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Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 10:40:45 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: A Body Language Expert Watched the Debate. Here's What He Noticed.
From: Left Wing <left.wing@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics.trump,can.politics,or.politics,talk.politics.guns

On 28 Jun 2024, J Carlson <j_carlson@gmx.com> posted some

> I'm a trolling HIV-oozing Nazi whore with no seriousness of purpose.

I’m sure I wasn’t the only American to hit the mute button on the 
presidential debate last night. But unlike many of you, I didn’t silence 
the back-and-forth between President Joe Biden and former President Donald 
Trump because I wanted to tune them out. I did it because I wanted to 
understand them better.

For over 50 years, 25 of them as an FBI agent, I’ve been studying the 
endlessly fascinating nuances of nonverbal communication. I’ve found that 
words, especially those of politicians, too easily twist the truth. But 
body language doesn’t lie. So I started the debate with the sound off to 
see what the two contenders were really thinking and feeling.

Reader, let me tell you: They were thinking and feeling quite a lot that 
they left unsaid.

You may not have learned much that you didn’t already know about Trump and 
Biden during the debate. But decoding their body language offers 
invaluable insights to get to know them better that you didn’t hear in 
their speeches. Here’s everything I noticed on the stage:

Biden’s Age Was Clear From the First Step He Took Onstage

A handshake on a debate stage communicates mutual respect — if not between 
the candidates, then at least for the Americans watching at home. It has 
been a tradition as far back as I can remember. But with all the baggage 
between Trump and Biden, the lack of a handshake didn’t surprise me. It 
was a nonverbal sign that this election will be every bit as divisive as 
many voters feared it would be.

Biden entered the room first, and his stiff walk, with a short, narrow 
stride, immediately showed his age. Contrary to what they say online, 
that’s not necessarily a cataclysmic sign of mental decline. But as we 
age, we lose a lot of the nerves that help us keep our balance. The 
Merkel, Meissner, Ruffini and Pacinian nerve cells on and just below the 
skin — all so robust when we are young, able to detect the most delicate 
touch, the slightest change in pressure and temperature, the subtlest 
movement or vibration — begin to lose sensation as we age. The tactile 
messages they send along the nervous system take longer to reach the brain 
also, so we adapt as we age and we walk slower, more carefully—nature is 
not kind. As the Sural nerve of the foot (along the outside edge) or the 
Medial Plantar nerve (which innervates the big toe) age, we also lose our 
ability to sense where we are walking with precision so that also forces 
us to slow down. “But what about Biden riding a bike?” you might ask. 
Well, those nerves don’t always affect cycling or swimming — but they do 
impact walking.

Trump’s Tan Made Biden Look Pale

You may not have learned much that you didn’t already know about Trump and 
Biden during the debate. But decoding their body language offers 
invaluable insights to get to know them better that you didn’t hear in 
their speeches. Here’s everything I noticed on the stage:

Biden’s Age Was Clear From the First Step He Took Onstage
A handshake on a debate stage communicates mutual respect — if not between 
the candidates, then at least for the Americans watching at home. It has 
been a tradition as far back as I can remember. But with all the baggage 
between Trump and Biden, the lack of a handshake didn’t surprise me. It 
was a nonverbal sign that this election will be every bit as divisive as 
many voters feared it would be.

Biden entered the room first, and his stiff walk, with a short, narrow 
stride, immediately showed his age. Contrary to what they say online, 
that’s not necessarily a cataclysmic sign of mental decline. But as we 
age, we lose a lot of the nerves that help us keep our balance. The 
Merkel, Meissner, Ruffini and Pacinian nerve cells on and just below the 
skin — all so robust when we are young, able to detect the most delicate 
touch, the slightest change in pressure and temperature, the subtlest 
movement or vibration — begin to lose sensation as we age. The tactile 
messages they send along the nervous system take longer to reach the brain 
also, so we adapt as we age and we walk slower, more carefully—nature is 
not kind. As the Sural nerve of the foot (along the outside edge) or the 
Medial Plantar nerve (which innervates the big toe) age, we also lose our 
ability to sense where we are walking with precision so that also forces 
us to slow down. “But what about Biden riding a bike?” you might ask. 
Well, those nerves don’t always affect cycling or swimming — but they do 
impact walking.

Trump’s Tan Made Biden Look Pale
The first thing I noticed about Trump was his tan. You might think that 
sounds superficial, but appearances can make a big difference. Just think 
of how disheveled Richard Nixon looked — with his 5 o’clock shadow, lack 
of makeup and pale complexion — next to a young, tanned, make-up-wearing 
senator named John F. Kennedy in the first televised debate in 1960.

In a similar way, Biden looked white as a sheet next to a sun-kissed 
Trump. Humans naturally intuit health, vitality and energy in a tanned 
face. It was another indicator that Biden appeared somewhat frail.

What Can I Even Say About Biden’s Body Language?

I have watched Biden since the early ’90s, and this is the most stoic I 
have ever seen him. He was still as a statue at times, especially in the 
first 40 minutes or so. His lack of movement was especially striking next 
to Trump, who drew the viewer’s eye with dynamic hand motions and 
aggressive finger pointing that emphasized his arguments, making him 
appear much more energetic.

I often say that body language speaks volumes, but Biden’s volume was full 
of blank pages. Sure, it might be because he wanted to be respectful and 
listen intently. But it could also be because, as we age, our gestures 
become more economical. Biden’s nonverbal communication did nothing to 
counter the narrative that his age is catching up to him.

Neither, for that matter, did his verbal communication. I won’t comment on 
the substance of what either candidate said — that’s a matter for a 
different kind of expert — but the hoarse timbre of Biden’s voice 
immediately distracted most viewers from his arguments. His supporters 
will no doubt argue that he talks all the time as part of his presidential 
duties and therefore had a tired voice, but nonetheless, it detracted from 
his speech. When I consult with people about public speaking, I always 
tell them that, if they’re suffering from a cold or some vocal malady, 
they should mention it to let people know why they sound the way they 
sound. Otherwise, as with Biden last night, their timbre and tone draw 
more focus than their actual words.

Both Candidates’ Eyelids Fluttered — But for Different Reasons

Biden and Trump both exhibited eyelid flutters, but they did so at 
different times and for different reasons. Biden fluttered his eyes when 
he made a mistake. Even with the sound off, I could tell when he stumbled 
over a word or felt he hadn’t expressed himself well because his eyelids 
would flutter in frustration with himself. It’s a common behavior for 
people who, like Biden, have a stutter.

With Trump, the eyelid flutter was less an expression of inward 
frustration than outward disdain. He looked like Jack Nicholson’s 
character in A Few Good Men, fluttering his eyes whenever he got a 
challenging question on the witness stand.

Overall, Trump has the most expressive eyes — but not in a good way. When 
he hears something he doesn’t like, his eyelids come down hard and linger 
in a downcast position. The fifth cranial nerve (C5) innervates the 
eyelids, and we subconsciously force them closed to put pressure on the 
eyeball and the eyelids themselves. It is an adaptive behavior, like 
facial touching, that helps us to relieve temporary stress — a way to 

Simultaneously, Trump’s eyebrows arch. Often, that’s a sign of 
recognition, like when your eyebrows pop up when you run into a friend on 
the street. But with Trump, it’s something different: a gravity-defying 
behavior that emphasizes dislike. Humans gesture upward, against gravity — 
raising our hands or our eyebrows, for example — as a kind of somatic 
exclamation point. But in Trump’s case, the raised eyebrows communicate 
not surprise but discomfort or suspicion.

Trump Has a Tell: His Lips

Ever since he’s appeared on television, Trump has displayed an 
idiosyncratic behavior that gives away his feelings of disagreement, 
dislike or disdain, and it showed up plenty of times during the debate: 
puckered lips.

He’s not alone. Most of us exhibit puckered or pursed lips when we hear 
something we dislike or disagree with. It seems to be a deeply ingrained 
behavior, not something we learn visually; I’ve observed the very same 
behavior in children who were born blind. It’s a kind of tic that others 
can take advantage of in, say, a business negotiation, or a poker game — 
or a presidential debate.

Trump’s Fake Smile Is His Shield

Neither, for that matter, did his verbal communication. I won’t comment on 
the substance of what either candidate said — that’s a matter for a 
different kind of expert — but the hoarse timbre of Biden’s voice 
immediately distracted most viewers from his arguments. His supporters 
will no doubt argue that he talks all the time as part of his presidential 
duties and therefore had a tired voice, but nonetheless, it detracted from 
his speech. When I consult with people about public speaking, I always 
tell them that, if they’re suffering from a cold or some vocal malady, 
they should mention it to let people know why they sound the way they 
sound. Otherwise, as with Biden last night, their timbre and tone draw 
more focus than their actual words.

Both Candidates’ Eyelids Fluttered — But for Different Reasons
Biden and Trump both exhibited eyelid flutters, but they did so at 
different times and for different reasons. Biden fluttered his eyes when 
he made a mistake. Even with the sound off, I could tell when he stumbled 
over a word or felt he hadn’t expressed himself well because his eyelids 
would flutter in frustration with himself. It’s a common behavior for 
people who, like Biden, have a stutter.

With Trump, the eyelid flutter was less an expression of inward 
frustration than outward disdain. He looked like Jack Nicholson’s 
character in A Few Good Men, fluttering his eyes whenever he got a 
challenging question on the witness stand.

Overall, Trump has the most expressive eyes — but not in a good way. When 
he hears something he doesn’t like, his eyelids come down hard and linger 
in a downcast position. The fifth cranial nerve (C5) innervates the 
eyelids, and we subconsciously force them closed to put pressure on the 
eyeball and the eyelids themselves. It is an adaptive behavior, like 
facial touching, that helps us to relieve temporary stress — a way to 

Simultaneously, Trump’s eyebrows arch. Often, that’s a sign of 
recognition, like when your eyebrows pop up when you run into a friend on 
the street. But with Trump, it’s something different: a gravity-defying 
behavior that emphasizes dislike. Humans gesture upward, against gravity — 
raising our hands or our eyebrows, for example — as a kind of somatic 
exclamation point. But in Trump’s case, the raised eyebrows communicate 
not surprise but discomfort or suspicion.

Trump Has a Tell: His Lips
Ever since he’s appeared on television, Trump has displayed an 
idiosyncratic behavior that gives away his feelings of disagreement, 
dislike or disdain, and it showed up plenty of times during the debate: 
puckered lips.

He’s not alone. Most of us exhibit puckered or pursed lips when we hear 
something we dislike or disagree with. It seems to be a deeply ingrained 
behavior, not something we learn visually; I’ve observed the very same 
behavior in children who were born blind. It’s a kind of tic that others 
can take advantage of in, say, a business negotiation, or a poker game — 
or a presidential debate.

Trump’s Fake Smile Is His Shield
Several times, when Trump heard something negative, he exhibited a 
behavior I call a deflective pseudo-smile.

In a true, genuine smile, also called a Duchenne smile, we see an organic 
movement of the lips and a crinkling of the eyes. But with Trump’s 
deflective smile, the lips compress tight, the commissures (or corners) of 
the mouth tightly pull upward and laterally, almost like you’d see on a 
clown’s face, and the eyebrows arch quite high. This makes the smile look 
contrived, intended to nonverbally fend off a verbal attack. It’s a way to 
pretend something wasn’t hurtful when, in fact, it was.

Joe Biden is a lying idiot and Kamala Harris is a useless black 
