Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: The Harris Ranch Tesla Supercharger Station Is An Impressive Beast
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 20:36:10 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Sat, 29 Jun 2024 17:47:27 -0700,  Alan says...  

> > > First post (and note this is the order they appear in in Thunderbird
> > > with threading turned on) has two images (with broken URLs, because
> > > Loser-1 still hasn't figured out enclosing URLs in angle brackets):
> > 
> > Why would I wanna do that, when YOU obviously can?
> I can correct an idiot's errors...

It's not an error. I wrap at 80 characters on purpose, now that I know it 
bothers you libtards. 
> ...but that doesn't mean they weren't errors.

How hard is it to do this?


Too hard, I guess... for you, anyways.
> > And there ya have it. That charging station being powered by a diesel
> > generator.
> Except your claim was:

Not my claim.
> 'And it's all powered by diesel.'

It was.
> You do know that's present tense, right?

Yes, and the article came from the past WHEN the charging station HAD a diesel 
Just because someone on Twitter decided to revisit the story in the present, 
doesn't make the past false, Little Miss Pedantic Pussy.

> You do know what "present tense" means, right?

Yes, moron... *I'M* the one who brought it up first[1], knowing your head would 
explode and you'd do some hyper-researching to prove you're the smartest nerd 
in the room. I bow to your nerdiness.


[1] Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 20:07:15 -0500

> The claim that the Harris Ranch Tesla Supercharger Station uses diesel 
> to provide the electricity is bullshit.

No one said "uses". Also, no one used ANY form of time tense; past, present OR 
future. Chips Loral showed you EXACTLY what "happened", so go cry in your 
pillow... again.


Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 17:47:27 -0700
You do know what "present tense" means, right?


Oh... and thanks again for proving the charging station WAS powered by a diesel 


Alan's Egomania

Alan "Low-Self-Esteem" Baker... someone who always has to have the last word 
in a conversation or an argument. That's why he HAS to reply to EVERY post 
about him, or it drives him crazy enough to not being able to sleep.

Everyone has come across this type of person and knows how plain sad it is when 
you see it.

Having the last word is closely associated with ego, though those who exhibit 
these traits are far from anyone who SHOULD be egomaniacal.

Egomaniacs always have to have the last word. It gives them a feeling of power 
(LOL... Alan HAS no power), as if they immediate draw all of the power of the 
person they are communicating with and become powerful due to it. 


This feeling is short-lived (until he sees my next post), as it is only a state 
of mind, and most people who have any sense of understanding of human 
psychology knows that people that do this are only doing it because they feel 
INSECURE... competitive, HARDHEADED, and LACK CONFIDENCE, often in their own 
intellect or are in need of covering tracks.

Greek Methodology explains this well. Echo, a mountain nymph, had to have the 
last word in everything, and it was her undoing. While Echo was 
beautiful with a musical voice, and people enjoyed hearing her talk, 
this eventually went to her head.

Echo took so much pleasure in having the last word in both arguments and normal 
conversations, that eventually it became her undoing. As the story goes, she 
fell in love with Narcissus, and he rejected her. In return she begged him not 

Narcissus broke her heart and Echo wasted away and was doomed to a very 
sad life.

A person, like Alan, who has to have the last word is fundamentally flawed.
Their flaws are there for the world to see. They may be charismatic and draw 
people in, but if you listen to their conversations and in the modern age, look 
at their posts on social media, you will see a common thread of egocentricity 
and a NEED for supremacy.

 Those who have to have the last word feel uncomfortable, when that power is 
taken away from them and they usually end up fighting or in an argument because 
this has been taken away from them.

They lash out (LOSER!) and look for ways to rectify this. People with this 
"disease" usually strive to be the only voice over the people around them.

They often never rise to the top in career or business (or START one at all), 
so they adapt their personal profiles so that they can be seen as "winning" in 
some area that they feel no-one can compete.

Their need for respect and to be liked, more so than those around them, usually 
is their undoing.

If you have to have the last say, think to yourself, "what am I afraid of?" 
(people who have done better things with their lives than YOU, Alan)
Because ultimately, having the last say, means nothing.