S. said they were "very" likely to switch back to owning a gas-
powered vehicle in their next purchase.

46% of EV owners in the U.S. said they were "very" likely to switch back to 
owning a gas-powered vehicle in their next purchase.

" A consumer research group surveyed electric vehicle (EV) owners all around 
the world and found 46 percent of American EV owners regret their purchase and 
are ?very likely? to switch back to the internal combustion engine (ICE)." - 

There is this notion that EV owners waste so much time waiting for their cars 
to be charged.
Below analysis compares my personal data collected with my daily driver (MYP) 
over the last 12 months.

46% of all EV owners want to go back to gas powered cars

McKinsey data: 46% of EV owners in the U.S. said they want to switch back to 
owning a gas-powered vehicle in their next purchase.

46% of EV drivers plan to switch back to gas vehicle.
Once again, central planning & government subsidies have failed.
Stick with #ReliableEnergy

Ok global N of the survey is 36,954, US N=4,112.
Cannot find EV owner percentage, but if we estimate from US total car number 
272M vs. 2.4M EV. We probably got ~17 EV owner said they would switch back to 
ICE, out of ~38 total EV owners.
Wondering how many of these people are driving Hybrid, or an EV that?s not a 
You tell me whether the data is representative enough.


Post something of your own, faggot troll. Why are you so chicken shit doing so?


Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, And Sadists Trolls Will Lie, 
Exaggerate, And Offend TO GET A RESPONSE  [so true]

Pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing 

Of course, these never work, AS INTENDED.


An Internet troll is someone who enters an online discussion and posts comments 
designed to upset or disrupt the conversation.

"Dark Tetrad" personality traits include narcissism, Machiavellianism, 
psychopathy, and sadism. 

(someone's been reading my possstss againnnnn)

In a study of 1200 people, Dark Tetrad scores were highest among people who 
said trolling was their favorite Internet activity.

In this month's issue of Personality and Individual Differences, a study was 
published that confirms what we all suspected: Internet trolls are horrible 

Let's start by getting our definitions straight: An Internet troll is someone 
who comes into a discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the 
conversation. Often, in fact, it seems like there is no real purpose behind 
their comments except to upset everyone else involved. Trolls will lie, 
exaggerate, and offend to get a response.

What kind of person would do this? Some Canadian researchers decided to find 
Study: Internet Trolls and Dark Tetrad Personality Traits

They conducted two online studies with over 1,200 people, giving personality 
tests to each subject along with a survey about their Internet commenting 
behavior. They were looking for evidence that linked trolling with the "Dark 
Tetrad" of personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and 

They found that Dark Tetrad scores were highest among people who said trolling 
was their favorite Internet activity. To get an idea of how much more prevalent 
these traits were among Internet trolls, one can refer to tables from the paper 
showing low Dark Tetrad scores for everyone in the study ... except the trolls. 
Their scores for all four traits soar on the chart. The relationship between 
trolling and the Dark Tetrad is so significant that the authors write in their 

"... the associations between sadism and GAIT (Global Assessment of Internet 
Trolling) scores were so strong that it might be said that online trolls are 
prototypical everyday sadists." [emphasis added]

Trolls truly enjoy making you feel bad. To quote the authors once more (because 
this is a truly quotable article): "Both trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee 
at the distress of others. Sadists just want to have fun ... and the Internet 
is their playground!"

The next time you encounter a troll online, remember:

These trolls are some truly difficult people.
It is your suffering that brings them pleasure, so the best thing you can do is 
ignore them.