Davin News Server

From: Chips Loral <loralandclinton@invalid.co>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: The Harris Ranch Tesla Supercharger Station Is An Impressive
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 16:11:38 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

Alan wrote:
> On 2024-06-27 21:05, AlleyCat wrote:
>> The Harris Ranch Tesla Supercharger station is an impressive beast.
>> With 98 charging bays, the facility in Coalinga, California, is the 
>> largest
>> charging station in the world.
>> And it's all powered by diesel.
>> Largest EV Charging Station In World Powered By Diesel-Powered Generators
>> LOL
>> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GREBCFKXMAEXOdx?format=jpg&name=small
> Except for one thing:
> The claim is pure bullshit.




 From SF Gate: “But as with many Tesla-related things, there is a 
secret, thinly obscured by an Oz-like curtain, at the Harris Ranch 
Supercharger. Hidden in plain sight across the way from the Harris Ranch 
Supercharger’s main stations, behind a Shell station, is a small diesel 
plant that has helped power Tesla’s footprint.”

The news first broke by investigative journalist Edward Niedermeyer. In 
May 2015, Niedermeyer drove from his Oregon home to Harris Ranch to see 
whether “Musk’s latest bit of dream weaving could stand up to reality.”

It’s unclear just what percentage of Supercharger power at Harris Ranch 
is being generated via diesel, as even apps devoted to tracking what 
kind of energy is delivered to Superchargers have no idea. But 
understand, generators play a vital role in backup power, or when extra 
power is needed to meet demand. Power outages are happening more often 
so standby, industrial generators are going to be more and more common 
in businesses, even at an EV supercharger location.


Across the way from the Harris Ranch Supercharger’s main stations, 
behind a Shell station, sits a small building where, according to a 2015 
report, a diesel generator once helped power Tesla’s footprint here.

“I discovered that Tesla’s battery swap station was not in fact being 
made available to owners who regularly drove between California’s two 
largest cities,” Niedermeyer wrote in a May 2022 exposé for Slate. 
“Instead, the company was running diesel generators to power additional 
Superchargers (the kind that take 30 to 60 minutes to recharge a 
battery) to handle the holiday rush, their exhaust mingling with the 
unmistakable smell of bulls—t.”


I cunt 17 or more right there!