Davin News Server

From: Dhu on Gate <campbell@neotext.ca>
Newsgroups: can.politics,alt.politics
Subject: The Grate Debate
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 00:50:08 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

Don' wanna' waste too much time on these Tweedlies... 
so here's my take goin' once tru the l00pins...

Descended into a discourse on abortion by the 15th minute, setting the mood for everything to follow: Late Term.

Now we're into "Suckers and Losers" ...  what do these words mean to you?  We're seein' 
it ON SCREEN, but whether is Tweedle B or T is a matter for debate...

Now we onto 'Ghan.  "We lost billyuns of Dollars of equipment ..."  but there was "No Terrer" under TweedleT.  

And now we're onto Commander Zee... ``Every time he comes here he walks away with 60 bills...'' is wut I hear. 
TweedleT's gonna fix it before he takes office...

TweedleBBBuuuttt Putin's a war kriminl!  He wants All of Ukraine! NATOs Toenails Too! 

(Up to this point, 'bout a half hour in, TweedleB's been relatively coherent...

Onto HAMAS... and GAZA... B's Three Stage Plan... 

``Wee stopped HAMAS ... they n33d to be Eliminated!`````

Let Israel go and Eliminate HAMAS ...

``We're in NATO ...  No war in Yurp has ever been contained to Yurp.

Onto January 6th "On January 6th we had a Great Border"  ... was he a good cook too?
``are you gonna denounce the Proud Bois?

TT "He's done Horrible Thingz" ... I did nothing wrong ... 

TB "no prez in are Histry" has had sex with a porn Star ...

Horrible Demokrats!!! 

"Hundreds of Millyuns of Dollars came in" to My KAMPAIGNE!
`` Werst President in the Histry of R CUNTRY!

```student loans for black people ...'''

Inflashun is killing ... he caused inflation..  19 -- 20 millions people taking black jobs!

Onto the Climate Crisis....

TT Police support Trump!!!

We got the Best Numbers!  You aint seen anything Yet. 

Clean Watr!!! Clean Err!!!

Migrants Destroing Social Security Medicare and Medicade!!!

TB Klimate Corps like Peace Corps...

TT: "Its All Lies!!!"  Putting Immigrants on Social Security ... 

TB West Prez in the Histry Uv

Onto Child Care
19 people say I never said Suckers and Losers 

It's hard firing people ...  

back to Prisoners and Mental Patients overwhelming Social Services 
werst in Histry so far ...

Finest Military ....

TB >>>Werst in Histry did nothing for Child Care ...

If I'm given another 4 years I'll Be The Best!!!

All my life I seen pols cutting taxes!!!

No Progress with China!!!

Onto Overdose Deaths 

TT he gets money from China... China's gonna own us!!!

Before covid then we had to get tough !!!

Human Traffiking in Women!!! Drugs!!!

TB Fentanyl Machines!!! 

Mexico!  Hostages!  Putin askin for Bilyuns!  

I paid Nothing!!!

Onto your health, President Biden...

TB Look what I've done!!!  

Samsung Fabs 40 Bilz to US!

Everybody Trusts Us!!!

TT I took exams and I'm quite Smart he can't hit a Golf Ball 40 meters?

My Handicap was down to 6 ...

We're a Failing Nashun because of Him!  We are close to WW3!  KimJU and Putin don't respect him!  

TB We're a Powerful Nashun and we're needed to keep Puting outta Kiev! 

TT Putin didn't take anything from me, but Putsky's gonna take Ukraine 

Backto Will You Accept the Results of this Election? 

He's destroying our Cuntry!  

TB Your a Whiner! 

TT We're Failing!  AmeriKa's Failing because of You!  I'm gonna Make AmeriKKKa Grate Agin!


So I couldn'a make any sense of what these toddlers we 
on about.  They can't even answer the right questions.

Time for some Adults to Step Up, America!


Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.  
 C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-) 
 Duncan Patton a Campbell