Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: What the fools believe. (was Re: The Harris Ranch Tesla Supercharger
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 15:12:42 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

This all started when one fool posted a link to this image:


Which, based on the dates, I'm guessing he got from here:


But regardless, when one looks at the actual article from which the 
image of the Harris Ranch Supercharger station came:


...which was published on September 30, 2023...

...we discover that that so-called "news" organization used an image of 
the station that they got from Shutterstock---seriously; just look at 
the attribution of the image: "Aerial photo of supercharger Tesla 
station at the Harris Ranch in California. (Shutterstock)"...


...which reveals that the image was taken almost a YEAR before their 
article was published...

...and a quick look at Google Maps shows what the station looked like 
less than one month after the article was published...


...(yes, yes: the bottom says "© 2024 Airbus", but a quick check in 
Google Earth Pro gives the precise image date as "10/23/2023"...

...and what do we see: solar panels!

And not only solar panels:



And BTW, that image is from July of 2023, and it clearly shows the solar 
panel canopy under construction.

So why didn't the so-called "news" site check?

This whole thing was based on one reporter seeing a temporary 
Superchargr installation located in the lot to the immediate south of 
the building immediately to the right of the large gravel lot:


Don't believe me? Well compare this:


(Taken in May 2016)

With the video source of the image provided by you fools:


It was a Tesla battery swap pilot program that for one brief period 
during 2015 used a portable generator to handle overflow.

There remains no evidence at all that it now houses a diesel generator 
or ever did.