Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: June 21-27 Arctic Sea Ice Extent Loss Was The Lowest Since 1991, And Third Lowest on Record
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 22:53:34 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.


On Sun, 30 Jun 2024 11:09:44 -0700,  Alan says...  

> > So, picking one week out of 52(1.92%) is worse than picking one year (2023) out
> > of 142 (0.7%)?
> I'm NOT picking one year, Loser-1.

Did I say YOU did it, brother-fucker?

You REALLY have a problem with your self-esteem. No one put you in the 
context... NO ONE.


NASA Clocks July 2023 As HOTTEST MONTH On Record Ever Since 1880


Aug 14, 2023"NASA data confirms what billions around the world literally felt: 
temperatures in July 2023 made it the HOTTEST MONTH on record. In every corner 
of the country, Americans are right now experiencing firsthand the effects of 
the climate crisis, underscoring the urgency of President Biden's historic 
climate agenda," said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.


This MONTH Is The Planet's HOTTEST On Record By Far - CNN


Jul 27, 2023 - Every day since July 3 has been hotter than the 2016 record. "We 
are seven MONTHs into 2023 and almost every MONTH this year has been in the top 
five HOTTEST on record," said Burgess, adding ...


NASA Clocks July 2023 As HOTTEST MONTH On Record Ever Since 1880


Aug 14, 2023 - Aug 14, 2023. RELEASE 23-090. According to scientists at NASA's 
Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York, July 2023 was hotter 
than any other MONTH in the global temperature record. This map shows global 
temperature anomalies for July 2023 according to the GISTEMP analysis by 
scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space ...


It's Official: July Was Earth's HOTTEST MONTH On Record


"In this case, first place is the worst place to be," said NOAA Administrator 
Rick Spinrad, Ph.D. "July is typically the world's warmest MONTH of the year, 
but July 2021 outdid itself as the HOTTEST July and MONTH ever recorded. This 
new record adds to the disturbing and disruptive path that climate change has 
set for the globe."


July 2023 Is HOTTEST MONTH Ever Recorded On Earth


Jul 27, 2023 - The WMO and C3S found that the first three weeks of this MONTH 
were the HOTTEST three-week period on record. The Leipzig University analysis 
determined that July 2023 will be 0.2 degree Celsius ...


July Was Earth's HOTTEST MONTH Since U.S. Temperature Records Began ...


Aug 14, 2023 - July 2023 declared HOTTEST MONTH on record 06:56. After extreme 
temperatures scorched vast sections of the planet in July, a worrying climate 
milestone anticipated by scientists has been ...


European Scientists Make It Official. July Was The HOTTEST MONTH On ...

https://apnews.com/article/hot-july-record-climate-change-8baaa159c413 - 
Ec31939e99206 - F2be644

Aug 9, 20238) Now that last MONTH's sizzling numbers are all in, the European 
climate monitoring organization made it official: July 2023 was Earth's HOTTEST 
MONTH on record by a wide margin. July's global average temperature of 16.95 
degrees Celsius (62.51 degrees Fahrenheit) was a third of a degree Celsius (six 
tenths of a degree Fahrenheit ...


It's Official: July 2023 Was The Warmest MONTH Ever Recorded


Aug 8, 2023 - The global average temperature for July 2023 was the highest on 
record and likely for at least 120,000 years, the UN weather agency and 
partners said on Tuesday. "The global average temperature for July 2023 is 
confirmed to be the highest on record for any MONTH," said Samantha Burgess, 
Deputy Director at the European Commission's ...


Record Shattering: Earth Had Its Hottest July In 174 Years


Aug 14, 2023 - Because July is the globe's warmest MONTH of the year from a 
climatological perspective, July 2023 was also likely Earth's warmest MONTH on 
record. July 2023 was the first time an average July temperature exceeded 1.8 
degrees F (1.0 degree C) above the long-term average. Also of note, last MONTH 
was 0.36 of a degree F (0.20 of a degree C ...


July 2023 Was The HOTTEST MONTH On Record - NASA Earth Observatory


Aug 14, 2023 - July 2023 Was the HOTTEST MONTH on Record. July 1 - 31, 2023 
PNG. July 2023 was hotter than any other MONTH in the global temperature 
record, according to an analysis by scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for 
Space Studies (GISS). "This July was massively warmer than any previous July 
and any previous MONTH on record, which goes back to ...
