Davin News Server

From: The Doctor <doctor@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca>
Newsgroups: can.politics
Subject: stats 2024 1st half
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:57:35 -0600
Organization: NetKnow News

Group : can.politics
Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024

***** Users with most messages *****
 num| Name                                                              
               | Nb Msg | size       | or.   | %
  1 | AlleyCat                                                          
               |  3,422 | 26,234,404 | 1,934 | 34.29% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Alan                                                              
               |  1,986 |  6,067,034 |    12 | 19.90% xxxxx
  3 | Loran                                                             
               |    508 |  1,864,818 |    12 |  5.09% x
  4 | Dhu on Gate                                                       
               |    391 |    972,070 |   137 |  3.92% x
  5 | Akidasar                                                          
               |    366 |  1,756,421 |     1 |  3.67% x
  6 | pothead                                                           
               |    300 |  1,130,529 |     4 |  3.01%
  7 | Little@man.Ball                                                   
               |    234 |    644,224 |     0 |  2.34%
  8 | CaLaVeRa                                                          
               |    203 |    713,562 |     2 |  2.03%
  9 | Governor Swill                                                    
               |    201 |    632,033 |     1 |  2.01%
 10 | NoBody                                                            
               |    178 |    543,158 |    49 |  1.78%
 11 | Phil Hendry's Chop shop                                           
               |    165 |    595,463 |     0 |  1.65%
 12 | Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron                                            
               |    155 |    314,582 |   154 |  1.55%
 13 | Lil-man-ball                                                      
               |    154 |    606,066 |     1 |  1.54%
 14 | Anita 'Annie' Shein is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron     |    112 |    234,960 |   112 |  1.12%
 15 | Spamming/forging is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron        |    102 |    211,245 |   102 |  1.02%
 16 | R Kym Horsell                                                     
               |     90 |    336,323 |     1 |  0.90%
 17 | JTEM                                                              
               |     79 |    197,439 |     1 |  0.79%
 18 | † The Reverend                                                  
               |     65 |    129,886 |    65 |  0.65%
 19 | Mike Colangelo                                                    
               |     60 |    167,294 |     0 |  0.60%
 20 | Gronk                                                             
               |     50 |    143,437 |     1 |  0.50%
 21 | Josh Rosenbluth                                                   
               |     50 |    167,929 |     0 |  0.50%
 22 | Jonathan Ball's dismay                                            
               |     49 |     97,739 |     0 |  0.49%
 23 | NefeshBarYochai                                                   
               |     39 |    281,603 |    34 |  0.39%
 24 | Jonathan Small Balls                                              
               |     36 |     82,171 |     1 |  0.36%
 25 | Chips Loral                                                       
               |     34 |    135,356 |     0 |  0.34%
 26 | Phil Hendry's Chop Shop                                           
               |     33 |    117,817 |     0 |  0.33%
 27 | %                                                                 
               |     31 |    161,935 |     2 |  0.31%
 28 | The Doctor                                                        
               |     30 |  1,582,028 |    20 |  0.30%
 29 | Max Boot                                                          
               |     30 |    112,025 |     0 |  0.30%
 30 | Dave Smith                                                        
               |     29 |     76,482 |     8 |  0.29%
 31 | Quack = SHEIN = Anita = sub-human nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' 
Baron            |     28 |     37,039 |    28 |  0.28%
 32 | Charlie Glock                                                     
               |     27 |     97,507 |     0 |  0.27%
 33 | Michael Ejercito                                                  
               |     25 |     59,425 |     3 |  0.25%
 34 | Siri Cruise                                                       
               |     25 |     58,886 |     0 |  0.25%
 35 | Poles against SPAMMING sub-human anti-Polish racist Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron,  ... |     22 |     30,697 |    22 |  0.22%
 36 | Unum                                                              
               |     22 |     58,909 |     0 |  0.22%
 37 | Spamming/forging jew wannabe nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron 
aka SHEIN       |     21 |     33,746 |    21 |  0.21%
 38 | Lawrence D'Oliveiro                                               
               |     21 |     32,530 |     0 |  0.21%
 39 | Christians against SPAMMING, sub-human devil worshiper, Andrew 
'Andrzej' Bar ... |     20 |     26,805 |    20 |  0.20%
 40 | Anita 'Annie' Shein is SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' 
Baron              |     20 |     26,035 |    20 |  0.20%
 41 | CLV                                                               
               |     19 |     52,944 |     1 |  0.19%
 42 | Blue Lives Matter                                                 
               |     18 |     70,655 |     0 |  0.18%
 43 | Lou Bricano                                                       
               |     17 |     48,504 |     0 |  0.17%
 44 | Mitchell Holman                                                   
               |     16 |     41,264 |     0 |  0.16%
 45 | D. Ray                                                            
               |     15 |     48,049 |     4 |  0.15%
 46 | Zvi Ze'ev is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' 
Baron               |     13 |     28,326 |    13 |  0.13%
 47 | Ördög                                                             
               |     13 |     22,606 |    12 |  0.13%
 48 | David Dalton                                                      
               |     13 |     42,185 |     7 |  0.13%
 49 | Tall Henry                                                        
               |     10 |     38,855 |    10 |  0.10%
 50 | Susan Cohen                                                       
               |     10 |     28,260 |    10 |  0.10%
 51 | Loose Cannon                                                      
               |     10 |     18,048 |     6 |  0.10%
 52 | Eric@                                                             
               |     10 |     15,983 |     3 |  0.10%
 53 | Sharx335                                                          
               |     10 |     28,973 |     0 |  0.10%
 54 | White Human Christians against subhuman spamming/forging nazoid 
paedo Andrew ... |      9 |     18,505 |     9 |  0.09%
 55 | spamming/forging jew wannabe nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron 
aka SHEIN       |      9 |     17,587 |     9 |  0.09%
 56 | Mr. B1ack                                                         
               |      9 |     21,037 |     0 |  0.09%
 57 | Jeanne Douglas                                                    
               |      8 |     44,133 |     5 |  0.08%
 58 | Tyrone                                                            
               |      8 |     14,478 |     4 |  0.08%
 59 | super70s                                                          
               |      8 |     45,695 |     1 |  0.08%
 60 | Skeeter                                                           
               |      8 |     28,540 |     0 |  0.08%
 61 | Yak                                                               
               |      8 |     24,010 |     0 |  0.08%
 62 | Jack Carlson                                                      
               |      8 |     23,359 |     0 |  0.08%
 63 | Auric Hellman                                                     
               |      7 |     16,946 |     3 |  0.07%
 64 | Aldrichtom                                                        
               |      7 |      8,263 |     2 |  0.07%
 65 | Dawn Flood                                                        
               |      7 |     27,321 |     1 |  0.07%
 66 | Michael A Terrell                                                 
               |      7 |     29,272 |     0 |  0.07%
 67 | abelard                                                           
               |      7 |     16,306 |     0 |  0.07%
 68 | Klaus  Schadenfreude                                              
               |      6 |     16,190 |     3 |  0.06%
 69 | Albert Katt                                                       
               |      6 |     98,095 |     0 |  0.06%
 70 | WhataWonderfulWorld                                               
               |      6 |     37,961 |     0 |  0.06%
 71 | NEMO                                                              
               |      5 |      8,445 |     5 |  0.05%
 72 | Ground Goblin                                                     
               |      5 |      4,188 |     5 |  0.05%
 73 | Byker                                                             
               |      5 |     12,392 |     2 |  0.05%
 74 | Bi-valve Mollusk                                                  
               |      5 |     18,467 |     0 |  0.05%
 75 | Radio Gnome                                                       
               |      5 |     17,478 |     0 |  0.05%
 76 | Trump's Bitch                                                     
               |      5 |      8,802 |     0 |  0.05%
 77 | Trump - Inmate Number P01135809                                   
               |      4 |     18,455 |     2 |  0.04%
 78 | a425couple                                                        
               |      4 |     14,986 |     2 |  0.04%
 79 | dolf                                                              
               |      4 |    237,620 |     1 |  0.04%
 80 | Cancun Ted                                                        
               |      4 |      5,747 |     1 |  0.04%
 81 | John Doe                                                          
               |      4 |     28,760 |     0 |  0.04%
 82 | Baxter                                                            
               |      4 |     12,041 |     0 |  0.04%
 83 | nickname unavailable                                              
               |      4 |     11,064 |     0 |  0.04%
 84 | jballs                                                            
               |      4 |      8,881 |     0 |  0.04%
 85 | useapen                                                           
               |      3 |     12,864 |     3 |  0.03%
 86 | Mary E. Riendeau SHEIN                                            
               |      3 |      6,726 |     3 |  0.03%
 87 | HeartQuack Andrew                                                 
               |      3 |      6,256 |     3 |  0.03%
 88 | Christians against SPAMMING, sub-human devil worshiper, Andrew 
'Andrzej' Bar ... |      3 |      4,063 |     3 |  0.03%
 89 | Randolf Richardson ???                                            
               |      3 |     17,402 |     1 |  0.03%
 90 | Andrew                                                            
               |      3 |      9,474 |     1 |  0.03%
 91 | Scout                                                             
               |      3 |      6,509 |     1 |  0.03%
 92 | D                                                                 
               |      3 |      6,508 |     1 |  0.03%
 93 | riverain                                                          
               |      3 |      5,389 |     1 |  0.03%
 94 | harley@yazzy.com                                                  
               |      3 |      4,573 |     1 |  0.03%
 95 | Mark Wieber                                                       
               |      3 |      9,705 |     0 |  0.03%
 96 | Vespuci                                                           
               |      3 |      7,965 |     0 |  0.03%
 97 | David LaRue                                                       
               |      3 |      6,827 |     0 |  0.03%
 98 | Paul Jackson                                                      
               |      3 |      6,493 |     0 |  0.03%
 99 | alkanamana                                                        
               |      3 |      6,263 |     0 |  0.03%
100 | Ken                                                               
               |      3 |      6,116 |     0 |  0.03%
101 | Paul Aubrin                                                       
               |      3 |      4,991 |     0 |  0.03%
102 | xd440                                                             
               |      3 |      4,668 |     0 |  0.03%
103 | flaviaR                                                           
               |      2 |      3,479 |     2 |  0.02%
104 | Klaus Schadenfreude                                               
               |      2 |     17,062 |     1 |  0.02%
105 | Paul Szypula                                                      
               |      2 |      6,870 |     1 |  0.02%
106 | KWills                                                            
               |      2 |      4,714 |     1 |  0.02%
107 | 26xh.0717                                                         
               |      2 |      3,900 |     1 |  0.02%
108 | Oleg Smirnov                                                      
               |      2 |      3,838 |     1 |  0.02%
109 | Rudy Canoza                                                       
               |      2 |      3,292 |     1 |  0.02%
110 | John Simons                                                       
               |      2 |      3,169 |     1 |  0.02%
111 | Gary Cruden                                                       
               |      2 |      2,888 |     1 |  0.02%
112 | Nomen Nescio                                                      
               |      2 |      2,564 |     1 |  0.02%
113 | ??????????Jen?????????? Dershmender ????????????????????          
               |      2 |     20,124 |     0 |  0.02%
114 | Johnny                                                            
               |      2 |     13,792 |     0 |  0.02%
115 | Lane Larson                                                       
               |      2 |      8,850 |     0 |  0.02%
116 | J Carlson                                                         
               |      2 |      8,359 |     0 |  0.02%
117 | Maximus                                                           
               |      2 |      7,273 |     0 |  0.02%
118 | mark@invalid.com                                                  
               |      2 |      5,733 |     0 |  0.02%
119 | Rudy Crayola                                                      
               |      2 |      4,510 |     0 |  0.02%
120 | Lee                                                               
               |      2 |      4,275 |     0 |  0.02%
121 | Cune I. Form                                                      
               |      2 |      3,962 |     0 |  0.02%
122 | Voice of Authority                                                
               |      2 |      3,433 |     0 |  0.02%
123 | Chris M. Thomasson                                                
               |      2 |      3,295 |     0 |  0.02%
124 | dwarfism and dresses                                              
               |      1 |     12,503 |     1 |  0.01%
125 | Marika                                                            
               |      1 |      8,203 |     1 |  0.01%
126 | Intelligent Party                                                 
               |      1 |      7,292 |     1 |  0.01%
127 | Steven Forbes                                                     
               |      1 |      4,596 |     1 |  0.01%
128 | Suzan F. Binder is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron         |      1 |      4,369 |     1 |  0.01%
129 | Just Wondering                                                    
               |      1 |      3,671 |     1 |  0.01%
130 | Rich Travsky                                                      
               |      1 |      3,624 |     1 |  0.01%
131 | Turd Ferguson                                                     
               |      1 |      3,327 |     1 |  0.01%
132 | Big Trump Failure                                                 
               |      1 |      2,527 |     1 |  0.01%
133 | John McCue                                                        
               |      1 |      2,340 |     1 |  0.01%
134 | Suzan F. Binder shubshishter  SHEIN is sick old SPAMMING nazoid 
PAEDO Andrew ... |      1 |      2,212 |     1 |  0.01%
135 | Suzan F. Binder shubshishter is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO 
Andrew 'Andrz ... |      1 |      2,196 |     1 |  0.01%
136 | Another Obama Screwup                                             
               |      1 |      2,055 |     1 |  0.01%
137 | The SHPAMMER ish sick old nazoid paedo Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron aka 
BARRY of Mass  |      1 |      1,993 |     1 |  0.01%
138 | John Baker                                                        
               |      1 |      1,983 |     1 |  0.01%
139 | Anita 'Annie' SHEIN is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron     |      1 |      1,932 |     1 |  0.01%
140 | JAB                                                               
               |      1 |      1,891 |     1 |  0.01%
141 | Colin Brown                                                       
               |      1 |      1,870 |     1 |  0.01%
142 | Ingolf H.                                                         
               |      1 |      1,846 |     1 |  0.01%
143 | Paul                                                              
               |      1 |      1,828 |     1 |  0.01%
144 | NoSpamAtAll                                                       
               |      1 |      1,716 |     1 |  0.01%
145 | RKBA                                                              
               |      1 |      1,694 |     1 |  0.01%
146 | Peter Grill                                                       
               |      1 |      1,658 |     1 |  0.01%
147 | Ed                                                                
               |      1 |      1,589 |     1 |  0.01%
148 | Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells                                      
               |      1 |      1,532 |     1 |  0.01%
149 | Mary E. Riendeau SHEIN is SPAMMING nazoid paedo Andrew 'Andrzej' 
Baron           |      1 |      1,516 |     1 |  0.01%
150 | Jon Ball                                                          
               |      1 |      1,493 |     1 |  0.01%
151 | Pedro                                                             
               |      1 |      1,224 |     1 |  0.01%
152 | Pierre LeBlanc                                                    
               |      1 |      1,083 |     1 |  0.01%
153 | Porky Peters                                                      
               |      1 |     39,371 |     0 |  0.01%
154 | Michael Christ                                                    
               |      1 |     14,914 |     0 |  0.01%
155 | Lucas McCain                                                      
               |      1 |     12,344 |     0 |  0.01%
156 | Ford Prefect                                                      
               |      1 |     10,226 |     0 |  0.01%
157 | Shlomo Goldberg                                                   
               |      1 |      9,829 |     0 |  0.01%
158 | The Bjornsdottirs - Lightning                                     
               |      1 |      8,950 |     0 |  0.01%
159 | kymhorsell@gmail.com                                              
               |      1 |      8,594 |     0 |  0.01%
160 | Flying Teapot                                                     
               |      1 |      7,445 |     0 |  0.01%
161 | Cornelius Crane                                                   
               |      1 |      7,020 |     0 |  0.01%
162 | Duperman                                                          
               |      1 |      6,710 |     0 |  0.01%
163 | Julian                                                            
               |      1 |      6,670 |     0 |  0.01%
164 | Duperman Flies Again                                              
               |      1 |      6,478 |     0 |  0.01%
165 | jerry                                                             
               |      1 |      5,906 |     0 |  0.01%
166 | Jack Sovalot                                                      
               |      1 |      5,347 |     0 |  0.01%
167 | Tim@wherever.com                                                  
               |      1 |      5,241 |     0 |  0.01%
168 | uSoNiAn                                                           
               |      1 |      5,113 |     0 |  0.01%
169 | Someone                                                           
               |      1 |      5,029 |     0 |  0.01%
170 | Jerry Sauk                                                        
               |      1 |      4,978 |     0 |  0.01%
171 | Canoza, Rudy... Gay                                               
               |      1 |      4,760 |     0 |  0.01%
172 | Loser                                                             
               |      1 |      4,651 |     0 |  0.01%
173 | Bud Frawley                                                       
               |      1 |      4,446 |     0 |  0.01%
174 | Janithor                                                          
               |      1 |      4,418 |     0 |  0.01%
175 | Yamn Remailer                                                     
               |      1 |      4,294 |     0 |  0.01%
176 | Gunner Asch                                                       
               |      1 |      4,050 |     0 |  0.01%
177 | Malte Runz                                                        
               |      1 |      4,019 |     0 |  0.01%
178 | Robert Youngdale                                                  
               |      1 |      3,962 |     0 |  0.01%
179 | Monique                                                           
               |      1 |      3,660 |     0 |  0.01%
180 | jdyoung                                                           
               |      1 |      3,440 |     0 |  0.01%
181 | Clave                                                             
               |      1 |      3,390 |     0 |  0.01%
182 | Ratboy Loser                                                      
               |      1 |      3,329 |     0 |  0.01%
183 | Kho Kane                                                          
               |      1 |      3,240 |     0 |  0.01%
184 | Dexter                                                            
               |      1 |      3,219 |     0 |  0.01%
185 | David Hartung                                                     
               |      1 |      3,193 |     0 |  0.01%
186 | pyotr filipivich                                                  
               |      1 |      3,061 |     0 |  0.01%
187 | Lowell Milhous Duncan, MD                                         
               |      1 |      2,952 |     0 |  0.01%
188 | Zinger                                                            
               |      1 |      2,840 |     0 |  0.01%
189 | Prtr. Mandrake                                                    
               |      1 |      2,798 |     0 |  0.01%
190 | michael cook                                                      
               |      1 |      2,612 |     0 |  0.01%
191 | F4099                                                             
               |      1 |      2,564 |     0 |  0.01%
192 | gunther                                                           
               |      1 |      2,528 |     0 |  0.01%
193 | Tracey Butler                                                     
               |      1 |      2,511 |     0 |  0.01%
194 | Chris Mueller                                                     
               |      1 |      2,501 |     0 |  0.01%
195 | Salty Stan                                                        
               |      1 |      2,464 |     0 |  0.01%
196 | Kear                                                              
               |      1 |      2,418 |     0 |  0.01%
197 | Kerr-Mudd, John                                                   
               |      1 |      2,352 |     0 |  0.01%
198 | Louis Polgreen                                                    
               |      1 |      2,265 |     0 |  0.01%
199 | user                                                              
               |      1 |      2,158 |     0 |  0.01%
200 | Joel                                                              
               |      1 |      2,090 |     0 |  0.01%
201 | algorithmic behavior                                              
               |      1 |      2,072 |     0 |  0.01%
202 | Craig Mille                                                       
               |      1 |      2,065 |     0 |  0.01%
203 | Ryan                                                              
               |      1 |      2,052 |     0 |  0.01%
204 | Bill Cranston                                                     
               |      1 |      2,048 |     0 |  0.01%
205 | Phil Omdahl                                                       
               |      1 |      1,983 |     0 |  0.01%
206 | Elitist Trump                                                     
               |      1 |      1,894 |     0 |  0.01%
207 | Trump                                                             
               |      1 |      1,863 |     0 |  0.01%
208 | Richard Clayton Wieber                                            
               |      1 |      1,857 |     0 |  0.01%
209 | Trevor Wilson                                                     
               |      1 |      1,837 |     0 |  0.01%
210 | da pickle                                                         
               |      1 |      1,801 |     0 |  0.01%
211 | Greg Cotter                                                       
               |      1 |      1,774 |     0 |  0.01%
212 | kear                                                              
               |      1 |      1,635 |     0 |  0.01%
213 | Antifa Jo                                                         
               |      1 |      1,620 |     0 |  0.01%
214 | Sam                                                               
               |      1 |      1,618 |     0 |  0.01%
215 | H.                                                                
               |      1 |      1,583 |     0 |  0.01%
216 | first kill                                                        
               |      1 |      1,578 |     0 |  0.01%
217 | Gremlin                                                           
               |      1 |      1,530 |     0 |  0.01%
218 | Kenny McCormack                                                   
               |      1 |      1,529 |     0 |  0.01%
219 | Randy                                                             
               |      1 |      1,487 |     0 |  0.01%
220 | Paul Reinhart                                                     
               |      1 |      1,481 |     0 |  0.01%
221 | Randy Frain                                                       
               |      1 |      1,450 |     0 |  0.01%
222 | Peter White                                                       
               |      1 |      1,437 |     0 |  0.01%
223 | Wren                                                              
               |      1 |      1,428 |     0 |  0.01%
224 | someone-who-knows                                                 
               |      1 |      1,413 |     0 |  0.01%
225 | Chris Christ                                                      
               |      1 |      1,335 |     0 |  0.01%
226 | Scooter                                                           
               |      1 |      1,294 |     0 |  0.01%
227 | rick                                                              
               |      1 |      1,290 |     0 |  0.01%
228 | Cripps                                                            
               |      1 |      1,256 |     0 |  0.01%
229 | patriot1@protonmail.com                                           
               |      1 |      1,217 |     0 |  0.01%
230 | BeamMeUpScotty                                                    
               |      1 |      1,023 |     0 |  0.01%

***** Users with most started threads *****
 num| Name                                                              
               | or.   | Nb Msg | size       | %
  1 | AlleyCat                                                          
               | 1,934 |  3,422 | 26,234,404 | 65.63% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron                                            
               |   154 |    155 |    314,582 |  5.23%
  3 | Dhu on Gate                                                       
               |   137 |    391 |    972,070 |  4.65%
  4 | Anita 'Annie' Shein is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron     |   112 |    112 |    234,960 |  3.80%
  5 | Spamming/forging is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron        |   102 |    102 |    211,245 |  3.46%
  6 | † The Reverend                                                  
               |    65 |     65 |    129,886 |  2.21%
  7 | NoBody                                                            
               |    49 |    178 |    543,158 |  1.66%
  8 | NefeshBarYochai                                                   
               |    34 |     39 |    281,603 |  1.15%
  9 | Quack = SHEIN = Anita = sub-human nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' 
Baron            |    28 |     28 |     37,039 |  0.95%
 10 | Poles against SPAMMING sub-human anti-Polish racist Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron,  ... |    22 |     22 |     30,697 |  0.75%
 11 | Spamming/forging jew wannabe nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron 
aka SHEIN       |    21 |     21 |     33,746 |  0.71%
 12 | The Doctor                                                        
               |    20 |     30 |  1,582,028 |  0.68%
 13 | Christians against SPAMMING, sub-human devil worshiper, Andrew 
'Andrzej' Bar ... |    20 |     20 |     26,805 |  0.68%
 14 | Anita 'Annie' Shein is SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' 
Baron              |    20 |     20 |     26,035 |  0.68%
 15 | Zvi Ze'ev is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' 
Baron               |    13 |     13 |     28,326 |  0.44%
 16 | Alan                                                              
               |    12 |  1,986 |  6,067,034 |  0.41%
 17 | Loran                                                             
               |    12 |    508 |  1,864,818 |  0.41%
 18 | Ördög                                                             
               |    12 |     13 |     22,606 |  0.41%
 19 | Tall Henry                                                        
               |    10 |     10 |     38,855 |  0.34%
 20 | Susan Cohen                                                       
               |    10 |     10 |     28,260 |  0.34%
 21 | White Human Christians against subhuman spamming/forging nazoid 
paedo Andrew ... |     9 |      9 |     18,505 |  0.31%
 22 | spamming/forging jew wannabe nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron 
aka SHEIN       |     9 |      9 |     17,587 |  0.31%
 23 | Dave Smith                                                        
               |     8 |     29 |     76,482 |  0.27%
 24 | David Dalton                                                      
               |     7 |     13 |     42,185 |  0.24%
 25 | Loose Cannon                                                      
               |     6 |     10 |     18,048 |  0.20%
 26 | Jeanne Douglas                                                    
               |     5 |      8 |     44,133 |  0.17%
 27 | NEMO                                                              
               |     5 |      5 |      8,445 |  0.17%
 28 | Ground Goblin                                                     
               |     5 |      5 |      4,188 |  0.17%
 29 | pothead                                                           
               |     4 |    300 |  1,130,529 |  0.14%
 30 | D. Ray                                                            
               |     4 |     15 |     48,049 |  0.14%
 31 | Tyrone                                                            
               |     4 |      8 |     14,478 |  0.14%
 32 | Michael Ejercito                                                  
               |     3 |     25 |     59,425 |  0.10%
 33 | Eric@                                                             
               |     3 |     10 |     15,983 |  0.10%
 34 | Auric Hellman                                                     
               |     3 |      7 |     16,946 |  0.10%
 35 | Klaus  Schadenfreude                                              
               |     3 |      6 |     16,190 |  0.10%
 36 | useapen                                                           
               |     3 |      3 |     12,864 |  0.10%
 37 | Mary E. Riendeau SHEIN                                            
               |     3 |      3 |      6,726 |  0.10%
 38 | HeartQuack Andrew                                                 
               |     3 |      3 |      6,256 |  0.10%
 39 | Christians against SPAMMING, sub-human devil worshiper, Andrew 
'Andrzej' Bar ... |     3 |      3 |      4,063 |  0.10%
 40 | CaLaVeRa                                                          
               |     2 |    203 |    713,562 |  0.07%
 41 | %                                                                 
               |     2 |     31 |    161,935 |  0.07%
 42 | Aldrichtom                                                        
               |     2 |      7 |      8,263 |  0.07%
 43 | Byker                                                             
               |     2 |      5 |     12,392 |  0.07%
 44 | Trump - Inmate Number P01135809                                   
               |     2 |      4 |     18,455 |  0.07%
 45 | a425couple                                                        
               |     2 |      4 |     14,986 |  0.07%
 46 | flaviaR                                                           
               |     2 |      2 |      3,479 |  0.07%
 47 | Akidasar                                                          
               |     1 |    366 |  1,756,421 |  0.03%
 48 | Governor Swill                                                    
               |     1 |    201 |    632,033 |  0.03%
 49 | Lil-man-ball                                                      
               |     1 |    154 |    606,066 |  0.03%
 50 | R Kym Horsell                                                     
               |     1 |     90 |    336,323 |  0.03%
 51 | JTEM                                                              
               |     1 |     79 |    197,439 |  0.03%
 52 | Gronk                                                             
               |     1 |     50 |    143,437 |  0.03%
 53 | Jonathan Small Balls                                              
               |     1 |     36 |     82,171 |  0.03%
 54 | CLV                                                               
               |     1 |     19 |     52,944 |  0.03%
 55 | super70s                                                          
               |     1 |      8 |     45,695 |  0.03%
 56 | Dawn Flood                                                        
               |     1 |      7 |     27,321 |  0.03%
 57 | dolf                                                              
               |     1 |      4 |    237,620 |  0.03%
 58 | Cancun Ted                                                        
               |     1 |      4 |      5,747 |  0.03%
 59 | Randolf Richardson ???                                            
               |     1 |      3 |     17,402 |  0.03%
 60 | Andrew                                                            
               |     1 |      3 |      9,474 |  0.03%
 61 | Scout                                                             
               |     1 |      3 |      6,509 |  0.03%
 62 | D                                                                 
               |     1 |      3 |      6,508 |  0.03%
 63 | riverain                                                          
               |     1 |      3 |      5,389 |  0.03%
 64 | harley@yazzy.com                                                  
               |     1 |      3 |      4,573 |  0.03%
 65 | Klaus Schadenfreude                                               
               |     1 |      2 |     17,062 |  0.03%
 66 | Paul Szypula                                                      
               |     1 |      2 |      6,870 |  0.03%
 67 | KWills                                                            
               |     1 |      2 |      4,714 |  0.03%
 68 | 26xh.0717                                                         
               |     1 |      2 |      3,900 |  0.03%
 69 | Oleg Smirnov                                                      
               |     1 |      2 |      3,838 |  0.03%
 70 | Rudy Canoza                                                       
               |     1 |      2 |      3,292 |  0.03%
 71 | John Simons                                                       
               |     1 |      2 |      3,169 |  0.03%
 72 | Gary Cruden                                                       
               |     1 |      2 |      2,888 |  0.03%
 73 | Nomen Nescio                                                      
               |     1 |      2 |      2,564 |  0.03%
 74 | dwarfism and dresses                                              
               |     1 |      1 |     12,503 |  0.03%
 75 | Marika                                                            
               |     1 |      1 |      8,203 |  0.03%
 76 | Intelligent Party                                                 
               |     1 |      1 |      7,292 |  0.03%
 77 | Steven Forbes                                                     
               |     1 |      1 |      4,596 |  0.03%
 78 | Suzan F. Binder is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron         |     1 |      1 |      4,369 |  0.03%
 79 | Just Wondering                                                    
               |     1 |      1 |      3,671 |  0.03%
 80 | Rich Travsky                                                      
               |     1 |      1 |      3,624 |  0.03%
 81 | Turd Ferguson                                                     
               |     1 |      1 |      3,327 |  0.03%
 82 | Big Trump Failure                                                 
               |     1 |      1 |      2,527 |  0.03%
 83 | John McCue                                                        
               |     1 |      1 |      2,340 |  0.03%
 84 | Suzan F. Binder shubshishter  SHEIN is sick old SPAMMING nazoid 
PAEDO Andrew ... |     1 |      1 |      2,212 |  0.03%
 85 | Suzan F. Binder shubshishter is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO 
Andrew 'Andrz ... |     1 |      1 |      2,196 |  0.03%
 86 | Another Obama Screwup                                             
               |     1 |      1 |      2,055 |  0.03%
 87 | The SHPAMMER ish sick old nazoid paedo Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron aka 
BARRY of Mass  |     1 |      1 |      1,993 |  0.03%
 88 | John Baker                                                        
               |     1 |      1 |      1,983 |  0.03%
 89 | Anita 'Annie' SHEIN is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron     |     1 |      1 |      1,932 |  0.03%
 90 | JAB                                                               
               |     1 |      1 |      1,891 |  0.03%
 91 | Colin Brown                                                       
               |     1 |      1 |      1,870 |  0.03%
 92 | Ingolf H.                                                         
               |     1 |      1 |      1,846 |  0.03%
 93 | Paul                                                              
               |     1 |      1 |      1,828 |  0.03%
 94 | NoSpamAtAll                                                       
               |     1 |      1 |      1,716 |  0.03%
 95 | RKBA                                                              
               |     1 |      1 |      1,694 |  0.03%
 96 | Peter Grill                                                       
               |     1 |      1 |      1,658 |  0.03%
 97 | Ed                                                                
               |     1 |      1 |      1,589 |  0.03%
 98 | Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells                                      
               |     1 |      1 |      1,532 |  0.03%
 99 | Mary E. Riendeau SHEIN is SPAMMING nazoid paedo Andrew 'Andrzej' 
Baron           |     1 |      1 |      1,516 |  0.03%
100 | Jon Ball                                                          
               |     1 |      1 |      1,493 |  0.03%
101 | Pedro                                                             
               |     1 |      1 |      1,224 |  0.03%
102 | Pierre LeBlanc                                                    
               |     1 |      1 |      1,083 |  0.03%

***** Users with highest total size of messages *****
 num| Name                                                              
               | size       | Nb Msg | or.   | %
  1 | AlleyCat                                                          
               | 26,234,404 |  3,422 | 1,934 | 53.74% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Alan                                                              
               |  6,067,034 |  1,986 |    12 | 12.43% xx
  3 | Loran                                                             
               |  1,864,818 |    508 |    12 |  3.82%
  4 | Akidasar                                                          
               |  1,756,421 |    366 |     1 |  3.60%
  5 | The Doctor                                                        
               |  1,582,028 |     30 |    20 |  3.24%
  6 | pothead                                                           
               |  1,130,529 |    300 |     4 |  2.32%
  7 | Dhu on Gate                                                       
               |    972,070 |    391 |   137 |  1.99%
  8 | CaLaVeRa                                                          
               |    713,562 |    203 |     2 |  1.46%
  9 | Little@man.Ball                                                   
               |    644,224 |    234 |     0 |  1.32%
 10 | Governor Swill                                                    
               |    632,033 |    201 |     1 |  1.29%
 11 | Lil-man-ball                                                      
               |    606,066 |    154 |     1 |  1.24%
 12 | Phil Hendry's Chop shop                                           
               |    595,463 |    165 |     0 |  1.22%
 13 | NoBody                                                            
               |    543,158 |    178 |    49 |  1.11%
 14 | R Kym Horsell                                                     
               |    336,323 |     90 |     1 |  0.69%
 15 | Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron                                            
               |    314,582 |    155 |   154 |  0.64%
 16 | NefeshBarYochai                                                   
               |    281,603 |     39 |    34 |  0.58%
 17 | dolf                                                              
               |    237,620 |      4 |     1 |  0.49%
 18 | Anita 'Annie' Shein is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron     |    234,960 |    112 |   112 |  0.48%
 19 | Spamming/forging is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron        |    211,245 |    102 |   102 |  0.43%
 20 | JTEM                                                              
               |    197,439 |     79 |     1 |  0.40%
 21 | Josh Rosenbluth                                                   
               |    167,929 |     50 |     0 |  0.34%
 22 | Mike Colangelo                                                    
               |    167,294 |     60 |     0 |  0.34%
 23 | %                                                                 
               |    161,935 |     31 |     2 |  0.33%
 24 | Gronk                                                             
               |    143,437 |     50 |     1 |  0.29%
 25 | Chips Loral                                                       
               |    135,356 |     34 |     0 |  0.28%
 26 | † The Reverend                                                  
               |    129,886 |     65 |    65 |  0.27%
 27 | Phil Hendry's Chop Shop                                           
               |    117,817 |     33 |     0 |  0.24%
 28 | Max Boot                                                          
               |    112,025 |     30 |     0 |  0.23%
 29 | Albert Katt                                                       
               |     98,095 |      6 |     0 |  0.20%
 30 | Jonathan Ball's dismay                                            
               |     97,739 |     49 |     0 |  0.20%
 31 | Charlie Glock                                                     
               |     97,507 |     27 |     0 |  0.20%
 32 | Jonathan Small Balls                                              
               |     82,171 |     36 |     1 |  0.17%
 33 | Dave Smith                                                        
               |     76,482 |     29 |     8 |  0.16%
 34 | Blue Lives Matter                                                 
               |     70,655 |     18 |     0 |  0.14%
 35 | Michael Ejercito                                                  
               |     59,425 |     25 |     3 |  0.12%
 36 | Unum                                                              
               |     58,909 |     22 |     0 |  0.12%
 37 | Siri Cruise                                                       
               |     58,886 |     25 |     0 |  0.12%
 38 | CLV                                                               
               |     52,944 |     19 |     1 |  0.11%
 39 | Lou Bricano                                                       
               |     48,504 |     17 |     0 |  0.10%
 40 | D. Ray                                                            
               |     48,049 |     15 |     4 |  0.10%
 41 | super70s                                                          
               |     45,695 |      8 |     1 |  0.09%
 42 | Jeanne Douglas                                                    
               |     44,133 |      8 |     5 |  0.09%
 43 | David Dalton                                                      
               |     42,185 |     13 |     7 |  0.09%
 44 | Mitchell Holman                                                   
               |     41,264 |     16 |     0 |  0.08%
 45 | Porky Peters                                                      
               |     39,371 |      1 |     0 |  0.08%
 46 | Tall Henry                                                        
               |     38,855 |     10 |    10 |  0.08%
 47 | WhataWonderfulWorld                                               
               |     37,961 |      6 |     0 |  0.08%
 48 | Quack = SHEIN = Anita = sub-human nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' 
Baron            |     37,039 |     28 |    28 |  0.08%
 49 | Spamming/forging jew wannabe nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron 
aka SHEIN       |     33,746 |     21 |    21 |  0.07%
 50 | Lawrence D'Oliveiro                                               
               |     32,530 |     21 |     0 |  0.07%
 51 | Poles against SPAMMING sub-human anti-Polish racist Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron,  ... |     30,697 |     22 |    22 |  0.06%
 52 | Michael A Terrell                                                 
               |     29,272 |      7 |     0 |  0.06%
 53 | Sharx335                                                          
               |     28,973 |     10 |     0 |  0.06%
 54 | John Doe                                                          
               |     28,760 |      4 |     0 |  0.06%
 55 | Skeeter                                                           
               |     28,540 |      8 |     0 |  0.06%
 56 | Zvi Ze'ev is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' 
Baron               |     28,326 |     13 |    13 |  0.06%
 57 | Susan Cohen                                                       
               |     28,260 |     10 |    10 |  0.06%
 58 | Dawn Flood                                                        
               |     27,321 |      7 |     1 |  0.06%
 59 | Christians against SPAMMING, sub-human devil worshiper, Andrew 
'Andrzej' Bar ... |     26,805 |     20 |    20 |  0.05%
 60 | Anita 'Annie' Shein is SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' 
Baron              |     26,035 |     20 |    20 |  0.05%
 61 | Yak                                                               
               |     24,010 |      8 |     0 |  0.05%
 62 | Jack Carlson                                                      
               |     23,359 |      8 |     0 |  0.05%
 63 | Ördög                                                             
               |     22,606 |     13 |    12 |  0.05%
 64 | Mr. B1ack                                                         
               |     21,037 |      9 |     0 |  0.04%
 65 | ??????????Jen?????????? Dershmender ????????????????????          
               |     20,124 |      2 |     0 |  0.04%
 66 | White Human Christians against subhuman spamming/forging nazoid 
paedo Andrew ... |     18,505 |      9 |     9 |  0.04%
 67 | Bi-valve Mollusk                                                  
               |     18,467 |      5 |     0 |  0.04%
 68 | Trump - Inmate Number P01135809                                   
               |     18,455 |      4 |     2 |  0.04%
 69 | Loose Cannon                                                      
               |     18,048 |     10 |     6 |  0.04%
 70 | spamming/forging jew wannabe nazoid PAEDO Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron 
aka SHEIN       |     17,587 |      9 |     9 |  0.04%
 71 | Radio Gnome                                                       
               |     17,478 |      5 |     0 |  0.04%
 72 | Randolf Richardson ???                                            
               |     17,402 |      3 |     1 |  0.04%
 73 | Klaus Schadenfreude                                               
               |     17,062 |      2 |     1 |  0.03%
 74 | Auric Hellman                                                     
               |     16,946 |      7 |     3 |  0.03%
 75 | abelard                                                           
               |     16,306 |      7 |     0 |  0.03%
 76 | Klaus  Schadenfreude                                              
               |     16,190 |      6 |     3 |  0.03%
 77 | Eric@                                                             
               |     15,983 |     10 |     3 |  0.03%
 78 | a425couple                                                        
               |     14,986 |      4 |     2 |  0.03%
 79 | Michael Christ                                                    
               |     14,914 |      1 |     0 |  0.03%
 80 | Tyrone                                                            
               |     14,478 |      8 |     4 |  0.03%
 81 | Johnny                                                            
               |     13,792 |      2 |     0 |  0.03%
 82 | useapen                                                           
               |     12,864 |      3 |     3 |  0.03%
 83 | dwarfism and dresses                                              
               |     12,503 |      1 |     1 |  0.03%
 84 | Byker                                                             
               |     12,392 |      5 |     2 |  0.03%
 85 | Lucas McCain                                                      
               |     12,344 |      1 |     0 |  0.03%
 86 | Baxter                                                            
               |     12,041 |      4 |     0 |  0.02%
 87 | nickname unavailable                                              
               |     11,064 |      4 |     0 |  0.02%
 88 | Ford Prefect                                                      
               |     10,226 |      1 |     0 |  0.02%
 89 | Shlomo Goldberg                                                   
               |      9,829 |      1 |     0 |  0.02%
 90 | Mark Wieber                                                       
               |      9,705 |      3 |     0 |  0.02%
 91 | Andrew                                                            
               |      9,474 |      3 |     1 |  0.02%
 92 | The Bjornsdottirs - Lightning                                     
               |      8,950 |      1 |     0 |  0.02%
 93 | jballs                                                            
               |      8,881 |      4 |     0 |  0.02%
 94 | Lane Larson                                                       
               |      8,850 |      2 |     0 |  0.02%
 95 | Trump's Bitch                                                     
               |      8,802 |      5 |     0 |  0.02%
 96 | kymhorsell@gmail.com                                              
               |      8,594 |      1 |     0 |  0.02%
 97 | NEMO                                                              
               |      8,445 |      5 |     5 |  0.02%
 98 | J Carlson                                                         
               |      8,359 |      2 |     0 |  0.02%
 99 | Aldrichtom                                                        
               |      8,263 |      7 |     2 |  0.02%
100 | Marika                                                            
               |      8,203 |      1 |     1 |  0.02%
101 | Vespuci                                                           
               |      7,965 |      3 |     0 |  0.02%
102 | Flying Teapot                                                     
               |      7,445 |      1 |     0 |  0.02%
103 | Intelligent Party                                                 
               |      7,292 |      1 |     1 |  0.01%
104 | Maximus                                                           
               |      7,273 |      2 |     0 |  0.01%
105 | Cornelius Crane                                                   
               |      7,020 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
106 | Paul Szypula                                                      
               |      6,870 |      2 |     1 |  0.01%
107 | David LaRue                                                       
               |      6,827 |      3 |     0 |  0.01%
108 | Mary E. Riendeau SHEIN                                            
               |      6,726 |      3 |     3 |  0.01%
109 | Duperman                                                          
               |      6,710 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
110 | Julian                                                            
               |      6,670 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
111 | Scout                                                             
               |      6,509 |      3 |     1 |  0.01%
112 | D                                                                 
               |      6,508 |      3 |     1 |  0.01%
113 | Paul Jackson                                                      
               |      6,493 |      3 |     0 |  0.01%
114 | Duperman Flies Again                                              
               |      6,478 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
115 | alkanamana                                                        
               |      6,263 |      3 |     0 |  0.01%
116 | HeartQuack Andrew                                                 
               |      6,256 |      3 |     3 |  0.01%
117 | Ken                                                               
               |      6,116 |      3 |     0 |  0.01%
118 | jerry                                                             
               |      5,906 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
119 | Cancun Ted                                                        
               |      5,747 |      4 |     1 |  0.01%
120 | mark@invalid.com                                                  
               |      5,733 |      2 |     0 |  0.01%
121 | riverain                                                          
               |      5,389 |      3 |     1 |  0.01%
122 | Jack Sovalot                                                      
               |      5,347 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
123 | Tim@wherever.com                                                  
               |      5,241 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
124 | uSoNiAn                                                           
               |      5,113 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
125 | Someone                                                           
               |      5,029 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
126 | Paul Aubrin                                                       
               |      4,991 |      3 |     0 |  0.01%
127 | Jerry Sauk                                                        
               |      4,978 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
128 | Canoza, Rudy... Gay                                               
               |      4,760 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
129 | KWills                                                            
               |      4,714 |      2 |     1 |  0.01%
130 | xd440                                                             
               |      4,668 |      3 |     0 |  0.01%
131 | Loser                                                             
               |      4,651 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
132 | Steven Forbes                                                     
               |      4,596 |      1 |     1 |  0.01%
133 | harley@yazzy.com                                                  
               |      4,573 |      3 |     1 |  0.01%
134 | Rudy Crayola                                                      
               |      4,510 |      2 |     0 |  0.01%
135 | Bud Frawley                                                       
               |      4,446 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
136 | Janithor                                                          
               |      4,418 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
137 | Suzan F. Binder is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron         |      4,369 |      1 |     1 |  0.01%
138 | Yamn Remailer                                                     
               |      4,294 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
139 | Lee                                                               
               |      4,275 |      2 |     0 |  0.01%
140 | Ground Goblin                                                     
               |      4,188 |      5 |     5 |  0.01%
141 | Christians against SPAMMING, sub-human devil worshiper, Andrew 
'Andrzej' Bar ... |      4,063 |      3 |     3 |  0.01%
142 | Gunner Asch                                                       
               |      4,050 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
143 | Malte Runz                                                        
               |      4,019 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
144 | Cune I. Form                                                      
               |      3,962 |      2 |     0 |  0.01%
145 | Robert Youngdale                                                  
               |      3,962 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
146 | 26xh.0717                                                         
               |      3,900 |      2 |     1 |  0.01%
147 | Oleg Smirnov                                                      
               |      3,838 |      2 |     1 |  0.01%
148 | Just Wondering                                                    
               |      3,671 |      1 |     1 |  0.01%
149 | Monique                                                           
               |      3,660 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
150 | Rich Travsky                                                      
               |      3,624 |      1 |     1 |  0.01%
151 | flaviaR                                                           
               |      3,479 |      2 |     2 |  0.01%
152 | jdyoung                                                           
               |      3,440 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
153 | Voice of Authority                                                
               |      3,433 |      2 |     0 |  0.01%
154 | Clave                                                             
               |      3,390 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
155 | Ratboy Loser                                                      
               |      3,329 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
156 | Turd Ferguson                                                     
               |      3,327 |      1 |     1 |  0.01%
157 | Chris M. Thomasson                                                
               |      3,295 |      2 |     0 |  0.01%
158 | Rudy Canoza                                                       
               |      3,292 |      2 |     1 |  0.01%
159 | Kho Kane                                                          
               |      3,240 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
160 | Dexter                                                            
               |      3,219 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
161 | David Hartung                                                     
               |      3,193 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
162 | John Simons                                                       
               |      3,169 |      2 |     1 |  0.01%
163 | pyotr filipivich                                                  
               |      3,061 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
164 | Lowell Milhous Duncan, MD                                         
               |      2,952 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
165 | Gary Cruden                                                       
               |      2,888 |      2 |     1 |  0.01%
166 | Zinger                                                            
               |      2,840 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
167 | Prtr. Mandrake                                                    
               |      2,798 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
168 | michael cook                                                      
               |      2,612 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
169 | Nomen Nescio                                                      
               |      2,564 |      2 |     1 |  0.01%
170 | F4099                                                             
               |      2,564 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
171 | gunther                                                           
               |      2,528 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
172 | Big Trump Failure                                                 
               |      2,527 |      1 |     1 |  0.01%
173 | Tracey Butler                                                     
               |      2,511 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
174 | Chris Mueller                                                     
               |      2,501 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
175 | Salty Stan                                                        
               |      2,464 |      1 |     0 |  0.01%
176 | Kear                                                              
               |      2,418 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
177 | Kerr-Mudd, John                                                   
               |      2,352 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
178 | John McCue                                                        
               |      2,340 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
179 | Louis Polgreen                                                    
               |      2,265 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
180 | Suzan F. Binder shubshishter  SHEIN is sick old SPAMMING nazoid 
PAEDO Andrew ... |      2,212 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
181 | Suzan F. Binder shubshishter is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO 
Andrew 'Andrz ... |      2,196 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
182 | user                                                              
               |      2,158 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
183 | Joel                                                              
               |      2,090 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
184 | algorithmic behavior                                              
               |      2,072 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
185 | Craig Mille                                                       
               |      2,065 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
186 | Another Obama Screwup                                             
               |      2,055 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
187 | Ryan                                                              
               |      2,052 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
188 | Bill Cranston                                                     
               |      2,048 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
189 | The SHPAMMER ish sick old nazoid paedo Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron aka 
BARRY of Mass  |      1,993 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
190 | John Baker                                                        
               |      1,983 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
191 | Phil Omdahl                                                       
               |      1,983 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
192 | Anita 'Annie' SHEIN is sick old SPAMMING nazoid PAEDO Andrew 
'Andrzej' Baron     |      1,932 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
193 | Elitist Trump                                                     
               |      1,894 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
194 | JAB                                                               
               |      1,891 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
195 | Colin Brown                                                       
               |      1,870 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
196 | Trump                                                             
               |      1,863 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
197 | Richard Clayton Wieber                                            
               |      1,857 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
198 | Ingolf H.                                                         
               |      1,846 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
199 | Trevor Wilson                                                     
               |      1,837 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
200 | Paul                                                              
               |      1,828 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
201 | da pickle                                                         
               |      1,801 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
202 | Greg Cotter                                                       
               |      1,774 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
203 | NoSpamAtAll                                                       
               |      1,716 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
204 | RKBA                                                              
               |      1,694 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
205 | Peter Grill                                                       
               |      1,658 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
206 | kear                                                              
               |      1,635 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
207 | Antifa Jo                                                         
               |      1,620 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
208 | Sam                                                               
               |      1,618 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
209 | Ed                                                                
               |      1,589 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
210 | H.                                                                
               |      1,583 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
211 | first kill                                                        
               |      1,578 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
212 | Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells                                      
               |      1,532 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
213 | Gremlin                                                           
               |      1,530 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
214 | Kenny McCormack                                                   
               |      1,529 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
215 | Mary E. Riendeau SHEIN is SPAMMING nazoid paedo Andrew 'Andrzej' 
Baron           |      1,516 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
216 | Jon Ball                                                          
               |      1,493 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
217 | Randy                                                             
               |      1,487 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
218 | Paul Reinhart                                                     
               |      1,481 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
219 | Randy Frain                                                       
               |      1,450 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
220 | Peter White                                                       
               |      1,437 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
221 | Wren                                                              
               |      1,428 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
222 | someone-who-knows                                                 
               |      1,413 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
223 | Chris Christ                                                      
               |      1,335 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
224 | Scooter                                                           
               |      1,294 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
225 | rick                                                              
               |      1,290 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
226 | Cripps                                                            
               |      1,256 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
227 | Pedro                                                             
               |      1,224 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
228 | patriot1@protonmail.com                                           
               |      1,217 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%
229 | Pierre LeBlanc                                                    
               |      1,083 |      1 |     1 |  0.00%
230 | BeamMeUpScotty                                                    
               |      1,023 |      1 |     0 |  0.00%

***** Days with most messages *****
 num| date       | Nb Msg | size      | or. | %
  1 | 5/22/2024  |    235 | 1,123,181 |  22 |  2.35% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | 5/24/2024  |    195 |   936,498 |   9 |  1.95% xxxxxxxx
  3 | 5/23/2024  |    172 |   916,224 |  11 |  1.72% xxxxxxx
  4 | 6/5/2024   |    153 |   520,838 |   6 |  1.53% xxxxxx
  5 | 6/15/2024  |    141 |   595,120 |  11 |  1.41% xxxxxx
  6 | 6/2/2024   |    136 |   448,473 |   3 |  1.36% xxxxx
  7 | 5/2/2024   |    132 |   425,052 |   8 |  1.32% xxxxx
  8 | 2/11/2024  |    129 |   494,594 |  57 |  1.29% xxxxx
  9 | 4/9/2024   |    124 |   431,938 |  10 |  1.24% xxxxx
 10 | 5/30/2024  |    113 |   462,391 |  26 |  1.13% xxxx
 11 | 4/15/2024  |    112 |   421,123 |   5 |  1.12% xxxx
 12 | 2/17/2024  |    106 |   347,355 |  96 |  1.06% xxxx
 13 | 2/13/2024  |    105 |   378,012 |  74 |  1.05% xxxx
 14 | 3/1/2024   |    105 |   820,739 |  24 |  1.05% xxxx
 15 | 6/11/2024  |    104 |   495,024 |  14 |  1.04% xxxx
 16 | 4/16/2024  |    100 |   360,030 |   6 |  1.00% xxxx
 17 | 6/16/2024  |     97 |   402,780 |   4 |  0.97% xxxx
 18 | 6/1/2024   |     96 |   458,906 |  17 |  0.96% xxxx
 19 | 6/20/2024  |     95 |   470,422 |  10 |  0.95% xxxx
 20 | 6/6/2024   |     92 |   343,390 |  11 |  0.92% xxx
 21 | 2/9/2024   |     91 |   416,787 |  61 |  0.91% xxx
 22 | 6/19/2024  |     90 |   386,019 |   8 |  0.90% xxx
 23 | 5/18/2024  |     89 |   406,592 |   5 |  0.89% xxx
 24 | 2/14/2024  |     86 |   289,504 |  62 |  0.86% xxx
 25 | 4/10/2024  |     85 |   268,727 |   2 |  0.85% xxx
 26 | 6/10/2024  |     83 |   300,289 |  12 |  0.83% xxx
 27 | 6/17/2024  |     81 |   384,569 |  15 |  0.81% xxx
 28 | 5/29/2024  |     81 |   354,645 |  14 |  0.81% xxx
 29 | 2/10/2024  |     80 |   285,608 |  55 |  0.80% xxx
 30 | 3/15/2024  |     80 |   364,465 |  12 |  0.80% xxx
 31 | 6/12/2024  |     80 |   423,439 |   7 |  0.80% xxx
 32 | 1/7/2024   |     79 |   623,986 |  45 |  0.79% xxx
 33 | 4/22/2024  |     79 |   346,300 |  23 |  0.79% xxx
 34 | 1/29/2024  |     78 |   464,923 |  35 |  0.78% xxx
 35 | 4/27/2024  |     78 |   379,394 |  21 |  0.78% xxx
 36 | 2/12/2024  |     77 |   231,330 |  52 |  0.77% xxx
 37 | 2/1/2024   |     77 |   568,401 |  29 |  0.77% xxx
 38 | 4/24/2024  |     77 |   287,023 |  12 |  0.77% xxx
 39 | 5/3/2024   |     77 |   251,350 |   7 |  0.77% xxx
 40 | 5/1/2024   |     76 |   416,577 |  12 |  0.76% xxx
 41 | 4/21/2024  |     75 |   302,182 |   8 |  0.75% xxx
 42 | 4/30/2024  |     73 |   394,158 |  20 |  0.73% xxx
 43 | 6/4/2024   |     72 |   378,643 |  17 |  0.72% xxx
 44 | 6/28/2024  |     72 |   459,288 |   8 |  0.72% xxx
 45 | 2/16/2024  |     71 |   386,178 |  69 |  0.71% xxx
 46 | 6/25/2024  |     71 |   266,037 |  14 |  0.71% xxx
 47 | 1/5/2024   |     69 |   292,182 |  30 |  0.69% xx
 48 | 3/19/2024  |     68 |   365,277 |  37 |  0.68% xx
 49 | 5/19/2024  |     68 |   358,402 |  20 |  0.68% xx
 50 | 5/31/2024  |     68 |   304,696 |   5 |  0.68% xx
 51 | 3/6/2024   |     66 |   534,646 |  23 |  0.66% xx
 52 | 6/7/2024   |     66 |   264,257 |  19 |  0.66% xx
 53 | 5/28/2024  |     66 |   264,661 |   5 |  0.66% xx
 54 | 5/17/2024  |     64 |   251,403 |  25 |  0.64% xx
 55 | 6/27/2024  |     64 |   313,358 |  12 |  0.64% xx
 56 | 5/6/2024   |     63 |   279,871 |   7 |  0.63% xx
 57 | 2/29/2024  |     63 |   340,961 |   2 |  0.63% xx
 58 | 2/19/2024  |     62 |   332,193 |  16 |  0.62% xx
 59 | 3/14/2024  |     62 |   260,875 |  11 |  0.62% xx
 60 | 4/25/2024  |     61 |   251,968 |  18 |  0.61% xx
 61 | 5/11/2024  |     61 |   198,572 |  15 |  0.61% xx
 62 | 1/11/2024  |     60 |   398,119 |  40 |  0.60% xx
 63 | 5/26/2024  |     60 |   284,351 |  26 |  0.60% xx
 64 | 3/9/2024   |     60 |   357,780 |  23 |  0.60% xx
 65 | 1/23/2024  |     59 |   199,839 |  48 |  0.59% xx
 66 | 2/4/2024   |     59 |   302,589 |  46 |  0.59% xx
 67 | 2/22/2024  |     59 |   314,996 |  19 |  0.59% xx
 68 | 6/13/2024  |     59 |   251,347 |  13 |  0.59% xx
 69 | 3/5/2024   |     59 |   311,365 |   7 |  0.59% xx
 70 | 6/21/2024  |     59 |   245,378 |   5 |  0.59% xx
 71 | 2/5/2024   |     58 |   343,712 |  20 |  0.58% xx
 72 | 3/2/2024   |     57 |   245,622 |  29 |  0.57% xx
 73 | 5/10/2024  |     56 |   217,735 |  13 |  0.56% xx
 74 | 6/8/2024   |     56 |   231,088 |  12 |  0.56% xx
 75 | 3/18/2024  |     56 |   247,358 |  11 |  0.56% xx
 76 | 4/8/2024   |     56 |   229,708 |   1 |  0.56% xx
 77 | 1/1/2024   |     55 | 1,245,407 |  21 |  0.55% xx
 78 | 1/19/2024  |     55 |   209,534 |   3 |  0.55% xx
 79 | 4/11/2024  |     54 |   153,741 |   4 |  0.54% xx
 80 | 6/14/2024  |     53 |   357,410 |  18 |  0.53% xx
 81 | 4/20/2024  |     53 |   252,967 |  15 |  0.53% xx
 82 | 4/19/2024  |     52 |   200,933 |   7 |  0.52% xx
 83 | 2/27/2024  |     51 |   229,922 |  20 |  0.51% xx
 84 | 2/21/2024  |     51 |   255,675 |  16 |  0.51% xx
 85 | 6/3/2024   |     51 |   230,517 |   8 |  0.51% xx
 86 | 5/25/2024  |     51 |   232,315 |   2 |  0.51% xx
 87 | 5/13/2024  |     50 |   189,386 |  28 |  0.50% xx
 88 | 5/20/2024  |     50 |   335,415 |  13 |  0.50% xx
 89 | 4/29/2024  |     50 |   304,677 |  11 |  0.50% xx
 90 | 1/14/2024  |     49 |   250,964 |  33 |  0.49% xx
 91 | 3/20/2024  |     49 |   216,728 |  17 |  0.49% xx
 92 | 3/3/2024   |     48 |   375,710 |  40 |  0.48% xx
 93 | 1/26/2024  |     48 |   222,327 |  13 |  0.48% xx
 94 | 4/17/2024  |     48 |   240,470 |   4 |  0.48% xx
 95 | 1/27/2024  |     47 |   354,803 |  38 |  0.47% xx
 96 | 3/11/2024  |     47 |   222,343 |  16 |  0.47% xx
 97 | 1/31/2024  |     47 |   269,724 |  12 |  0.47% xx
 98 | 3/21/2024  |     47 |   203,826 |   9 |  0.47% xx
 99 | 3/22/2024  |     46 |   248,675 |  21 |  0.46% x
100 | 1/25/2024  |     45 |   297,206 |  37 |  0.45% x
101 | 5/21/2024  |     45 |   234,386 |  14 |  0.45% x
102 | 2/28/2024  |     44 |   310,064 |  23 |  0.44% x
103 | 2/20/2024  |     44 |   251,813 |   7 |  0.44% x
104 | 4/28/2024  |     43 |   196,923 |  12 |  0.43% x
105 | 1/8/2024   |     43 |   193,285 |  11 |  0.43% x
106 | 6/18/2024  |     43 |   206,490 |   7 |  0.43% x
107 | 1/21/2024  |     42 |   198,960 |  31 |  0.42% x
108 | 4/23/2024  |     42 |   196,270 |  14 |  0.42% x
109 | 6/23/2024  |     42 |   191,398 |  13 |  0.42% x
110 | 1/12/2024  |     42 |   285,370 |  11 |  0.42% x
111 | 3/17/2024  |     42 |   174,423 |  11 |  0.42% x
112 | 4/14/2024  |     42 |   198,950 |   2 |  0.42% x
113 | 1/24/2024  |     41 |   224,576 |  26 |  0.41% x
114 | 6/22/2024  |     41 |   185,871 |  22 |  0.41% x
115 | 3/12/2024  |     41 |   199,581 |  19 |  0.41% x
116 | 1/17/2024  |     40 |   274,333 |  32 |  0.40% x
117 | 1/9/2024   |     40 |   179,246 |  21 |  0.40% x
118 | 4/26/2024  |     40 |   446,525 |  16 |  0.40% x
119 | 6/26/2024  |     40 |   174,082 |   6 |  0.40% x
120 | 5/7/2024   |     38 |   157,420 |  11 |  0.38% x
121 | 6/29/2024  |     38 |   200,123 |  10 |  0.38% x
122 | 3/4/2024   |     38 |   298,595 |   9 |  0.38% x
123 | 2/2/2024   |     37 |   194,279 |  19 |  0.37% x
124 | 2/18/2024  |     37 |   177,865 |  10 |  0.37% x
125 | 3/7/2024   |     36 |   279,438 |  30 |  0.36% x
126 | 3/16/2024  |     35 |   220,745 |  27 |  0.35% x
127 | 1/22/2024  |     35 |   200,224 |  24 |  0.35% x
128 | 2/3/2024   |     35 |   231,917 |  23 |  0.35% x
129 | 1/2/2024   |     35 |   245,564 |   8 |  0.35% x
130 | 5/14/2024  |     35 |   119,886 |   7 |  0.35% x
131 | 5/12/2024  |     35 |   119,398 |   4 |  0.35% x
132 | 1/16/2024  |     34 |   193,473 |  24 |  0.34% x
133 | 1/13/2024  |     34 |   168,156 |  19 |  0.34% x
134 | 2/15/2024  |     34 |   105,375 |  19 |  0.34% x
135 | 3/8/2024   |     34 |   192,221 |  15 |  0.34% x
136 | 4/12/2024  |     33 |   123,423 |   4 |  0.33% x
137 | 2/24/2024  |     32 |   114,453 |  23 |  0.32% x
138 | 1/4/2024   |     32 |   164,602 |  20 |  0.32% x
139 | 3/23/2024  |     32 |   222,331 |  11 |  0.32% x
140 | 3/13/2024  |     32 |   132,372 |  10 |  0.32% x
141 | 6/30/2024  |     31 |   149,397 |  12 |  0.31% x
142 | 2/26/2024  |     31 |   145,961 |  11 |  0.31% x
143 | 1/15/2024  |     30 |   159,287 |  16 |  0.30% x
144 | 6/24/2024  |     30 |   106,751 |   7 |  0.30% x
145 | 4/13/2024  |     29 |    92,408 |   6 |  0.29% x
146 | 3/24/2024  |     28 |   154,462 |  17 |  0.28% x
147 | 5/8/2024   |     28 |   124,784 |  13 |  0.28% x
148 | 3/28/2024  |     28 |   162,029 |  11 |  0.28% x
149 | 3/27/2024  |     28 |   121,117 |   6 |  0.28% x
150 | 2/7/2024   |     27 |   201,093 |  21 |  0.27% x
151 | 1/18/2024  |     27 |   113,802 |  15 |  0.27% x
152 | 2/8/2024   |     27 |   277,242 |   6 |  0.27% x
153 | 3/29/2024  |     26 |   144,349 |   3 |  0.26% x
154 | 5/16/2024  |     25 |   123,741 |  11 |  0.25% x
155 | 3/26/2024  |     24 |   102,544 |  15 |  0.24% x
156 | 5/9/2024   |     24 |   113,234 |  11 |  0.24% x
157 | 3/10/2024  |     23 |    65,851 |  13 |  0.23%
158 | 2/23/2024  |     23 |   133,606 |  10 |  0.23%
159 | 6/9/2024   |     23 |    99,802 |   7 |  0.23%
160 | 1/20/2024  |     23 |    87,742 |   1 |  0.23%
161 | 5/15/2024  |     20 |    83,862 |  10 |  0.20%
162 | 2/6/2024   |     20 |   145,737 |   8 |  0.20%
163 | 1/28/2024  |     20 |   114,562 |   8 |  0.20%
164 | 4/18/2024  |     19 |    93,219 |   4 |  0.19%
165 | 1/30/2024  |     18 |   116,991 |  11 |  0.18%
166 | 1/3/2024   |     18 |   130,224 |   5 |  0.18%
167 | 5/4/2024   |     18 |    67,798 |   5 |  0.18%
168 | 1/6/2024   |     18 |    93,761 |   3 |  0.18%
169 | 3/25/2024  |     17 |   150,408 |   5 |  0.17%
170 | 5/27/2024  |     16 |    69,453 |   1 |  0.16%
171 | 4/5/2024   |     14 |    53,395 |  10 |  0.14%
172 | 2/25/2024  |     12 |    67,073 |   3 |  0.12%
173 | 3/30/2024  |     12 |    53,518 |   1 |  0.12%
174 | 5/5/2024   |     10 |    37,656 |   1 |  0.10%
175 | 4/3/2024   |      8 |    24,202 |   7 |  0.08%
176 | 3/31/2024  |      8 |    19,997 |   3 |  0.08%
177 | 1/10/2024  |      7 |    15,236 |   3 |  0.07%
178 | 4/7/2024   |      6 |    14,491 |   1 |  0.06%
179 | 4/1/2024   |      4 |   191,590 |   3 |  0.04%
180 | 4/4/2024   |      4 |    13,817 |   3 |  0.04%
181 | 4/6/2024   |      4 |     8,267 |   0 |  0.04%
182 | 4/2/2024   |      3 |     7,672 |   2 |  0.03%

***** Days with most messages *****
 num| date       | Nb Msg | size      | or. | %
  1 | Friday     |  1,576 | 8,023,003 | 437 | 15.79% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Wednesday  |  1,557 | 7,403,141 | 379 | 15.60% xxxxxxxxx
  3 | Thursday   |  1,511 | 7,418,776 | 390 | 15.14% xxxxxxxxx
  4 | Tuesday    |  1,414 | 6,431,979 | 440 | 14.17% xxxxxxxx
  5 | Monday     |  1,352 | 7,624,675 | 381 | 13.55% xxxxxxxx
  6 | Saturday   |  1,326 | 6,093,212 | 490 | 13.29% xxxxxxxx
  7 | Sunday     |  1,244 | 5,825,239 | 430 | 12.46% xxxxxxx

***** Subjects with most answers *****
 num| Subject                                                           
               | Nb Msg | size      | or. | %
  1 | Off-Topic Bullshit - Because THAT'S Where Liberals Inevitably Go, 
Since They ... |    294 | 1,842,895 |   1 |  2.95% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | It's About Fucking Time Someone Realized The Truth                
               |    281 | 1,418,044 |   1 |  2.82% xxxxxxxxx
  3 | Wind Turbine Foundation Failure                                   
               |    222 |   857,994 |   1 |  2.22% xxxxxxx
  4 | Re: While Trump Faces Felony Charges, NY-Based Clinton Campaign 
Only Faced F ... |    209 |   821,714 |   1 |  2.09% xxxxxxx
  5 | Re: Trump Attorney Alana Habra Says She's Going To Sue E. Jean 
Carroll           |    209 |   733,919 |   1 |  2.09% xxxxxxx
  6 | Re: FEC Expert Witness Whose Testimony Merchan Denied Discloses 
What He Woul ... |    177 |   558,703 |   1 |  1.77% xxxxxx
  7 | We Can Put Power Lines Back Up After Hurricanes And Tornadoes...  
               |     98 |   253,501 |   1 |  0.98% xxx
  8 | Rules For Thee, But Not For Me!                                   
               |     88 |   433,278 |   1 |  0.88% xx
  9 | There Is A Lot More Sea Ice Around Antarctica Than There Was In 
1980             |     85 |   377,617 |   1 |  0.85% xx
 10 | As If Facts Matter To The Prophets of Climate Apocalypse.  
Neither Fame Nor  ... |     74 |   265,240 |   1 |  0.74% xx
 11 | Re: Ten Commandments In Classrooms. What?                         
               |     71 |   299,358 |   1 |  0.71% xx
 12 | Biden (and the Democrap/Drag Queen Party) KNOWS He Can Do More To 
SEAL Off T ... |     69 |   389,124 |   1 |  0.69% xx
 13 | And Of course The Racist Toddler Shows His Reverse Racism         
               |     68 |   631,832 |   1 |  0.68% xx
 14 | 75 year old woman sentenced to prison for a peaceful protest      
               |     68 |   405,592 |   1 |  0.68% xx
 15 | Re: New Canadian Flag                                             
               |     65 |   330,885 |   1 |  0.65% xx
 16 | Re: The Bragg case                                                
               |     64 |   184,078 |   1 |  0.64% xx
 17 | "Obama Never Came To The Hood"                                    
               |     63 |   311,357 |   1 |  0.63% xx
 18 | What If Trump Had Done During His Administration, What Joe Biden 
Has Done Du ... |     63 |   251,774 |   1 |  0.63% xx
 19 | Re: "Trump Says Abortion Restrictions Should Be Left To States"   
               |     62 |   186,215 |   1 |  0.62% xx
 20 | All Is Not Well In The Atlantic                                   
               |     61 |   228,490 |   1 |  0.61% xx
 21 | Expert's Eva Warning: 'One of The Biggest Energy Policy Blunders 
We've Ever  ... |     60 |   284,111 |   1 |  0.60% xx
 22 | Joe Biden's congnitive disfunction so sadly obvious.              
               |     57 |   199,996 |   1 |  0.57% x
 23 | Gov. Whitmer Touted 12,000 EV, Battery Jobs. Billions Later, Only 
200 Were C ... |     56 |   241,202 |   1 |  0.56% x
 24 | i love how you hypocrites try to make it look as though trump 
can't speak we ... |     53 |   220,358 |   1 |  0.53% x
 25 | The Streets of The South Bronx Are Already FLOODED With Trump 
Supporters - N ... |     52 |   154,528 |   1 |  0.52% x
 26 | Joe Biden's Uppers Wear Off, Leading to an Absolutely Disastrous 
Appearance  ... |     51 |   255,875 |   1 |  0.51% x
 27 | OT: Down the gurgler US goes                                      
               |     50 |   213,234 |   1 |  0.50% x
 28 | Yup... Bought And Paid For                                        
               |     47 |   183,583 |   1 |  0.47% x
 29 | YOU Wanted It... YOU Got It                                       
               |     46 |   208,138 |   1 |  0.46% x
 30 | Joe Biden normalizes mental illness via executive order           
               |     46 |   194,562 |   1 |  0.46% x
 31 | Biden: Cain't Get Shit Right - Part Unn                           
               |     45 |   240,032 |   1 |  0.45% x
 32 | Bi-Polar Ski Bunny Failed To Realize This When He Said Crime Is 
Down             |     44 |   237,091 |   1 |  0.44% x
 33 | Joe Biden Is Now a PROVEN Pedophile                               
               |     44 |   136,102 |   1 |  0.44% x
 34 | The FBI Is Lying... The Laptop Simply Had Some of Hunter Biden's 
FILES on It ... |     41 |   160,885 |   1 |  0.41% x
 35 | More wonderful Bidenomics in the news                             
               |     40 |   160,994 |   1 |  0.40% x
 36 | LOL - Almost Half of EV Owners Want To Go Back To Gas Cars        
               |     37 |   169,925 |   1 |  0.37% x
 37 | Tommy Robinson arrested for drawing breath in Canaduh             
               |     37 |   167,892 |   1 |  0.37% x
 38 | Democrat Insurrectionists At It Again                             
               |     34 |   162,821 |   1 |  0.34% x
 39 | Argentina's Cold May                                              
               |     33 |   170,015 |   1 |  0.33% x
 40 | Here's The Evidence That The Mar-A-Lago Raid Was A Setup 
Orchestrated By The ... |     33 |   166,935 |   1 |  0.33% x
 41 | The Harris Ranch Tesla Supercharger Station Is An Impressive 
Beast               |     33 |   157,044 |   1 |  0.33% x
 42 | A Nu(land) Ukrassian Cownterfencive is in the Werk!               
               |     33 |   118,169 |   1 |  0.33% x
 43 | Murder in Gaza                                                    
               |     32 |    64,365 |   1 |  0.32% x
 44 | I Thought We Prosecuted Election Interference                     
               |     31 |   294,950 |   1 |  0.31% x
 45 | Re: Bill Clinton Denied George Bush Intelligence Information - 
Look What Hap ... |     31 |   272,443 |   1 |  0.31% x
 46 | Auto Design Docs                                                  
               |     31 |   164,779 |   1 |  0.31% x
 47 | 81 Million Votes                                                  
               |     31 |   115,090 |   1 |  0.31% x
 48 | Re: Spitting On Christians ... only extremist fundamentalist Jews 
are known  ... |     30 |    87,323 |   1 |  0.30% x
 49 | 'Biden Is A Serious Threat To Democracy': Trump Demands Biden Be 
Removed Aft ... |     30 |    87,001 |   1 |  0.30% x
 50 | It Was Hillary, All Along - Durham Report Proves Hillary Clinton 
Was Putin's ... |     30 |   180,046 |   0 |  0.30% x
 51 | Re: 'The Whole Thing Was A Scam': Jim Biden Used His Powerful 
Brother's Name ... |     29 |   144,651 |   1 |  0.29%
 52 | Crazy old Joe is at it again                                      
               |     29 |   118,314 |   1 |  0.29%
 53 | We All Now Know... Warming Causes Freezing!                       
               |     29 |    79,101 |   1 |  0.29%
 54 | If Home Solar Panels Are So Great, Why Do They Need To Use Tricks 
To Sell Them?  |     28 |   273,009 |   1 |  0.28%
 55 | EV Car CEO Says Demand For EVs Has "Dried Up"...                  
               |     28 |   101,825 |   1 |  0.28%
 56 | 51 Intel "Officials" Rigged A Presidential Election, And Not ONE 
of Them Hav ... |     27 |    93,739 |   1 |  0.27%
 57 | Solar Is Cheapest And Falling -Because It Can't Do The Job It Was 
Supposed To    |     27 |    87,821 |   1 |  0.27%
 58 | Why Are These Stupid Fucking Moronic Liberals Defending Hunter 
Biden?            |     26 |   185,334 |   1 |  0.26%
 59 | Joe Bidementia Was On Dope for SotU                               
               |     26 |   115,792 |   1 |  0.26%
 60 | Pentagon's Latest Plan To Fight 'Climate Change': Chinese Solar 
Panels on It ... |     26 |    96,129 |   1 |  0.26%
 61 | Trump Admits He Thinks Jan 6 Was An Insurrection, Caused With 
Help From Nanc ... |     25 |   171,210 |   1 |  0.25%
 62 | Re: Biden's Immigration Policies At Work                          
               |     25 |   152,711 |   1 |  0.25%
 63 | Me     Thinks Someone Lied About Electricity Costs in Canada      
               |     25 |   146,578 |   1 |  0.25%
 64 | He's a Predator                                                   
               |     25 |   130,556 |   1 |  0.25%
 65 | EU condemns latest Israeli land grab                              
               |     25 |   124,339 |   1 |  0.25%
 66 | As President, If Trump Is Denied Intelligence Information, Those 
Responsible ... |     25 |   112,562 |   1 |  0.25%
 67 | Do You REALLY Want Four More Years of This?                       
               |     25 |   110,571 |   1 |  0.25%
 68 | Coincidence?                                                      
               |     25 |    76,074 |   1 |  0.25%
 69 | The State of The State of Communist Canada                        
               |     24 |   408,627 |   1 |  0.24%
 70 | 81 Million People Voted For This Guy - LOL - No Way               
               |     24 |    72,871 |   1 |  0.24%
 71 | MerrickGarland held in contempt - DOJ refuses to uphold the law   
               |     24 |    68,033 |   1 |  0.24%
 72 | Why? CO2 Doesn't Cause Warming                                    
               |     23 |    82,912 |   1 |  0.23%
 73 | Re: Biden Again falsely claims that he created 15 million jobs.   
               |     23 |    68,625 |   1 |  0.23%
 74 | Why Americans REALLY Support Trump                                
               |     22 |   177,787 |   1 |  0.22%
 75 | How The Democrats Cheated in 2020 and How They Will Cheat In 2024 
               |     22 |    86,114 |   1 |  0.22%
 76 | Cap Allon Update - Spring Anomalies From BC To SoCal              
               |     22 |    59,104 |   1 |  0.22%
 77 | Pete Buttiplug Has A VERY Tough Time Trying To Explain Why...     
               |     21 |   125,825 |   1 |  0.21%
 78 | And WHO Was Responsible for the Lockdowns? NOT Trump - Blame 
Lockdown Failur ... |     21 |   125,611 |   1 |  0.21%
 79 | Trump Is Not A Convicted Felon - This Is Settled                  
               |     21 |    98,989 |   1 |  0.21%
 80 | Can anyone parse this?                                            
               |     21 |    42,691 |   1 |  0.21%
 81 | How To Make Your Taxpayers Get The Warm and Fuzzies - UK Net Zero 
Plans Base ... |     20 |   110,888 |   1 |  0.20%
 82 | Too Bad, So sad                                                   
               |     20 |   105,020 |   1 |  0.20%
 83 | Re: Trump was wrongly removed from Colorado ballot, US supreme 
court rules       |     20 |   100,494 |   1 |  0.20%
 84 | Y'all Keep Sharp Objects Away From Unum - Don't Worry Bi-Polar 
Ski Bunny...  ... |     20 |    91,287 |   1 |  0.20%
 85 | Even IF CO2 Warmed As YOU Say It Does, Can Our Whopping 3% 
Contribution DO T ... |     20 |    82,935 |   1 |  0.20%
 86 | Hole Man Admits It...                                             
               |     19 |   163,771 |   1 |  0.19%
 87 | Re: Canada: Trudeau's Government Wants More Censorship, Life in 
Prison for " ... |     19 |    89,010 |   1 |  0.19%
 88 | Canada: Worst in the World                                        
               |     19 |    85,700 |   1 |  0.19%
 89 | If This Could Happen There, It Could Have Happened In The 2020 
Federal Elect ... |     19 |    78,316 |   1 |  0.19%
 90 | We Knew Last Summer's Fires Were Arson. Will The Liberal Party... 
               |     19 |    75,680 |   1 |  0.19%
 91 | A nation that lost its free speech                                
               |     19 |    54,741 |   1 |  0.19%
 92 | We Weren't - We Knew The Fix Was In                               
               |     18 |    79,716 |   1 |  0.18%
 93 | Again... Solar and Wind CAN'T Power The World, Because They Were 
Never MEANT To  |     18 |    61,094 |   1 |  0.18%
 94 | Biden Would NEVER Have Won In These Countries, Even If Trump Was 
His Opponent    |     18 |    55,457 |   1 |  0.18%
 95 | Carbon Tax --> public transit                                     
               |     18 |    54,269 |   1 |  0.18%
 96 | PBS ADMITS Jan. 6 Committee Was All A SHOW!                       
               |     18 |    48,801 |   1 |  0.18%
 97 | PBS ADMITS Jan. 6 Committee Was All A SHOW!                       
               |     18 |    46,897 |   1 |  0.18%
 98 | New York "trials" and election interference                       
               |     18 |    43,062 |   1 |  0.18%
 99 | Fact Check Time - Politifact: Joe Biden's Spending "Has Sent 
Prices Skyrocke ... |     17 |    88,166 |   1 |  0.17%
100 | Thanks To The Black Democrats In Alabama                          
               |     17 |    79,468 |   1 |  0.17%
101 | Re: A $450 Million Blow to Trump?s Finances, and His Identity     
               |     17 |    69,403 |   1 |  0.17%
102 | When Liberalism Has Eaten Their Brains To The Point They Can't 
Even Believe  ... |     16 |   175,493 |   1 |  0.16%
103 | The Medieval Warm Period Was Warmer...                            
               |     16 |   103,541 |   1 |  0.16%
104 | California And Colorado Should Give Up Their Electoral Votes For 
Being The C ... |     16 |    85,342 |   1 |  0.16%
105 | LOL... Cuntnadian Liberal Bi-Polar Ski Bunny, Thinks "Solar 
Avtivity" Means  ... |     16 |    59,528 |   1 |  0.16%
106 | Canada Is 4 Positions Ahead of USA in the 2023 Human Freedom 
Index According ... |     16 |    44,951 |   1 |  0.16%
107 | More Democrat Insurrection                                        
               |     16 |    43,497 |   1 |  0.16%
108 | "Lab Leak." And Now We Know More                                  
               |     15 |    84,626 |   1 |  0.15%
109 | Only Psychopaths Wish People Dead - Homeland Security: See 
Something, Say So ... |     15 |    80,120 |   1 |  0.15%
110 | Ain't No Hailstorm Never Took Out No Natural Gas, Coal, Or 
Nuclear Plant         |     15 |    79,889 |   1 |  0.15%
111 | More Democrat Insurrection In The News                            
               |     15 |    70,910 |   1 |  0.15%
112 | Truth Social Crashing Is a GOOD Thing - I Thought You Nerds Would 
KNOW This      |     15 |    61,831 |   1 |  0.15%
113 | Yeah... Riiiight... Donald Trump Is As Demented As Biden.... 
Riiiight            |     15 |    56,976 |   1 |  0.15%
114 | Trump Makes Lemonade                                              
               |     15 |    54,213 |   1 |  0.15%
115 | Arctic Sea Ice Extent Is Higher Than 1989, 2004, 2006 And All of 
Past Decade     |     15 |    46,354 |   1 |  0.15%
116 | Biden And The Democrats Instituted LOCKDOWNS                      
               |     15 |    45,527 |   1 |  0.15%
117 | Much Misplaced Grieving Going on ... Because So Many Ignore The 
Greatest Nat ... |     14 |    48,666 |   1 |  0.14%
118 | Hunter Biden laptop debunking gets debunked - Complicit Media 
goes silent        |     14 |    37,337 |   1 |  0.14%
119 | New Israel                                                        
               |     14 |    33,310 |   1 |  0.14%
120 | Joe Biden's failing economy                                       
               |     14 |    28,126 |   1 |  0.14%
121 | Hollywood Begged The Electoral College To OVERTURN The Election 
In 2016          |     13 |    80,044 |   1 |  0.13%
122 | Toll Ja                                                           
               |     13 |    72,110 |   1 |  0.13%
123 | Stupid Cuntnadian Liberal: This Was No Sugarcoating Invasion!     
               |     13 |    65,825 |   1 |  0.13%
124 | Most Americans Say Bill Clinton Is a Sexual Predator              
               |     13 |    56,761 |   1 |  0.13%
125 | Gavin Schmidt, Director of GISS, NASA - Climate Expert            
               |     13 |    44,777 |   1 |  0.13%
126 | Lightning Fast Appeal and Reversal Ahead                          
               |     13 |    41,520 |   1 |  0.13%
127 | Biden's failed border policies resulting in deaths of innocents   
               |     13 |    38,291 |   1 |  0.13%
128 | OT: "Don't dignify it with a REFUTTAL"                            
               |     13 |    27,437 |   1 |  0.13%
129 | LOL... Chicago's Number 1 Murderous City - Democrat-Run, Democrat 
Crime          |     13 |    93,249 |   0 |  0.13%
130 | Ron DeSavage... FLORIDA MAN                                       
               |     12 |   312,428 |   1 |  0.12%
131 | Hillary Clinton's Creepy Embrace of Vladimir Putin                
               |     12 |   108,026 |   1 |  0.12%
132 | Trump Might Not Even HAVE To Appeal                               
               |     12 |   104,511 |   1 |  0.12%
133 | Biden's Gestapo: Vee Ver Onlee Followeeng Orders                  
               |     12 |    99,083 |   1 |  0.12%
134 | Trump Admits BUSINESSES Received Money As Part OF Business With 
China That W ... |     12 |    70,905 |   1 |  0.12%
135 | The Man Is Lost                                                   
               |     12 |    66,524 |   1 |  0.12%
136 | American Courts Have Been Captured                                
               |     12 |    45,225 |   1 |  0.12%
137 | Welcome To The Adolph Biden Regime                                
               |     12 |    43,932 |   1 |  0.12%
138 | And You BLM/Drag Queen/Gay/Socialist/Antifa 
Fascist/Marxist/Communist/Racist ... |     12 |    43,841 |   1 |  
139 | Global Boiled Eggs                                                
               |     12 |    36,883 |   1 |  0.12%
140 | "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against 
infection, and I th ... |     12 |    36,655 |   1 |  0.12%
141 | The Attack on the USS Liberty Symbolizes Israel’s Duplicity and 
Deceit           |     12 |    33,169 |   1 |  0.12%
142 | Would The DEA Be Allowed To Serve A Search Warrant At The White 
House With A ... |     12 |    30,617 |   1 |  0.12%
143 | Why Are These Stupid Fucking Moronic Liberals Defending Hunter 
Biden?            |     11 |    94,406 |   1 |  0.11%
144 | Now That Over 6000 Precincts Didn't Report Crimes Because Joe 
Changed The Ru ... |     11 |    66,084 |   1 |  0.11%
145 | Re: Disappointed nobody's posted the jurors dox yet               
               |     11 |    59,914 |   1 |  0.11%
146 | THIS Is How Big You Canadians Grow Your Idiot Liberals            
               |     11 |    54,165 |   1 |  0.11%
147 | Re: Video Hunter Biden storms out of the House Oversight 
Committee hearing       |     11 |    46,463 |   1 |  0.11%
148 | NET ZERO -  Unelected Champion of 'Green',  The EU's Ursula Von 
Der Leyen, D ... |     11 |    46,328 |   1 |  0.11%
149 | Re: Dhu Has Posted His Address To This Ng. Duncan Campbell 10908 
65A , Edmon ... |     11 |    40,820 |   1 |  0.11%
150 | If German Coal Plants Are Closed Down, As Is Required By 2030, 
The Country F ... |     11 |    39,358 |   1 |  0.11%
151 | Jeffrey Epstein Documents Prove That President Trump Was NEVER on 
Epstein  I ... |     11 |    39,321 |   1 |  0.11%
152 | Remember This? - Biden Can Only Win, If Democrats Cheat... Again  
               |     11 |    35,700 |   1 |  0.11%
153 | Re: Unable to Finish a Coherent Sentence, a Confused Joe Biden 
Starts Shouti ... |     11 |    33,764 |   1 |  0.11%
154 | Stormy Daniels Told Bill Maher She 'Wasn't Coerced' Back In 2018  
               |     11 |    33,316 |   1 |  0.11%
155 | A Good Way to Cook the Oceans Permanently                         
               |     11 |    30,371 |   1 |  0.11%
156 | Joe Biden given a pass while Trump gets put on trial for the same 
"crime"        |     11 |    28,341 |   1 |  0.11%
157 | LOL... This IS Too Funny - Rudy Begs for Attention... Again!      
               |     10 |    86,153 |   1 |  0.10%
158 | WHY Is Rudy So Deathly Jealous of Me?                             
               |     10 |    63,910 |   1 |  0.10%
159 | Trump Acquitted By Democrat-Controlled US Senate of Inciting 
Capitol Riots       |     10 |    61,352 |   1 |  0.10%
160 | Biden Breaks Trump Records                                        
               |     10 |    55,025 |   1 |  0.10%
161 | June 21-27 Arctic Sea Ice Extent Loss Was The Lowest Since 1991, 
And Third L ... |     10 |    52,892 |   1 |  0.10%
162 | LOL... Spoken Like A True Toddler-Obsessive & Pervert             
               |     10 |    50,058 |   1 |  0.10%
163 | Biden: "The Congressional Black Caucus embodies all those 
values."               |     10 |    48,724 |   1 |  0.10%
164 | Re: Every word AlleyPussyBitch says about global warming is false 
               |     10 |    45,459 |   1 |  0.10%
165 | THE PENTAGON PEDOPHILES: Over 5,000 Pentagon Department of 
Defense, U.S. Mil ... |     10 |    42,779 |   1 |  0.10%
166 | From The "Our Children Just Won't Know What Snow Is" Archives     
               |     10 |    41,048 |   1 |  0.10%
167 | Why No Indictments?                                               
               |     10 |    36,564 |   1 |  0.10%
168 | New Study Destroys 'Doomsday Glacier' Narrative...Today's Ice 8 
Times Than L ... |     10 |    34,256 |   1 |  0.10%
169 | Trump gets a good showing at rally in the BRONX!                  
               |     10 |    33,315 |   1 |  0.10%
170 | Looks like the Dems are getting ready for more election fraud     
               |     10 |    29,574 |   1 |  0.10%
171 | These Are Democrats                                               
               |     10 |    26,255 |   1 |  0.10%
172 | Re: Trudeau and Obama are both gender misappropriationist 
supporters             |     10 |    24,347 |   1 |  0.10%
173 | They WILL Have To Cheat And They WILL Cheat - Biden 2024!         
               |     10 |    23,071 |   1 |  0.10%
174 | Variations In Earth's Orbit Around The Sun Closely Align With 
Temperature An ... |     10 |    21,268 |   1 |  0.10%
175 | It's not racist when a Democrat says it                           
               |     10 |    18,237 |   1 |  0.10%
176 | Coalition of 1,600 ACTUAL Scientists Sends Letter To California. 
Air Resourc ... |      9 |    84,973 |   1 |  0.09%
177 | "JCarlson" = "Michael A Terrell" = "Mike Colangelo" = Stupid 
Shitbag "Rudy C ... |      9 |    82,537 |   1 |  0.09%
178 | Why Are These Stupid Fucking Moronic Liberals Defending Hunter 
Biden?            |      9 |    81,581 |   1 |  0.09%
179 | Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maui Declares Al Gore 'Is A Fraud' For 
Blaming Heavy  ... |      9 |    54,785 |   1 |  0.09%
180 | The CDC Flagrantly Violated The Right To Informed Consent - In 
1947 That Was ... |      9 |    53,257 |   1 |  0.09%
181 | They Don't HAVE To "Cook the Books"                               
               |      9 |    48,582 |   1 |  0.09%
182 | NO ONE Is "Defending Putin." - We're Defending PEACE - WHY Do You 
Want War?  ... |      9 |    44,159 |   1 |  0.09%
183 | This One Image Demolishes The UN's Greedy Globalize Scam About 
Climate Chang ... |      9 |    39,775 |   1 |  0.09%
184 | The U.S. Is Sweltering. The Heat Wave of 1936 Was Far Deadlier    
               |      9 |    39,324 |   1 |  0.09%
185 | Unum Agrees: 8 States Moving To Ban Utilities From Using Customer 
Money For  ... |      9 |    37,754 |   1 |  0.09%
186 | Re: BIDENOMICS: Iconic Tupperware Company to Close Its Last U.S. 
Factory ? W ... |      9 |    37,186 |   1 |  0.09%
187 | You're Still Losinnnng                                            
               |      9 |    35,300 |   1 |  0.09%
188 | John Kerry... Alan Baker... Hard To Tell The Difference           
               |      9 |    34,643 |   1 |  0.09%
189 | Oh, So Much Cheaper! - Electric Cars Cost Twice As Much To Insure 
As Petrol  ... |      9 |    32,605 |   1 |  0.09%
190 | Brexiteers' grand embarrassment                                   
               |      9 |    19,363 |   1 |  0.09%
191 | ATT: Dhu on Gate                                                  
               |      9 |    15,986 |   1 |  0.09%
192 | Turns Out Wind And Solar Have A Secret Friend: Natural Gas        
               |      8 |   142,662 |   1 |  0.08%
193 | Condolances to Iran                                               
               |      8 |   119,486 |   1 |  0.08%
194 | Faggots Can't Stand It That Trump Had America Going Great Again, 
Until The D ... |      8 |   107,078 |   1 |  0.08%
195 | LOL... Like a Good and Stupid Cuntnadian Liberal, Who Can't 
Refute...            |      8 |   100,591 |   1 |  0.08%
196 | New Paper On NOAA's 'Billion-Dollar Disasters' Report: 'In A 
Word, Misinform ... |      8 |    55,585 |   1 |  0.08%
197 | Virtually Every Developed Country In The World... Are Doing It 
Wrong...          |      8 |    49,272 |   1 |  0.08%
198 | Bueller... Bueller... Anyone... Anyone?                           
               |      8 |    49,231 |   1 |  0.08%
199 | We Know You Wanted This, But Why? - Tragically, Nym Is on A 
Downward Spiral      |      8 |    46,571 |   1 |  0.08%
200 | Liberals Too Stupid To KNow: When Birth Rates Go Up, So Too Do 
Deah Rates        |      8 |    45,903 |   1 |  0.08%
201 | The Market Is Not A Good Barometer For The People's Economy: 
Stephen Moore:  ... |      8 |    45,468 |   1 |  0.08%
202 | What Americans Needs To Understand                                
               |      8 |    41,985 |   1 |  0.08%
203 | Trump, Overwhelming Biden                                         
               |      8 |    40,892 |   1 |  0.08%
204 | Climate Change Is GOOD For Us!                                    
               |      8 |    38,303 |   1 |  0.08%
205 | Democrat Insurrection                                             
               |      8 |    37,554 |   1 |  0.08%
206 | LOL... Pansy-Ass Pussy Liberals Are So Embarrassed By Biden And 
His Open Bor ... |      8 |    36,078 |   1 |  0.08%
207 | I Thought Biden WANTED EVs To Thrive And Take Over ICE Vehicles   
               |      8 |    35,847 |   1 |  0.08%
208 | Re: Dr. Phil Arrives at Southern Border, Slams Biden After 
Realizing True Sc ... |      8 |    33,114 |   1 |  0.08%
209 | [sigh] Trump Right... Again!                                      
               |      8 |    32,286 |   1 |  0.08%
210 | Arsetralian Going Full Commie                                     
               |      8 |    31,554 |   1 |  0.08%
211 | And It's ONLY Because of Prevention And Better Fighting 
Techniques... Right?     |      8 |    30,168 |   1 |  0.08%
212 | Like You Fake Feminists Giving Up Your Feminist Cards To Make 
Sure Trannies  ... |      8 |    28,970 |   1 |  0.08%
213 | If CO2 Retained The Heat You Climatards Claim It Does, Then...    
               |      8 |    24,515 |   1 |  0.08%
214 | Re: Disappointed nobody's posted the jurors dox yet               
               |      8 |    23,148 |   1 |  0.08%
215 | Oh Alannnnn!                                                      
               |      8 |    21,873 |   1 |  0.08%
216 | Illegal alien flips off America.  Joe Biden's garbage policies at 
work           |      8 |    20,867 |   1 |  0.08%
217 | Why Are You Leftist Loons Too Stupid To Know When You're Being 
Lied To?          |      8 |    17,952 |   1 |  0.08%
218 | Wounded Palestinian man strapped to front of Israeli army 
vehicle, used as h ... |      8 |    17,334 |   1 |  0.08%
219 | Yet another trans-attack planner arrested                         
               |      8 |    15,188 |   1 |  0.08%
220 | Re: Valeria Wasserman Chomsky                                     
               |      8 |    14,748 |   1 |  0.08%
221 | The Last Martin Brian Mulroney                                    
               |      8 |    12,080 |   1 |  0.08%
222 | Coldest January Night in Sweden In 25 Years, MSM Fall Silent      
               |      7 |    59,100 |   1 |  0.07%
223 | Re: Desperate bankrupt Ghouliani now hawking his own "Rudy 
Coffee"               |      7 |    55,381 |   1 |  0.07%
224 | LOL... I Make Rudy Canoza Lose His Fucking Mind Every Time I Post 
- This Is  ... |      7 |    42,786 |   1 |  0.07%
225 | Do You Live In The Medieval Times?                                
               |      7 |    40,300 |   1 |  0.07%
226 | The Biden Crime Family                                            
               |      7 |    39,975 |   1 |  0.07%
227 | If It Wasn't For Obstructionist Democrats Wanting Illegal Aliens 
To Vote, Tr ... |      7 |    38,020 |   1 |  0.07%
228 | rudy's mRNA bullshit is killing people                            
               |      7 |    35,461 |   1 |  0.07%
229 | And Trudeau's Commie Regime Continues                             
               |      7 |    34,332 |   1 |  0.07%
230 | CNN Hosts and Fellow Political Party Members, Blast Biden         
               |      7 |    34,321 |   1 |  0.07%
231 | The Media Lies To You, And You're Too Stupid To Know It.          
               |      7 |    33,770 |   1 |  0.07%
232 | Solar, Battery Storage Will NOT Be 81% of ALL Electricity 
Generation Capacit ... |      7 |    33,243 |   1 |  0.07%
233 | With States Throwing Trump Off The Voter Ballots, THIS Is Funnier 
Than Ever      |      7 |    32,858 |   1 |  0.07%
234 | Because Michelle Obama NEVER SAID THAT - BOY, You're Stupid and 
Gullible - T ... |      7 |    32,131 |   1 |  0.07%
235 | Re: Trump found in contempt for violating gag order in hush money 
trial, war ... |      7 |    31,887 |   1 |  0.07%
236 | Yes... Drugs Are a Bad Thing... Stupid - They Probably Tooks 
HOURS Off His L ... |      7 |    31,639 |   1 |  0.07%
237 | Remember When Biden Whined About Trump's Tariffs on China?        
               |      7 |    31,519 |   1 |  0.07%
238 | Re: A Dollar Ain't What It Used to Be: Family Dollar to Shutter 
Nearly 1,000 ... |      7 |    31,358 |   1 |  0.07%
239 | Lost As A Child's First Thought...                                
               |      7 |    31,237 |   1 |  0.07%
240 | Whiners Gonna Whine - Bu Bu Buttt.... Globallll Warrrrminnnnng! - 
Antarctica ... |      7 |    30,177 |   1 |  0.07%
241 | For All Those Pansies Who Can't Believe We'd Vote For Trump After 
The Guilty ... |      7 |    30,172 |   1 |  0.07%
242 | The Conclusion Humans Drive Atmospheric CO2 Increases Is 
Undermined By Carbo ... |      7 |    24,038 |   1 |  0.07%
243 | The Clintons Raised Over 2 Billion For Haiti                      
               |      7 |    23,256 |   1 |  0.07%
244 | TRUMP Can't Read Teleprompters?  LOL                              
               |      7 |    23,244 |   1 |  0.07%
245 | Where's Bradley with this poll?                                   
               |      7 |    22,867 |   1 |  0.07%
246 | Almost All The Way Through April And...                           
               |      7 |    22,343 |   1 |  0.07%
247 | There's another word for LGBTQ+ People                            
               |      7 |    21,363 |   1 |  0.07%
248 | What The Fuck Is WRONG With This Demented Psycho - No, Not You 
Rudy              |      7 |    19,824 |   1 |  0.07%
249 | Record May Cold Hits South Australia                              
               |      7 |    19,545 |   1 |  0.07%
250 | One Good Turn from Troodoe                                        
               |      7 |    17,638 |   1 |  0.07%
251 | Only Psychopaths Wish People Dead - Homeland Security: See 
Something, Say So ... |      7 |    16,811 |   1 |  0.07%
252 | Aaron Bushnell                                                    
               |      7 |    13,435 |   1 |  0.07%
253 | Democrat Insurrectionists At It Again                             
               |      7 |    61,211 |   0 |  0.07%
254 | Re: Notoriously FORGING and FALSIFYING Loose Sphincter, every Gay 
nazi's Dev ... |      7 |    17,130 |   0 |  0.07%
255 | Re: Gov Abbott Finds A "Loophole" Around New York City Mayor's 
New Regs on B ... |      6 |    68,138 |   1 |  0.06%
256 | Would You Do It In A Jet... With A Wet... Teen?                   
               |      6 |    58,528 |   1 |  0.06%
257 | maybe we shouldn't worry about who will be president next year    
               |      6 |    53,871 |   1 |  0.06%
258 | LOL - Americans Are Coming To The Realization That a Donald Trump 
Presidency ... |      6 |    50,119 |   1 |  0.06%
259 | Awwww... Rudy's Crying and BEGGING for Attention Again            
               |      6 |    49,013 |   1 |  0.06%
260 | Discussing Democrat Communism/Marxism/Fascism/Assholism           
               |      6 |    41,495 |   1 |  0.06%
261 | Yes... YOU Are The Racists                                        
               |      6 |    40,599 |   1 |  0.06%
262 | When The Left Starts Losing They Use Bullshit Semantics About The 
Minutiae o ... |      6 |    38,942 |   1 |  0.06%
263 | Poor Little, and I Mean LITTLE... Rudy - Wrong As Usual           
               |      6 |    37,135 |   1 |  0.06%
264 | Why Are These Stupid Fucking Moronic Liberals Defending Hunter 
Biden?            |      6 |    36,108 |   1 |  0.06%
265 | So... Unless Someone "Talks TO You" About Something... There's NO 
Way You Co ... |      6 |    35,321 |   1 |  0.06%
266 | How Fast Will We See The TRUE Racists Come Out?                   
               |      6 |    33,541 |   1 |  0.06%
267 | From The "Snow Is Just A Thing of The Past" Archives: Blizzard 
Warning Up At ... |      6 |    32,795 |   1 |  0.06%
268 | George Will on Why He Thinks Climate Alarmists Have Got To Go     
               |      6 |    30,941 |   1 |  0.06%
269 | This Dumbass NEVER Researches Shit, That Makes Him Look Stupid    
               |      6 |    29,106 |   1 |  0.06%
270 | Just ONE Example of How We KNOW The Democrats Cheated             
               |      6 |    28,523 |   1 |  0.06%
271 | Trump DID Float Idea of 10,000 Troops Jan. 6 - Bonus: Winger 
Semantics           |      6 |    27,869 |   1 |  0.06%
272 | Wind Turbines Are Friendlier To Birds Than We Thought - Yeah... 
538,000 Bird ... |      6 |    26,379 |   1 |  0.06%
273 | The Religious Skeptic’s Case for White Solidarity                 
               |      6 |    26,073 |   1 |  0.06%
274 | But We Were Reliably Informed That Puberty Blockers And Hormone 
Therapy Are  ... |      6 |    25,614 |   1 |  0.06%
275 | Arctic Sea Ice Extent Continues Near A 20 Year High...            
               |      6 |    25,130 |   1 |  0.06%
276 | Rudy And The Rest of The Homo Far-Left Loons Here Still Don't 
Know The Diffe ... |      6 |    24,979 |   1 |  0.06%
277 | Hurricanes: We Don't See A Change In Hurricane Frequency - The 
IPCC Doesn't  ... |      6 |    24,645 |   1 |  0.06%
278 | Alan Baker Goes Down In Flames... Again - Another FBI Witness 
Just Confirmed ... |      6 |    21,759 |   1 |  0.06%
279 | Biden's Latest Dementia-addled Gaffes                             
               |      6 |    21,636 |   1 |  0.06%
280 | When Your Candidate Is Joe Biden - What Do You Have To Do To Get 
Him Elected?    |      6 |    21,401 |   1 |  0.06%
281 | LOL... Jack Smith                                                 
               |      6 |    20,298 |   1 |  0.06%
282 | Former MIT Physics Professor Walter Levin Explains Why NOAA 
Temperature Grap ... |      6 |    19,748 |   1 |  0.06%
283 | Re: Time to call it what it is:  ANOTHER war because Muslims 
STILL can't get ... |      6 |    18,623 |   1 |  0.06%
284 | They Lied, We Died And Big Pharma Supplied - Poison And Made 
$200+ Billion       |      6 |    18,179 |   1 |  0.06%
285 | Ridiculous Climate Scam Propaganda                                
               |      6 |    17,736 |   1 |  0.06%
286 | Re: Science denialist freak-show subhumans cannot provide any 
evidence again ... |      6 |    17,576 |   1 |  0.06%
287 | Re: Ethics? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Ethics                      
               |      6 |    16,727 |   1 |  0.06%
288 | Joe Biden's America                                               
               |      6 |    16,452 |   1 |  0.06%
289 | Unintended Drawback to EVs                                        
               |      6 |    15,999 |   1 |  0.06%
290 | Rudy's MRNA Shots Are Still Poison - Chris Cuomo Admits on His 
Show That He  ... |      6 |    15,476 |   1 |  0.06%
291 | Biden Held His Biggest Rally of ALL TIME                          
               |      6 |    15,316 |   1 |  0.06%
292 | The Global Warming Zealots Got Really Excited Last Year           
               |      6 |    14,857 |   1 |  0.06%
293 | Re: Rebbe Exposed in Sex Scandal                                  
               |      6 |    14,552 |   1 |  0.06%
294 | You Can Recognize Disgusting Climate Alarmists...                 
               |      6 |    12,705 |   1 |  0.06%
295 | In Canada                                                         
               |      6 |    10,344 |   1 |  0.06%
296 | Write On, Bernie!                                                 
               |      6 |     9,755 |   1 |  0.06%
297 | Helloooo President Harris! - This Guy Is About To Die, And While 
Assuring Us ... |      5 |   207,682 |   1 |  0.05%
298 | Frankly, I Can't Care Less About Bill Clinton, Unless He... 
Epstein Did NOT  ... |      5 |    84,276 |   1 |  0.05%
299 | Heinrich ice age coming!                                          
               |      5 |    41,550 |   1 |  0.05%
300 | LOL... Spoken Like A True 3 Year Old Toddler                      
               |      5 |    38,424 |   1 |  0.05%
301 | In Theatres Near You! There's a New Action Hero In Town - He's 
Called: The S ... |      5 |    33,387 |   1 |  0.05%
302 | Way To Bust Out The Jedi Mind Tricks, Ski Bunny - They Don't Work 
on The Str ... |      5 |    30,185 |   1 |  0.05%
303 | BREAKING: Navy SEALs 'Missing' Since Last Week After Biden Orders 
Nighttime  ... |      5 |    27,282 |   1 |  0.05%
304 | Climate Scientist Retires, Then Declares 'I Am A Skeptic' - 
Offers To Debate ... |      5 |    27,058 |   1 |  0.05%
305 | Why Are Liberals So Stupid?                                       
               |      5 |    25,647 |   1 |  0.05%
306 | I Bet The Most Ardent of Climate Chicken Shit Chicken Littles 
Don't Agree Wi ... |      5 |    25,015 |   1 |  0.05%
307 | Question: If Earth Is The Hottest Ever As Claimed By The #Climate 
scam, Why  ... |      5 |    24,953 |   1 |  0.05%
308 | Silly Gays: Trump Is More Fit And Healthy Than Ever Before, 
Despite Media Lies   |      5 |    24,423 |   1 |  0.05%
309 | THIS Moron Has A Few Blades Missing In HIS Turbine Brain          
               |      5 |    24,262 |   1 |  0.05%
310 | Emissions Went Down, CO2 Still Went Up - Explain                  
               |      5 |    22,974 |   1 |  0.05%
311 | Psychotic, Undeserved Narcissistic Midgetisms                     
               |      5 |    22,883 |   1 |  0.05%
312 | BATTERIES Are Our Future!                                         
               |      5 |    22,423 |   1 |  0.05%
313 | People Lining Up Long Before Trump's Rally                        
               |      5 |    22,397 |   1 |  0.05%
314 | How's Build Back Better Working Out For Ya?                       
               |      5 |    21,678 |   1 |  0.05%
315 | You Said It Was Safe For Them To Read To The Children... YOU      
               |      5 |    21,000 |   1 |  0.05%
316 | How Germany Is Paying The Price For Net Zero - Matter Of Time 
Before The Peo ... |      5 |    20,807 |   1 |  0.05%
317 | Enjoy That Global Warming During Those Brutally Mild Wyoming 
Winters!  LOL       |      5 |    20,733 |   1 |  0.05%
318 | Chile's Capital In The Midst Of "Longest Cold Spell Ever 
Recorded" As South  ... |      5 |    20,557 |   1 |  0.05%
319 | Like All The Accusers The Democrats Hire To Accuse Great Men of 
Raping Them...   |      5 |    20,365 |   1 |  0.05%
320 | Safe and Effective "Vaccine" (poison), Takes Another              
               |      5 |    19,276 |   1 |  0.05%
321 | Jan. 6 report says Trump floated plan for 10,000 troops to 
protect him - rec ... |      5 |    18,666 |   1 |  0.05%
322 | Pay Your Bills NATO, Or Trump Will Sic Russia On You              
               |      5 |    17,697 |   1 |  0.05%
323 | Democrat Insurrectionists Attack Their Own                        
               |      5 |    17,190 |   1 |  0.05%
324 | Re: "Trump Whodunnit: Prosecutors admit key evidence in document 
case has be ... |      5 |    17,064 |   1 |  0.05%
325 | Since The Cuntnadian Welfare Queen Can't POSSIBLY Understand What 
WE'RE Goin ... |      5 |    16,953 |   1 |  0.05%
326 | Every Democrat Voter - "How dare you support a convicted felon!"  
               |      5 |    15,367 |   1 |  0.05%
327 | Re: I'm going to kick Alleycat's butt just like I did Gunner's.   
               |      5 |    15,262 |   1 |  0.05%
328 | Just Two of The Many Ways The Democrats Cheat And Cheated In 2020 
               |      5 |    14,814 |   1 |  0.05%
329 | No Matter The Size of the Crowd - It's Still a 1000 Times Larger 
Than Bideme ... |      5 |    14,269 |   1 |  0.05%
330 | Remember when we were told that that Global warming was melting 
the Himalayas?   |      5 |    14,081 |   1 |  0.05%
331 | Yo Putsky                                                         
               |      5 |    10,887 |   1 |  0.05%
332 | Lizard Folk                                                       
               |      5 |    10,860 |   1 |  0.05%
333 | Writing on the wall for Trudeau                                   
               |      5 |     9,125 |   1 |  0.05%
334 | Joe Biden's America                                               
               |      5 |     8,693 |   1 |  0.05%
335 | Moses: a different take                                           
               |      5 |     7,961 |   1 |  0.05%
336 | Putin Speech                                                      
               |      4 |    73,097 |   1 |  0.04%
337 | LOL...  Wanna Prove A Point In The Present, Harkin Back To EIGHT 
YEAR OLD AR ... |      4 |    52,332 |   1 |  0.04%
338 | Re: Bring It On Cunt... I've Got a "Deprogrammer" For You Sitting 
In a Cabin ... |      4 |    34,277 |   1 |  0.04%
339 | LOL... I Made A Joke of This, But The Babylon Bee Agrees          
               |      4 |    29,488 |   1 |  0.04%
340 | Antarctica's Summer of 2023-2024 Is A Lot Colder Than Scientists 
Expected        |      4 |    27,986 |   1 |  0.04%
341 | Truth Social Crashing Is a GOOD Thing - I Thought You Nerds Would 
KNOW This      |      4 |    26,772 |   1 |  0.04%
342 | Is swill Walking Back His "Claim" That Clinton Lost Because of 
RUSSIA RUSSIA ... |      4 |    25,378 |   1 |  0.04%
343 | Keep Dat Gwobull Warbling Comin'!                                 
               |      4 |    25,300 |   1 |  0.04%
344 | Oops... This Is Gonna Wreck Rudy's Year, If It's True And He Ever 
Has The Gu ... |      4 |    25,274 |   1 |  0.04%
345 | Forced Conscription Is Now The Order of The Day In Corrupt 
Ukraine - Probabl ... |      4 |    24,362 |   1 |  0.04%
346 | wy Wee The Cuntnadian Welfare Queen's Gonna Shit - "We See Each 
Other Not As ... |      4 |    24,132 |   1 |  0.04%
347 | Don't Mess With Texas                                             
               |      4 |    24,093 |   1 |  0.04%
348 | Toddler Runs Away to Mommy                                        
               |      4 |    23,573 |   1 |  0.04%
349 | When It's Warm, YOU Call It Climate... When It's Colder You Call 
It Weather      |      4 |    22,643 |   1 |  0.04%
350 | Biden Team Ignores Israel’s History of Deceit and Deception       
               |      4 |    22,252 |   1 |  0.04%
351 | Seriously... I Don't Need Others To Tell Me What I Already Know, 
But It's Al ... |      4 |    21,727 |   1 |  0.04%
352 | Thank You, Hunga Tonga-Hunga! - "Since Water Vapor Traps Heat" - 
NASA            |      4 |    21,619 |   1 |  0.04%
353 | New Red New Jersey!                                               
               |      4 |    21,429 |   1 |  0.04%
354 | I Don't Give A Flying Fuck WHAT You Think It Is...                
               |      4 |    21,353 |   1 |  0.04%
355 | Oops... Trump To Appeal E. Jean Carroll Ruling Over Alleged 
'Insane' Conflic ... |      4 |    20,987 |   1 |  0.04%
356 | Do you condemn Hamas?                                             
               |      4 |    20,620 |   1 |  0.04%
357 | Hell... Give ME $300 billion dollars and *I'LL* Stop The Warming! 
---------- ... |      4 |    19,810 |   1 |  0.04%
358 | As of Yesterday, Arctic Sea Ice Extent Is Higher Than It Was At 
This Time In...  |      4 |    19,640 |   1 |  0.04%
359 | Deep-State Rides Again                                            
               |      4 |    19,570 |   1 |  0.04%
360 | Welfare And Handouts And Shit-For-Free Kill The Dream             
               |      4 |    19,387 |   1 |  0.04%
361 | Why Is It So *Easy* To Figure Rudypsychocunt Out And Make Him 
Post Shit Like ... |      4 |    19,384 |   1 |  0.04%
362 | It Ain't Over                                                     
               |      4 |    19,069 |   1 |  0.04%
363 | 100% safe AND effective! - So Says Rudy and His Boyfriend         
               |      4 |    18,952 |   1 |  0.04%
364 | When You Tell The Truth About A Liberal, Democrat Or Regressive 
Libertarian, ... |      4 |    17,929 |   1 |  0.04%
365 | Why Does Narcissistic Rudy Need So Much Attention - Rudy's 
Psychosis Is Char ... |      4 |    17,762 |   1 |  0.04%
366 | This Is Why Stores Are Closing                                    
               |      4 |    17,748 |   1 |  0.04%
367 | Well Fucking Said                                                 
               |      4 |    17,509 |   1 |  0.04%
368 | There Is Much Evidence of Data Tampering In Countries Trying To 
Scare Its Po ... |      4 |    16,883 |   1 |  0.04%
369 | Rules for Thee, But Not For Me - Part #265,743,594,785,687        
               |      4 |    15,923 |   1 |  0.04%
370 | Democrats                                                         
               |      4 |    15,601 |   1 |  0.04%
371 | Tip-Of-The-Iceberg EV Disasters                                   
               |      4 |    15,527 |   1 |  0.04%
372 | Re: Joe Biden now doing what he does best - weaseling out of the 
blame for U ... |      4 |    15,527 |   1 |  0.04%
373 | Well... Thar's Yer Problem                                        
               |      4 |    15,448 |   1 |  0.04%
374 | Following Up On The Expert's                                      
               |      4 |    15,259 |   1 |  0.04%
375 | And When The Takers of America Find That Their Free-Ride Is Over 
Because YOU ... |      4 |    14,835 |   1 |  0.04%
376 | 35 Years Ago Today... Climate Scientists Admit The El Nino-La 
Nina Cycle Is  ... |      4 |    14,134 |   1 |  0.04%
377 | $83.3 Million That E. Jean Carroll...                             
               |      4 |    13,359 |   1 |  0.04%
378 | We Only Have X Amount Of Years To Save The Planet                 
               |      4 |    13,158 |   1 |  0.04%
379 | Re: Nixon's pardon                                                
               |      4 |    12,810 |   1 |  0.04%
380 | Still Think It Was NOT A Pandemic?                                
               |      4 |    11,679 |   1 |  0.04%
381 | Democrat and Liberal Policies Are Working...                      
               |      4 |    11,230 |   1 |  0.04%
382 | Be Proud... Be LOUD! - Yukon, Northwest Territories And Nunavut 
Are The Firs ... |      4 |    10,893 |   1 |  0.04%
383 | Democrat Insurrection, Revisited                                  
               |      4 |    10,797 |   1 |  0.04%
384 | Why Is This "News", Here?                                         
               |      4 |    10,775 |   1 |  0.04%
385 | Remember That Time You Said America Is Not The World When 
Presented With Tem ... |      4 |    10,668 |   1 |  0.04%
386 | Dr. Pierre Kory: Why Ivermectin Had to Be Destroyed               
               |      4 |    10,570 |   1 |  0.04%
387 | Over 75 percent of journalists who died in 2023 were killed by 
the Israeli a ... |      4 |    10,413 |   1 |  0.04%
388 | The Crux of this TED Talk                                         
               |      4 |     8,952 |   1 |  0.04%
389 | Why Is It So COLD!?                                               
               |      4 |     8,886 |   1 |  0.04%
390 | Joe Biden attempts to co-opt Easter                               
               |      4 |     8,180 |   1 |  0.04%
391 | Re: Rudy's stupidity is real and needs to be eradicated           
               |      4 |     7,141 |   1 |  0.04%
392 | A Texas Democrat Once Said In 2007 That Mail-In Ballot Fraud "Is 
The Greates ... |      3 |    41,354 |   1 |  0.03%
393 | "Russia-gate" Is Nothing But Another Debunked, Wild-Eyed 
Left-Wing nut Consp ... |      3 |    36,266 |   1 |  0.03%
394 | Israel: Starvation Used as Weapon of War in Gaza                  
               |      3 |    35,700 |   1 |  0.03%
395 | So, An 85IQ Is Borderline Retarded? - Why Is That Number 
Significant? Oh Yeah... |      3 |    31,896 |   1 |  0.03%
396 | Wind Industry Always Knew That Wind Turbine Noise Exposure Causes 
Adverse He ... |      3 |    27,572 |   1 |  0.03%
397 | Trump Admin Was Ready To Deploy National Guard on Jan 6, Capitol 
Police Time ... |      3 |    27,028 |   1 |  0.03%
398 | 11 Crazy-Making Reasons Narcissists, Like Rudy and Alan Lie So 
Much              |      3 |    27,003 |   1 |  0.03%
399 | Oh No... It's NEVER Been About The Money... Has It? - So, WHY Is 
Denmark Tax ... |      3 |    24,384 |   1 |  0.03%
400 | Why anti-semitism?                                                
               |      3 |    22,608 |   1 |  0.03%
401 | We Trumplicans Hate Muslims, But The Lying Liberals LOVE Them... 
Even The Ga ... |      3 |    22,559 |   1 |  0.03%
402 | He Knows He's Not Going To Jail                                   
               |      3 |    22,534 |   1 |  0.03%
403 | Annnnnd It Will "Change" Again                                    
               |      3 |    21,306 |   1 |  0.03%
404 | Electricity Prices Up In ALL Provinces of Canada, Despite What 
Bi-Polar Bunn ... |      3 |    20,688 |   1 |  0.03%
405 | Sheepish Elizabeth Warren Caught Flying on Private Jet After 
Railing Against ... |      3 |    20,631 |   1 |  0.03%
406 | Re: Biden Dominates GOP At SoTU                                   
               |      3 |    20,311 |   1 |  0.03%
407 | Biden's Running For Re-Election, So The FBI's Telling You Crime's 
Down - The ... |      3 |    19,551 |   1 |  0.03%
408 | Rising Temperatures Threaten Farmers' Physical Ability To Work, 
Since There  ... |      3 |    19,030 |   1 |  0.03%
409 | This Image Was Leaked To The Media Following The RAID of Mar A 
Lago              |      3 |    18,927 |   1 |  0.03%
410 | NOAA's Latest Temperature Climate Data Establishes There Is NO 
CLIMATE EMERGENCY |      3 |    18,582 |   1 |  0.03%
411 | Re: The Tragic Absurdity of Bidens Gaza Policies                  
               |      3 |    17,792 |   1 |  0.03%
412 | After 15 Years of Debate, Geologists Reject The Anthropogenic As 
Earth's New ... |      3 |    17,243 |   1 |  0.03%
413 | My, How Far We've Fallen Just For A Few Extra Bucks In THEIR 
Pockets and Fame    |      3 |    17,121 |   1 |  0.03%
414 | Re: Jurors order Wayne La Pierre to pay $4.3M in restitution.     
               |      3 |    17,093 |   1 |  0.03%
415 | But But But We Would HAVE Hailstorms Unless There Was NO CO2!     
               |      3 |    16,311 |   1 |  0.03%
416 | Yet Another Alarmist Screecher Prediction, Down The Drain         
               |      3 |    15,935 |   1 |  0.03%
417 | So? And? What Now?                                                
               |      3 |    15,384 |   1 |  0.03%
418 | The Wave of The Future (NPI) - Siemens Sinks: Germany's Top Wind 
Turbine Mak ... |      3 |    15,330 |   1 |  0.03%
419 | This Is Another Example of Why I KNOW Liberals Are Fucked In The 
Head            |      3 |    15,299 |   1 |  0.03%
420 | Jack Smith Forced To 'Quietly' Withdraw Subpoena In Trump Jan. 6 
Case            |      3 |    15,218 |   1 |  0.03%
421 | Security Guards With Guns Did It In A Church... Why Can't 
Schools?               |      3 |    15,207 |   1 |  0.03%
422 | See... Ski Bunny? THIS Is The Type of Subject Header YOU Should 
Be Calling Out   |      3 |    15,173 |   1 |  0.03%
423 | You KNOW Something's a Lie, When You Hear of It First On Usenet, 
From a 9th- ... |      3 |    14,868 |   1 |  0.03%
424 | Biden: Back Off The Meds They Gave Him Last Night                 
               |      3 |    14,840 |   1 |  0.03%
425 | If Trump Was Still President, Putin Would Never Have Been 
Threatening Nuclea ... |      3 |    14,746 |   1 |  0.03%
426 | The Democrat Lockdowns Were A Failure                             
               |      3 |    14,696 |   1 |  0.03%
427 | Biden: Cain't Get Shit Right - Part Deaux (MoP)                   
               |      3 |    14,634 |   1 |  0.03%
428 | Re: Biden Business Associate: China Successfully Compromised 
White House         |      3 |    14,585 |   1 |  0.03%
429 | Re: Canada’s Orwellian online harms Bill                        
               |      3 |    14,571 |   1 |  0.03%
430 | Palestinians abused, forced to chant anti-Hamas slogans in ‘safe 
corridor’       |      3 |    14,233 |   1 |  0.03%
431 | Prosecutors Reveal To The Jury That Hunter Biden Didn't Just 
Sleep With His  ... |      3 |    13,882 |   1 |  0.03%
432 | Point Out The Failures of Things, And The Pedantic Little Pussy 
Children Wan ... |      3 |    13,695 |   1 |  0.03%
433 | No One Would Go Hungry If Democrats Weren't Giving Out Free Shit, 
Which Kill ... |      3 |    13,675 |   1 |  0.03%
434 | Solar And Wind Are BY Far, The Cheapest Energy... To Produce - 
But, What Abo ... |      3 |    13,412 |   1 |  0.03%
435 | From The "Our Children Just Won't Know What Snow It" Archives: 
Northern Hemi ... |      3 |    13,404 |   1 |  0.03%
436 | I Wonder If ABC Expected This? - ABC Poll: 86% Say Biden Too Old 
For Second Term |      3 |    13,388 |   1 |  0.03%
437 | THIS Is Why You Can't Trust Any "Me too" Bullshit, ESPECIALLY 
When It Deals  ... |      3 |    13,250 |   1 |  0.03%
438 | Noooo... There Aren't Any Democrats Who Got Trump Indicted - It 
Was ONLY The ... |      3 |    13,171 |   1 |  0.03%
439 | On THIS Day... Where Was The Climate In Crisis?                   
               |      3 |    13,138 |   1 |  0.03%
440 | New Analysis Shows Just How Bad Electric Trucks Are For Business 
and Consumers   |      3 |    12,828 |   1 |  0.03%
441 | U.S. Hasn't Seen An EF-5 Tornado In 11 Years, Longest Gap In 
(Recorded) History  |      3 |    12,777 |   1 |  0.03%
442 | Y'all Keep An Eye on Unum - Sweden Is SCRAPPING Agenda 2030 
Goals!               |      3 |    12,743 |   1 |  0.03%
443 | During December 2023, NOAA Made This Amazing 1-Month Temperature 
Forecast Fo ... |      3 |    12,555 |   1 |  0.03%
444 | Lemme get this straight....                                       
               |      3 |    12,327 |   1 |  0.03%
445 | Our Climate Is Actually Getting Milder and Our Leaders Are 
Getting Wilder        |      3 |    12,132 |   1 |  0.03%
446 | Why Can't Democrats Get Along?                                    
               |      3 |    11,971 |   1 |  0.03%
447 | THIS Is How A Toddler Responds To Strong Women Scaring Him        
               |      3 |    11,728 |   1 |  0.03%
448 | This Is The Observable Data, Which Trumps Models And Conjecture   
               |      3 |    11,617 |   1 |  0.03%
449 | Re: Thank You President Trump                                     
               |      3 |    11,431 |   1 |  0.03%
450 | Yes, She's A Democrat                                             
               |      3 |    11,091 |   1 |  0.03%
451 | Re: Jury Awards "Climate Scientist" More Than $1 Million Because 
People Crit ... |      3 |    10,980 |   1 |  0.03%
452 | Unbelievable EV Disaster For Ford                                 
               |      3 |    10,890 |   1 |  0.03%
453 | Re: MTG Wants To Prosecute Epstein's Friends. Oops                
               |      3 |    10,633 |   1 |  0.03%
454 | Way To Go, Ontario!                                               
               |      3 |    10,520 |   1 |  0.03%
455 | I Tried... But I Couldn't Do It, I Tried!                         
               |      3 |    10,506 |   1 |  0.03%
456 | THIS Is How Stupid Liberals Are And How They "Discuss"            
               |      3 |    10,348 |   1 |  0.03%
457 | Trudeau, Poilievre,  Freeland, Singh special abilities and 
matchmaking           |      3 |    10,224 |   1 |  0.03%
458 | Poor old King Charles                                             
               |      3 |    10,085 |   1 |  0.03%
459 | Progressive Alabama Shows The Rest of The Country HOW To Be 
Progressive          |      3 |     9,919 |   1 |  0.03%
460 | After Seeing How Much Money Trump Raised After His Conviction...  
               |      3 |     9,867 |   1 |  0.03%
461 | Democrats... This Is Your Party Now - What Do You Think? 
Please... Go Ahead. ... |      3 |     9,792 |   1 |  0.03%
462 | It's Statements Like These, That Let's Us Know What Kind of Kooks 
You Chicke ... |      3 |     9,628 |   1 |  0.03%
463 | It's About Fucking Time Someone With Some Sense And Influence 
Came Out With This |      3 |     9,604 |   1 |  0.03%
464 | Never Mind Those EVs - Oil Demand Keeps Growing                   
               |      3 |     9,546 |   1 |  0.03%
465 | Unum Admits... Water Vapor Is Good For The World, As It Helps 
Warm Us Back U ... |      3 |     9,504 |   1 |  0.03%
466 | I KNOW The Democrats Will Find Ways To Cheat AGAIN, But...        
               |      3 |     9,423 |   1 |  0.03%
467 | Biden: "Thank You, Secretary Booty Juice"                         
               |      3 |     9,219 |   1 |  0.03%
468 | Why Do News Agencies Lie And Make Apologies For Shithole People 
In Shithole  ... |      3 |     9,200 |   1 |  0.03%
469 | China tells ICJ: Palestinians have the right to use 'armed force' 
against Israel |      3 |     9,000 |   1 |  0.03%
470 | Trump Won and You Know It                                         
               |      3 |     8,998 |   1 |  0.03%
471 | Poll: How Much Ice Mass Has Greenland Lost Since 1970?            
               |      3 |     8,617 |   1 |  0.03%
472 | Planned Parenthood taking children out of school and out state 
for abortions ... |      3 |     8,244 |   1 |  0.03%
473 | Re: You Are Warm Today, Because...                                
               |      3 |     8,012 |   1 |  0.03%
474 | Rudy Canoza Shits Out of His Mouth... Again - Did I Mention, That 
It Was RUD ... |      3 |     8,010 |   1 |  0.03%
475 | Fortunately These Are "RENEWABLE"                                 
               |      3 |     7,935 |   1 |  0.03%
476 | Hailstorms, Which Are Produced By Extra Cold Air Circulating In 
The Atmosphe ... |      3 |     7,915 |   1 |  0.03%
477 | Joe Biden's America                                               
               |      3 |     7,799 |   1 |  0.03%
478 | Ha Ha... Rudy Loses Again on Ivermectin - Chris Cuomo Says He Now 
Uses Iverm ... |      3 |     7,700 |   1 |  0.03%
479 | "I believe that Stormy Daniels revealed herself to be a complete 
and total l ... |      3 |     7,629 |   1 |  0.03%
480 | Why Are Democrat "Anti-Fascist Insurrectionists" Always Fascists 
Themselves?     |      3 |     7,601 |   1 |  0.03%
481 | The usual suspects will not post this Trump victory               
               |      3 |     7,553 |   1 |  0.03%
482 | Hamas can end the war right now                                   
               |      3 |     7,524 |   1 |  0.03%
483 | Republican Lists 5 Reasons Why Democrats Will Win in November     
               |      3 |     7,319 |   1 |  0.03%
484 | The Alan troll's half-wit and wisdoms                             
               |      3 |     7,301 |   1 |  0.03%
485 | Donald Trump, Not A Felon...                                      
               |      3 |     7,269 |   1 |  0.03%
486 | Cold Front To Drop Snow On Aussie Alps                            
               |      3 |     7,259 |   1 |  0.03%
487 | Democrats are crying at their loss                                
               |      3 |     7,127 |   1 |  0.03%
488 | Secret RCMP report warns Canadians may revolt once they realize 
how broke th ... |      3 |     6,850 |   1 |  0.03%
489 | We Trumplicans Hate Muslims, But The Lying Liberals LOVE Them... 
Even The Ga ... |      3 |     6,520 |   1 |  0.03%
490 | Here's an example                                                 
               |      3 |     6,512 |   1 |  0.03%
491 | Putski, you got it Bass-Ackwards                                  
               |      3 |     6,437 |   1 |  0.03%
492 | Hey there Brandon Robinson                                        
               |      3 |     6,420 |   1 |  0.03%
493 | Corrupt Republican leaders try to bribe Kari Lake into not 
running for Senate    |      3 |     6,408 |   1 |  0.03%
494 | Re: Israel’s Supreme Court orders conscription for ultra-Orthodox 
men            |      3 |     6,126 |   1 |  0.03%
495 | Our current Taxation Systems                                      
               |      3 |     6,024 |   1 |  0.03%
496 | Vanguard News Network                                             
               |      3 |     5,589 |   1 |  0.03%
497 | Immigration Canada                                                
               |      3 |     5,516 |   1 |  0.03%
498 | Sub-Morons                                                        
               |      3 |     5,502 |   1 |  0.03%
499 | Alex Nvalny has died                                              
               |      3 |     5,045 |   1 |  0.03%
500 | We reject the false choice between Jewish safety and Palestinian 
freedom         |      3 |     4,565 |   1 |  0.03%
501 | WTF is "Deeply Illegal" S'posed to mean?                          
               |      3 |     4,460 |   1 |  0.03%
502 | The Speaker ejects Pierre Pilievre                                
               |      3 |     4,300 |   1 |  0.03%
503 | Make the Call, Joe                                                
               |      3 |     3,924 |   1 |  0.03%
504 | We All Live in a Yellow Submarine                                 
               |      3 |     3,741 |   1 |  0.03%
505 | LOL... Democrat Gets What Democrat Deserves                       
               |      3 |     9,812 |   0 |  0.03%
506 | When Snipes Won't Say True Or False, It's 100% True               
               |      2 |    34,135 |   1 |  0.02%
507 | Re: "Trump Says Abortion Restrictions Should Be Left To States"   
               |      2 |    33,875 |   1 |  0.02%
508 | Maybe Ski Bunny's Not In Love With Hunter Biden... It May Be...   
               |      2 |    29,917 |   1 |  0.02%
509 | You Keep Believing Nameless Faceless Moronic Undergraduates At 
NASA And The NOAA |      2 |    28,755 |   1 |  0.02%
510 | Open letter by Gaza academics and university administrators to 
the world         |      2 |    25,694 |   1 |  0.02%
511 | Unless Israel changes course, it could be legally culpable for 
mass starvation   |      2 |    23,659 |   1 |  0.02%
512 | Re: 10 Reasons to Oppose Mass Immigration to Canada               
               |      2 |    23,543 |   1 |  0.02%
513 | silence IS golden, epseically when you don't WANT to see the 
liar's crap we  ... |      2 |    22,583 |   1 |  0.02%
514 | Doing It Right In Florida!                                        
               |      2 |    19,981 |   1 |  0.02%
515 | Toddler Deflects, Whataboutisms and Acts The Child... Again       
               |      2 |    19,202 |   1 |  0.02%
516 | No One Ever Said Or Told Ski Bunny That The "Deep State" Was A 
"Secret Organ ... |      2 |    18,546 |   1 |  0.02%
517 | LOL... Ski Bunny Says Trump Never Wanted National Guard Troops - 
So WHY Did...   |      2 |    18,499 |   1 |  0.02%
518 | This How Stupid Liberals Are - Bonus:  Black America Before LBJ: 
How the Wel ... |      2 |    18,225 |   1 |  0.02%
519 | Canada: The Bad Economic Times Have Only Just Started             
               |      2 |    18,180 |   1 |  0.02%
520 | Has the War Against Palestine Killed Jewish Comedy?               
               |      2 |    18,179 |   1 |  0.02%
521 | First Impressions That Liberals Try To Give, Are ALWAYS Wrong     
               |      2 |    17,727 |   1 |  0.02%
522 | Disinfectant IS Used Internally, So Trump is 100% Correct         
               |      2 |    17,562 |   1 |  0.02%
523 | Why Can't You Fucking Idiots Think Things Through, Before You 
Show Us How St ... |      2 |    16,303 |   1 |  0.02%
524 | When Will The Illiterate Liberals EVER Learn the Word, Rhetoric - 
Trump's Bi ... |      2 |    15,674 |   1 |  0.02%
525 | The Futile Battle Against 1.5C Of Warming Was Lost Before It 
Started             |      2 |    15,654 |   1 |  0.02%
526 | Welcome To Democrat-Run Cities                                    
               |      2 |    15,491 |   1 |  0.02%
527 | Trump Won Fifty-Four Outta Fifty-Five? That's Enough of Them To 
BE All of Them   |      2 |    15,267 |   1 |  0.02%
528 | The Face Of Modern Liberalism                                     
               |      2 |    15,243 |   1 |  0.02%
529 | Science of Heat Waves Reveals Blaming CO2 is a Scam!              
               |      2 |    15,154 |   1 |  0.02%
530 | EPA's New Climate Rule Would Cause Rolling Blackouts In Huge 
Swath Of Americ ... |      2 |    15,150 |   1 |  0.02%
531 | LOL... Same Ole Same Ole... Standard Operating Procedure for 
People Who Have ... |      2 |    15,046 |   1 |  0.02%
532 | This Is Not A "Protest"... This Is A Takeover                     
               |      2 |    14,991 |   1 |  0.02%
533 | Sorry... Hat Tip To John Smyth - McDonald's Menu Hikes: McDouble 
Up 168%, Mc ... |      2 |    14,807 |   1 |  0.02%
534 | LOL... Trump Can't Read Teleprompters - So... Joe Biden CAN?      
               |      2 |    14,632 |   1 |  0.02%
535 | When You Lose Chicago Blacks, You Might Want To Stop Pulling Off 
Your Libera ... |      2 |    14,360 |   1 |  0.02%
536 | Which Comes First, Carbon Dioxide Or Warming?                     
               |      2 |    14,294 |   1 |  0.02%
537 | Biden Adopts (STEALS) Trump's Stance on Tariffs For China - The 
Utter Hypocr ... |      2 |    14,228 |   1 |  0.02%
538 | Trump Trumps and Dominates Nikki Haley - "None of the Above" 
Candidates Whoo ... |      2 |    14,150 |   1 |  0.02%
539 | Trillions Spent on 'Climate Change' Based on Faulty Temperature 
Data, Climat ... |      2 |    14,115 |   1 |  0.02%
540 | Collapsing El Nino Spells End to Year-Long Bout of Climate 
Hysteria              |      2 |    14,040 |   1 |  0.02%
541 | How Far Liars Go To Convince Idiots of Their Lies                 
               |      2 |    13,764 |   1 |  0.02%
542 | Well, We'll Just Squeeze Another Failure Right on In Thar, JUST 
Like Incande ... |      2 |    13,690 |   1 |  0.02%
543 | Justin Trudeau's Blackface Shows That Being Progressive Doesn't 
Exempt You F ... |      2 |    13,620 |   1 |  0.02%
544 | But...But...But...They Predicted And Prediction Beats Solid Data 
Any Day         |      2 |    13,378 |   1 |  0.02%
545 | Not Many of You Know This Guy, OR Care, But You Keep Losing 
Liberals EVERY D ... |      2 |    13,252 |   1 |  0.02%
546 | Proof That Wind And Solar Are Disasters, And The Energy America 
Really Needs     |      2 |    13,211 |   1 |  0.02%
547 | Trump Doesn't HAVE To Court The Black Vote                        
               |      2 |    13,097 |   1 |  0.02%
548 | Anyone Who Read This Article, Knows It's a Lie and Words Spun     
               |      2 |    13,080 |   1 |  0.02%
549 | Ethics? No... It's, We Don't Need No MORE Stinkin' Ethics         
               |      2 |    12,929 |   1 |  0.02%
550 | The MANY Times You Dolts Believed The Clinton Dossier Told The 
Truth About Trump |      2 |    12,896 |   1 |  0.02%
551 | Why Some of Those Filing Against Trump Should Be In Jail 
Themselves              |      2 |    12,710 |   1 |  0.02%
552 | You Know When Lee's Lying, When, There Are ZERO Direct Quotes 
From The Subje ... |      2 |    12,565 |   1 |  0.02%
553 | Speaking of Crazy Ass Cuants                                      
               |      2 |    12,450 |   1 |  0.02%
554 | This Is Your Brain On Liberal Bidenism                            
               |      2 |    12,407 |   1 |  0.02%
555 | Re: ANOTHER ONE: EV Start-Up Fisker Exploring Bankruptcy          
               |      2 |    12,216 |   1 |  0.02%
556 | Hypocrite on Parade: Representative Maxine Waters (D-Cal.) Urged 
Her Followe ... |      2 |    12,210 |   1 |  0.02%
557 | Y'all Keep An Eye on Unum - This'll Kill Him - "The EU Plans To 
Reassess The ... |      2 |    12,208 |   1 |  0.02%
558 | Re: For those who trust polls                                     
               |      2 |    12,088 |   1 |  0.02%
559 | Gen. Kellogg: Trump Did Request Nat'l Guard Troops on Jan. 6th; 
Asks Congres ... |      2 |    11,939 |   1 |  0.02%
560 | Toddler Stephanopoulos Set To Go Down - Legal Expert Sees 'Slam 
Dunk' Trump  ... |      2 |    11,923 |   1 |  0.02%
561 | Gen. Kellogg: Trump Did Request Nat'l Guard Troops on Jan. 6th; 
Asks Congres ... |      2 |    11,857 |   1 |  0.02%
562 | Cutting Down CO2 Breathers, Will Will Put Millions of Tones of 
CO2 Into The  ... |      2 |    11,847 |   1 |  0.02%
563 | End The Witch Hunt - What Are You Afraid of, Brutha... The Truth 
Getting Out?    |      2 |    11,738 |   1 |  0.02%
564 | Former Officials Attack Leaked Senate Border Deal, Say Biden Is 
Trying To De ... |      2 |    11,701 |   1 |  0.02%
565 | Concerns Mount as Met Office Fiddles With Historic Temperature 
Record in Exa ... |      2 |    11,635 |   1 |  0.02%
566 | Those Who Deny The Climate Crisis And Emergency Is NOT All About 
Money, Are  ... |      2 |    11,544 |   1 |  0.02%
567 | Their Desperation Knows No Bounds - 79 Degrees Is Now "Hot"?      
               |      2 |    11,538 |   1 |  0.02%
568 | Fact Check: Did Melania Trump Plagiarize Michelle Obama on 
Twitter?              |      2 |    11,481 |   1 |  0.02%
569 | Is Earth Warming? Where? Why?                                     
               |      2 |    11,396 |   1 |  0.02%
570 | Manmade Global Warming is a hoax                                  
               |      2 |    11,318 |   1 |  0.02%
571 | TRUMP WINS!                                                       
               |      2 |    11,266 |   1 |  0.02%
572 | Trump Wanted Troops                                               
               |      2 |    11,221 |   1 |  0.02%
573 | Keep Letting Those Muslims In, Cuntnadian Liberals                
               |      2 |    11,177 |   1 |  0.02%
574 | Boldly Stepping Into The Deep Blue State of New Jersey...         
               |      2 |    11,058 |   1 |  0.02%
575 | The End of Oil - Prediction Number X - Part: 18 - Debunked... 
Again              |      2 |    11,003 |   1 |  0.02%
576 | Comer: Mountain of Evidence Reveals Joe Biden Abused his Public 
Office for h ... |      2 |    10,976 |   1 |  0.02%
577 | Trump Built 452 Miles of New Wall, Fences and Barriers, Including 
What Neede ... |      2 |    10,780 |   1 |  0.02%
578 | Re: DumbFuck MTG Dragged After Seemingly Not Knowing That 
Electric Vehicles  ... |      2 |    10,754 |   1 |  0.02%
579 | With All The Focus on Sexual Allegations Lately, Including Brett 
Cavanaugh A ... |      2 |    10,736 |   1 |  0.02%
580 | BBC's Weather Map Colors                                          
               |      2 |    10,680 |   1 |  0.02%
581 | See? You Know You'd Lose Without Cheating... Again                
               |      2 |    10,676 |   1 |  0.02%
582 | Another Post Alan "Ski Bunny Dick-Tucker Buffalo Bunn" Baker 
Didn't Call Out     |      2 |    10,603 |   1 |  0.02%
583 | Sorry... I Seem To Have Told Only Half The Story                  
               |      2 |    10,479 |   1 |  0.02%
584 | Poor Whining Toddler... Gets His Ass Kicked And All He Can Do Is 
Whine About ... |      2 |    10,447 |   1 |  0.02%
585 | The ONLY Reason The Democrats Are Now Saying They Want The Border 
"Closed"...    |      2 |    10,410 |   1 |  0.02%
586 | Supreme Court Lets Texas Enforce Law Allowing Police To Arrest 
Illegal Immig ... |      2 |    10,369 |   1 |  0.02%
587 | LOL... Biden (or whoever writes his social media) Steps In It 
Again              |      2 |    10,227 |   1 |  0.02%
588 | What Is WRONG With Your People?                                   
               |      2 |    10,154 |   1 |  0.02%
589 | Which Means They Know They Cheated So They're Continuing The 
Facade of Being ... |      2 |    10,152 |   1 |  0.02%
590 | Yes, Republicans Keep Propping Up Israel With New Spending Bill, 
Throw Ukrai ... |      2 |    10,143 |   1 |  0.02%
591 | I Told You... No one Involved Will See Any of Trump's Money... 
Not What They ... |      2 |    10,130 |   1 |  0.02%
592 | When You Lose New York Blacks, You Might Want To Stop Pulling Off 
Your Liber ... |      2 |    10,127 |   1 |  0.02%
593 | Biden Claims He Needs New Laws From Congress To Secure The Border 
= Lie          |      2 |     9,967 |   1 |  0.02%
594 | Tell Us The FBI Is Corrupt Without Telling Us The FBI Is Corrupt? 
               |      2 |     9,848 |   1 |  0.02%
595 | Former Boxing Champ Mike Tyson Dishes Out Racist Details On Trump 
After Priv ... |      2 |     9,744 |   1 |  0.02%
596 | Will Trump Turn Into A Democrat And Destroy Democracy?            
               |      2 |     9,719 |   1 |  0.02%
597 | Now... Those Who Oppose Nukes Will Come Out And Pretend To Be FOR 
Them, Beca ... |      2 |     9,655 |   1 |  0.02%
598 | Obsessive Twit, PROVES My Point, That Liberals Hear Something And 
Take It As ... |      2 |     9,578 |   1 |  0.02%
599 | E. Jean Carroll Had Consensual Sex With Trump                     
               |      2 |     9,506 |   1 |  0.02%
600 | The Climate Scientologists At NASA/GISS...                        
               |      2 |     9,474 |   1 |  0.02%
601 | The White House Is Fuming                                         
               |      2 |     9,469 |   1 |  0.02%
602 | Strengthening our movement in times of crisis: a historic task of 
the Palest ... |      2 |     9,382 |   1 |  0.02%
603 | Yes, Trump Told The Jan 6 Protesters To Be Peaceful.              
               |      2 |     9,328 |   1 |  0.02%
604 | This Dumbass NEVER Researches Shit, That Makes Him Look Stupid    
               |      2 |     9,253 |   1 |  0.02%
605 | Another One Bites The Dust                                        
               |      2 |     9,188 |   1 |  0.02%
606 | High risk of famine across Gaza as hunger spreads, experts say    
               |      2 |     9,182 |   1 |  0.02%
607 | Why Don't YOU, Al Gore, John Kerry, Bill Gates, Greta Thunberg Or 
The Rest o ... |      2 |     9,112 |   1 |  0.02%
608 | Bill Gates Just Needs To Shut The Fuck Up and Go Back To Just 
Spying On People   |      2 |     8,954 |   1 |  0.02%
609 | Oh Noooo... It CAN'T Be About The Money!  No Way!                 
               |      2 |     8,942 |   1 |  0.02%
610 | At Times CO2 Was 1300% of Today                                   
               |      2 |     8,906 |   1 |  0.02%
611 | California's Coming 100 Years of PERMENENT DROUGHT!               
               |      2 |     8,807 |   1 |  0.02%
612 | You Fucked-In-The-Head Liberals Need To Get This Into Your Head, 
Or Just Kee ... |      2 |     8,794 |   1 |  0.02%
613 | When "WE" Say There's A Crisis At The Border, YOU Calls US 
Racists - Bonus:  ... |      2 |     8,637 |   1 |  0.02%
614 | "Biden's Shot" - "Biden's A Disaster" - "Biden Doesn't Know Where 
He Is" - N ... |      2 |     8,587 |   1 |  0.02%
615 | Trudeau's Racist Photos Are Shocking                              
               |      2 |     8,539 |   1 |  0.02%
616 | Lying Michael E. Mann, Lies Again                                 
               |      2 |     8,475 |   1 |  0.02%
617 | This Is The Reality of Joe Biden's Open Border                    
               |      2 |     8,440 |   1 |  0.02%
618 | Free And Fair With ZERO Fraud                                     
               |      2 |     8,382 |   1 |  0.02%
619 | LOL... Toddler Thinks Republican "Boys" (Told You He Was A 
Toddler... Who Sp ... |      2 |     8,379 |   1 |  0.02%
620 | TRUMP: Never on Epstein Island Or In Epstein's Homes. FBI Raid. 
91 Charges       |      2 |     8,375 |   1 |  0.02%
621 | Wow Look At All These Times Throughout Ancient History That Cars 
Melted The  ... |      2 |     8,336 |   1 |  0.02%
622 | The NIH Just ADMITTED To Funding Gain-Of-Function Research In 
Wuhan Through  ... |      2 |     8,306 |   1 |  0.02%
623 | More on NASA Climate                                              
               |      2 |     8,286 |   1 |  0.02%
624 | Record Cold Continues Across North America, Renewables Fail       
               |      2 |     8,259 |   1 |  0.02%
625 | Racist and Xenophobic Obama: Now, 10 Times As Many People Per 
Year Are "Pour ... |      2 |     8,243 |   1 |  0.02%
626 | The Left: "Theres no such thing as White Culture." - So... What's 
THIS?          |      2 |     8,225 |   1 |  0.02%
627 | When The Left Knows They're Beaten                                
               |      2 |     8,198 |   1 |  0.02%
628 | Basic Usage of Commas and Even More HORRIFIC Spelling and Grammar 
Gaffes (Ru ... |      2 |     8,139 |   1 |  0.02%
629 | Lost Again, But With Some Loving Arms To Hold Him and Some Arrows 
To Guide Him   |      2 |     8,109 |   1 |  0.02%
630 | Why Does Unum and Company Keep Posting Battery Crap, When There's 
No Reason? ... |      2 |     8,056 |   1 |  0.02%
631 | "Trump Was Right About NATO, Immigration, The Economy - Democrats 
Need To GR ... |      2 |     8,050 |   1 |  0.02%
632 | Michael E Mann - Never Manipulated Data!                          
               |      2 |     8,034 |   1 |  0.02%
633 | I've Proven It's Not Safe To Let Drag Queen Pedophiles To Read To 
Children,  ... |      2 |     8,016 |   1 |  0.02%
634 | Everything Being Done To Trump, Is Election Interference...       
               |      2 |     8,010 |   1 |  0.02%
635 | PROOF!...                                                         
               |      2 |     7,999 |   1 |  0.02%
636 | Trump... Not One New War In His 4 Years - Biden? 3 And Counting   
               |      2 |     7,992 |   1 |  0.02%
637 | Figures... A Communist Toddler Wouldn't Follow The Law And Allow 
The 1st Ame ... |      2 |     7,860 |   1 |  0.02%
638 | When All Else Fails... Desperate Times Call For Desperate 
Measures - Blame Y ... |      2 |     7,735 |   1 |  0.02%
639 | That's Right, Welfare Queen... The Democrats Will Cheat Again     
               |      2 |     7,627 |   1 |  0.02%
640 | I Can't Stop Laughing At This                                     
               |      2 |     7,618 |   1 |  0.02%
641 | I Thought All You Left-Wingers Were Atheists - So, Why Is Colburt 
Groveling  ... |      2 |     7,608 |   1 |  0.02%
642 | 1,200-Year-Drought Update:                                        
               |      2 |     7,480 |   1 |  0.02%
643 | Yup... ALL About Power, Money and Control                         
               |      2 |     7,473 |   1 |  0.02%
644 | Another Good Thing About Boiling Oceans...                        
               |      2 |     7,430 |   1 |  0.02%
645 | But No Where NEAR Unprecedented                                   
               |      2 |     7,414 |   1 |  0.02%
646 | The Costs of Extreme Weather Events Really Increasing Due To 
Climate Change  ... |      2 |     7,400 |   1 |  0.02%
647 | FUCK Trudeau!                                                     
               |      2 |     7,338 |   1 |  0.02%
648 | Didn't You Say That Global Warming Meant Stronger Tornadoes! ?    
               |      2 |     7,320 |   1 |  0.02%
649 | Remember When A Pfizer Executive Admitted That Their COVID 
Vaccine Was Never ... |      2 |     7,312 |   1 |  0.02%
650 | 11,300 Papers... Retracted - Good Record                          
               |      2 |     7,264 |   1 |  0.02%
651 | Rightist Propaganda Site Falsely Claims That CNN Data Guru 
Declares Trump Ga ... |      2 |     7,213 |   1 |  0.02%
652 | 12-years ago, climate experts became concerned that skiing would 
become a th ... |      2 |     7,212 |   1 |  0.02%
653 | Pearl-clutching media running away from huge Trump rally in NJ    
               |      2 |     7,212 |   1 |  0.02%
654 | "Our Children Just Won't Know What Snow Is..." - "The End of Snow 
- Snow: -  ... |      2 |     7,166 |   1 |  0.02%
655 | Boy, Eh... Canada's Getting As Bad As The Untied States           
               |      2 |     7,140 |   1 |  0.02%
656 | The trial of Michael E Mann                                       
               |      2 |     7,132 |   1 |  0.02%
657 | The NIH Just ADMITTED To Funding Gain-Of-Function Research In 
Wuhan Through  ... |      2 |     7,119 |   1 |  0.02%
658 | Get Ready For Another Reason The Democrats Will Want Mail-In 
Balloting ONLY, ... |      2 |     7,015 |   1 |  0.02%
659 | Those Darlings of the Democrats                                   
               |      2 |     7,004 |   1 |  0.02%
660 | Former MIT Physics Professor Walter Levin Explains, IN DETAIL, 
Why NOAA Temp ... |      2 |     6,958 |   1 |  0.02%
661 | During The Past 2.5M Yrs There Have Been 40+ Glacial Maximums & 
40+ Intergla ... |      2 |     6,956 |   1 |  0.02%
662 | From The Man You Winger Anti-Capitalists Love To Hate, Because He 
Bought Twi ... |      2 |     6,953 |   1 |  0.02%
663 | With All Due Respect To My Canadian Brother Conservatives - 
Canadian Liberal ... |      2 |     6,950 |   1 |  0.02%
664 | Vermont Becomes 1st State To Require Oil Companies Pay For Damage 
From Clima ... |      2 |     6,882 |   1 |  0.02%
665 | Those Democrats' Darlings Paying The Price                        
               |      2 |     6,833 |   1 |  0.02%
666 | Are You 100% Sure That 3% of Our CO2 Drives Climate?              
               |      2 |     6,789 |   1 |  0.02%
667 | Re: Oakland's largest employer reportedly tells workers to eat 
lunch inside      |      2 |     6,771 |   1 |  0.02%
668 | More Democrat Insurrection                                        
               |      2 |     6,699 |   1 |  0.02%
669 | LOL... Ski Bunny Begger - Why Does Ski Bunny Keep Begging Me To 
Answer His I ... |      2 |     6,647 |   1 |  0.02%
670 | Why Do Blue Cities Insist on Allowing Violent Indigents To 
Terrorize The Public? |      2 |     6,641 |   1 |  0.02%
671 | Mi'sel Joe, Cindy Woodhouse, Mary Simon special abilities         
               |      2 |     6,578 |   1 |  0.02%
672 | Democrats Are Trying To Claim That Donald Trump Is A Crypto-Nazi 
Because He...   |      2 |     6,514 |   1 |  0.02%
673 | Naah... Democrats Will Cheat Again                                
               |      2 |     6,509 |   1 |  0.02%
674 | Electric Buses In Austria Show Us JUST How Far We've Come In 
Lowering Our CO ... |      2 |     6,498 |   1 |  0.02%
675 | OT: Even Trump knew he was guilty...                              
               |      2 |     6,459 |   1 |  0.02%
676 | I Wrote A Book About The Dangers of This, Yet No One Will Fucking 
Listen - G ... |      2 |     6,157 |   1 |  0.02%
677 | Why Is This Man So Freaking Mad?                                  
               |      2 |     6,112 |   1 |  0.02%
678 | LOL... Who Needs Climate Change To Raise Food Prices? - We Have 
Joe Biden        |      2 |     6,070 |   1 |  0.02%
679 | So much for the lie about crime being down under Uncle Joe        
               |      2 |     6,069 |   1 |  0.02%
680 | THANK YOU, Joe Biden! - More Allah Damn Muslims To Worry About    
               |      2 |     6,000 |   1 |  0.02%
681 | "Chronic Male Violence"                                           
               |      2 |     5,996 |   1 |  0.02%
682 | Because of The Lie of Trump/Putin Collusion, Left-Wing Loons Have 
To Keep Up ... |      2 |     5,960 |   1 |  0.02%
683 | Re: RCMP Arrest Rebel News Reporter David Menzies For No Reason 
On Fake Char ... |      2 |     5,948 |   1 |  0.02%
684 | There Are Literally Tens of Students Waiting To See Joe Biden In 
Tampa Right ... |      2 |     5,887 |   1 |  0.02%
685 | White House Issues Nine Corrections Following Joe Biden's 
Gaffe/Lie-Filled S ... |      2 |     5,881 |   1 |  0.02%
686 | The Democrats Cheated in 2020                                     
               |      2 |     5,878 |   1 |  0.02%
687 | Malaysian Colloquial Language Aside...                            
               |      2 |     5,767 |   1 |  0.02%
688 | Bi-Polar Ski Bunny Failed To Realize This When He Said Crime Is 
Down             |      2 |     5,679 |   1 |  0.02%
689 | Holocaust survivors condemn Israel’s Gaza genocide                
               |      2 |     5,637 |   1 |  0.02%
690 | Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza Is Becoming an Official Israeli 
Government Policy       |      2 |     5,625 |   1 |  0.02%
691 | Re: "Media Freak Out As Trump Cleans Up In Iowa"                  
               |      2 |     5,543 |   1 |  0.02%
692 | "I Want To Fight Climate Change"                                  
               |      2 |     5,478 |   1 |  0.02%
693 | 'Genocide denial': US Congress passes amendment denying Gaza 
death toll          |      2 |     5,475 |   1 |  0.02%
694 | The Nazis Have Started Terrorizing The Nazis                      
               |      2 |     5,463 |   1 |  0.02%
695 | No end to Liberal lefty whining                                   
               |      2 |     5,425 |   1 |  0.02%
696 | The End of Oil - Prediction Number x - Debunked... Again          
               |      2 |     5,425 |   1 |  0.02%
697 | Re: BIDENOMICS: Iconic Tupperware Company to Close Its Last U.S. 
Factory ? W ... |      2 |     5,394 |   1 |  0.02%
698 | The Democrats And Liberals Have Nothing BUT To Lie, Since Half 
Their Voter B ... |      2 |     5,390 |   1 |  0.02%
699 | Trudeau's Canada                                                  
               |      2 |     5,309 |   1 |  0.02%
700 | It's Just A Matter of Time Before Your Tyrannies Are Left Out 
Completely         |      2 |     5,214 |   1 |  0.02%
701 | The National Bank of Canada                                       
               |      2 |     5,092 |   1 |  0.02%
702 | In what world would this be considered NORMAL?                    
               |      2 |     5,017 |   1 |  0.02%
703 | Whataboutisms About Trump Do Not Prove Joe Bidementia Isn't 
Fucked In The Head   |      2 |     4,985 |   1 |  0.02%
704 | 81 million Votes?                                                 
               |      2 |     4,962 |   1 |  0.02%
705 | Canada Post is hassling me again                                  
               |      2 |     4,864 |   1 |  0.02%
706 | Israel Military Investigates Soldiers for Criminal Offenses in 
Gaza War          |      2 |     4,825 |   1 |  0.02%
707 | Canadian Tire Disservice                                          
               |      2 |     4,686 |   1 |  0.02%
708 | Re: Biden's Immigration Policies At Work                          
               |      2 |     4,633 |   1 |  0.02%
709 | Re: PROOF THAT THE EU IS PRO-NAZI                                 
               |      2 |     4,632 |   1 |  0.02%
710 | Democrats more interested in giving our money away than securing 
the border      |      2 |     4,518 |   1 |  0.02%
711 | decline 2024 03                                                   
               |      2 |     4,516 |   1 |  0.02%
712 | Why The Democrats Will Cheat, Again, To Win                       
               |      2 |     4,329 |   1 |  0.02%
713 | 75th Anniversary of Canada joining Newfoundland                   
               |      2 |     4,312 |   1 |  0.02%
714 | Re: The day the West defined ‘success’ as a massacre of 270 
Palestinians         |      2 |     4,300 |   1 |  0.02%
715 | Georgia Gets it Wrong                                             
               |      2 |     3,894 |   1 |  0.02%
716 | Steal From Loblaws May 12th 2024...                               
               |      2 |     3,883 |   1 |  0.02%
717 | Trudeau pledges $8.4 million to study 'democratic decline'        
               |      2 |     3,867 |   1 |  0.02%
718 | Re: The end of an era: pro-Palestine language exposes Israel and 
Zionism         |      2 |     3,860 |   1 |  0.02%
719 | Fire this Incompetent BOOBY                                       
               |      2 |     3,806 |   1 |  0.02%
720 | Boris Nadezhdin                                                   
               |      2 |     3,765 |   1 |  0.02%
721 | Israel’s forced starvation in Gaza has killed dozens of children  
(3 min video)  |      2 |     3,754 |   1 |  0.02%
722 | Lucky U, Mr. Assange                                              
               |      2 |     3,703 |   1 |  0.02%
723 | Ofer Cassif : A Rare Pol                                          
               |      2 |     3,684 |   1 |  0.02%
724 | Re: High risk of famine across Gaza as hunger spreads, experts 
say               |      2 |     3,607 |   1 |  0.02%
725 | Re: Disappointed nobody's posted the jurors dox yet               
               |      2 |     3,570 |   1 |  0.02%
726 | Raul Hilberg                                                      
               |      2 |     3,541 |   1 |  0.02%
727 | Re: 'Squad' member said claims of Hamas rapes were 'propaganda' 
days after l ... |      2 |     3,437 |   1 |  0.02%
728 | Naomi Calls out Israhel                                           
               |      2 |     3,387 |   1 |  0.02%
729 | America last - a look at our future.                              
               |      2 |     3,378 |   1 |  0.02%
730 | Rachael Shapiro on Palestine                                      
               |      2 |     3,321 |   1 |  0.02%
731 | OT: The Orange Menace from Mar-a-Lardo was booted off his 
favourite showing  ... |      2 |     3,306 |   1 |  0.02%
732 | "If you're a Man                                                  
               |      2 |     3,258 |   1 |  0.02%
733 | Re: Israel?s progression from victim to victor (was: IsraelÂ’s 
progression f ... |      2 |     3,228 |   1 |  0.02%
734 | Requires urgent attention: why on earth, do our TOP Aryan women 
do this?         |      2 |     3,208 |   1 |  0.02%
735 | This'll Shut Rudy's Round-Mouth... For a Second                   
               |      2 |     3,207 |   1 |  0.02%
736 | Re: Replacement Theory Is A Whahte Soopreemacist Thang... Right?  
               |      2 |     3,206 |   1 |  0.02%
737 | Bibi Plays his GOOF Card                                          
               |      2 |     3,157 |   1 |  0.02%
738 | Truong My Lan                                                     
               |      2 |     3,129 |   1 |  0.02%
739 | Japan Lands One                                                   
               |      2 |     3,124 |   1 |  0.02%
740 | David Cameron -- > Warmongering Cretin                            
               |      2 |     3,101 |   1 |  0.02%
741 | Translations to jewish                                            
               |      2 |     3,089 |   1 |  0.02%
742 | No, Dumbshit.  This is NOT 1938                                   
               |      2 |     3,066 |   1 |  0.02%
743 | Re: 1 in 5 young Americans know 'holocaust'?? was a myth          
               |      2 |     3,053 |   1 |  0.02%
744 | Listen UP Macaroone                                               
               |      2 |     3,004 |   1 |  0.02%
745 | The Summer Village of Island Lake                                 
               |      2 |     2,905 |   1 |  0.02%
746 | Aharon Haliva                                                     
               |      2 |     2,894 |   1 |  0.02%
747 | Lela Tolajian sez                                                 
               |      2 |     2,846 |   1 |  0.02%
748 | Excellent Pope Cartoon, 2: courtesy of the deranged, SPAMMING 
nazoid PAEDO A ... |      2 |     2,790 |   1 |  0.02%
749 | These weather pics/stats show climate change if BS                
               |      2 |     2,775 |   1 |  0.02%
750 | Something Bibi needs to Lurn                                      
               |      2 |     2,662 |   1 |  0.02%
751 | Google's Pixel is a Hunk of Shit                                  
               |      2 |     2,532 |   1 |  0.02%
752 | Re: Notoriously FORGING and FALSIFYING Loose Sphincter, every Gay 
nazi's Dev ... |      2 |     4,533 |   0 |  0.02%
753 | London                                                            
               |      2 |     4,349 |   0 |  0.02%
754 | stats 2023                                                        
               |      1 |   358,391 |   1 |  0.01%
755 | stats 2024 Q1                                                     
               |      1 |   168,295 |   1 |  0.01%
756 | stats 2024 FEb                                                    
               |      1 |   145,508 |   1 |  0.01%
757 | stats 2024 Jan                                                    
               |      1 |   113,268 |   1 |  0.01%
758 | -- PIG at home force: is this evidence of IRISH REPUBLICAN 
ACTIVISM as RETUR ... |      1 |    80,096 |   1 |  0.01%
759 | stats 2024 May                                                    
               |      1 |    77,021 |   1 |  0.01%
760 | stats 2024 April                                                  
               |      1 |    62,775 |   1 |  0.01%
761 | XanaNews Statistic for can.politics.  1/1/2024 2:03:24 AM [6/6]   
               |      1 |    55,921 |   1 |  0.01%
762 | XanaNews Statistic for can.politics.  1/1/2024 2:03:27 AM [6/6]   
               |      1 |    55,920 |   1 |  0.01%
763 | XanaNews Statistic for can.politics.  1/1/2024 2:03:24 AM [4/6]   
               |      1 |    52,506 |   1 |  0.01%
764 | XanaNews Statistic for can.politics.  1/1/2024 2:03:27 AM [4/6]   
               |      1 |    52,505 |   1 |  0.01%
765 | XanaNews Statistic for can.politics.  1/1/2024 2:03:24 AM [5/6]   
               |      1 |    51,986 |   1 |  0.01%
766 | XanaNews Statistic for can.politics.  1/1/2024 2:03:27 AM [5/6]   
               |      1 |    51,985 |   1 |  0.01%
767 | XanaNews Statistic for can.politics.  1/1/2024 2:03:27 AM [3/6]   
               |      1 |    51,687 |   1 |  0.01%
768 | XanaNews Statistic for can.politics.  1/1/2024 2:03:24 AM [3/6]   
               |      1 |    51,687 |   1 |  0.01%
769 | XanaNews Statistic for can.politics.  1/1/2024 2:03:27 AM [2/6]   
               |      1 |    50,797 |   1 |  0.01%
770 | XanaNews Statistic for can.politics.  1/1/2024 2:03:24 AM [2/6]   
               |      1 |    50,797 |   1 |  0.01%
771 | XanaNews Statistic for can.politics.  1/1/2024 2:03:27 AM [1/6]   
               |      1 |    50,618 |   1 |  0.01%
772 | XanaNews Statistic for can.politics.  1/1/2024 2:03:24 AM [1/6]   
               |      1 |    50,618 |   1 |  0.01%
773 | In Case You Missed It... Climate Models Still Don't Work          
               |      1 |    37,654 |   1 |  0.01%
774 | A Guess As To The Reason Trump Respects Putin and Hillary Clinton 
Loves Him      |      1 |    37,556 |   1 |  0.01%
775 | Only Idiots Thought That Slavery Ended In The North, When They 
"Said" It Did     |      1 |    36,830 |   1 |  0.01%
776 | Another BLM/Drag Queen/Gay/Socialist/Antifa 
Fascist/Marxist/Communist/Racist ... |      1 |    36,658 |   1 |  
777 | Bill Clinton Is Not The Topic - Atheists Should LOVE Trump - 
MAGA!               |      1 |    34,453 |   1 |  0.01%
778 | Ohhh... I See... We Shouldn't Believe or Listen To ANYONE Who's 
Been To Epst ... |      1 |    33,344 |   1 |  0.01%
779 | Zionism and American Jews                                         
               |      1 |    26,019 |   1 |  0.01%
780 | Donald Trump... Best President - Worst Person?  Hardly            
               |      1 |    25,325 |   1 |  0.01%
781 | Y'all Keep An Eye On Unum - 'Net Zero' Goals Abandoned As West 
Virginia Coal ... |      1 |    23,402 |   1 |  0.01%
782 | Wind Farms Are Overstating Their Output - And Consumers Are 
Paying For It        |      1 |    23,313 |   1 |  0.01%
783 | CLIMATE EXPERTS Say: Trillions Spent on 'Climate Change' Based on 
Faulty Tem ... |      1 |    22,441 |   1 |  0.01%
784 | Still Believe Snopes Is The Gold Standard In Fact-Checking? - 
Think Again        |      1 |    22,436 |   1 |  0.01%
785 | "Triple La Ninas" Show Why All Climate Models Are Flawed          
               |      1 |    20,886 |   1 |  0.01%
786 | The Be All/End All "Chicken Little" Advertorial: When It's All 
You Got, You. ... |      1 |    20,242 |   1 |  0.01%
787 | Once a Toddler... Always a Toddler - Look At This                 
               |      1 |    20,095 |   1 |  0.01%
788 | Democrats Shut Down Another CVS And Then The "Other" Democrats 
Blame Capital ... |      1 |    20,067 |   1 |  0.01%
789 | It's Fun Making RUDY CANOZA Look Like A The Stupid Fucking 
Gaytard He Is         |      1 |    19,751 |   1 |  0.01%
790 | LOL... Rudy Canola Thinks That The Trump Trials "Have Been 
Delayed Like No O ... |      1 |    19,717 |   1 |  0.01%
791 | Damn White Supremacist American NRA Members In Chicago!           
               |      1 |    19,410 |   1 |  0.01%
792 | Nym-Shifting, Nym-Forging Faggot, Rudy Canoza Strikes Again - Can 
Not STAND  ... |      1 |    19,318 |   1 |  0.01%
793 | Four mewling cowards and a Below Par Midget In A Pear Tree, 
Begging for Atte ... |      1 |    19,207 |   1 |  0.01%
794 | Re: Chinese Firm Sent Biden Enterprise $3 Million As ?Thank You? 
For Work Wh ... |      1 |    18,535 |   1 |  0.01%
795 | Should We Have Expected Anything Less?                            
               |      1 |    17,741 |   1 |  0.01%
796 | The Holocene Climatic Optimum And The "Pre-Industrial"            
               |      1 |    17,475 |   1 |  0.01%
797 | NOTHING Makes More Money Than Lying About Climate - Global 
Warming Is Big Bu ... |      1 |    17,376 |   1 |  0.01%
798 | Democrat Insurrectionists At It... Still                          
               |      1 |    17,349 |   1 |  0.01%
799 | This Is Modern Liberalism - Can't Wait For The Truth To Come Out, 
So They Ly ... |      1 |    17,182 |   1 |  0.01%
800 | EXCLUSIVE: Email Reveals Why CDC Didn't Issue Alert on COVID 
Vaccines And My ... |      1 |    16,720 |   1 |  0.01%
801 | Seriously... You Think Our GINORMOUS 12ppm Out of 420ppm Is THE 
Problem, Wea ... |      1 |    16,720 |   1 |  0.01%
802 | This Is Modern Liberalism - Can't Wait For The Truth To Come Out, 
So They Ly ... |      1 |    16,678 |   1 |  0.01%
803 | Faked Video - Don't Watch                                         
               |      1 |    16,531 |   1 |  0.01%
804 | Sound familiar? "Excusing the Nazis" - The Democrat's Pets... The 
Palestinia ... |      1 |    16,108 |   1 |  0.01%
805 | In Canada Fears of 'Dangerous' Politics Mounting                  
               |      1 |    16,006 |   1 |  0.01%
806 | More Trump Derangement Syndrome                                   
               |      1 |    15,888 |   1 |  0.01%
807 | The Democrats WILL Come Up With Another Way of Cheating, As They 
Did In 2020 ... |      1 |    15,411 |   1 |  0.01%
808 | People of Colour Say Racism, Exclusion, Fetishization, Rampant In 
LGBTQ+ Com ... |      1 |    15,342 |   1 |  0.01%
809 | Liberals Can Never Tell The Whole Story                           
               |      1 |    15,291 |   1 |  0.01%
810 | Joe Biden Baffles Audience By Ending His Speech With 'God Save 
The Queen' -  ... |      1 |    15,107 |   1 |  0.01%
811 | LOL... Poor Rudy... He's Going To Have a Brain Aneurysm, When We 
See What Ha ... |      1 |    15,054 |   1 |  0.01%
812 | Joe Biden's Gaffes Galore: From Asking For Dead Congresswoman To 
Looking Lost    |      1 |    15,013 |   1 |  0.01%
813 | Told You It Wouldn't Last - Hunga-Tonga Prediction Comes True     
               |      1 |    14,993 |   1 |  0.01%
814 | THIS Is Toddler In Tennessee                                      
               |      1 |    14,967 |   1 |  0.01%
815 | Let's Face It, British Columbia Headlines Are Sad - How Can We Be 
Happy Duri ... |      1 |    14,952 |   1 |  0.01%
816 | Biden Belfast Gaffe: The President Claims Oval Office Is Located 
In The US C ... |      1 |    14,849 |   1 |  0.01%
817 | Doctors And Those FAR More Credentialed Than Alan Baker, A SKI 
Bunny,  CAN A ... |      1 |    14,737 |   1 |  0.01%
818 | Germany Killing Its Economy With Wind And Solar                   
               |      1 |    14,714 |   1 |  0.01%
819 | A Short History of Justin Trudeau's Scandal-Plagued Liberal 
Government           |      1 |    14,713 |   1 |  0.01%
820 | Third of U.K. Met Office Temperature Stations May Be Wrong by Up 
to 5C           |      1 |    14,706 |   1 |  0.01%
821 | See How The Tick Turd Liberals Just Pass Over THE Most Important 
Part of The ... |      1 |    14,619 |   1 |  0.01%
822 | Joe Biden's Latest Gaffe Plays Right Into Republicans' Hands - 
Biden Rocked  ... |      1 |    14,556 |   1 |  0.01%
823 | Pakistan's Ilhan Omar!  Imran Khan: Pakistan ex-PM and wife 
Bushra Bibi          |      1 |    14,470 |   1 |  0.01%
824 | Poor Unum... Ya'll Keep An Eye On Him                             
               |      1 |    14,366 |   1 |  0.01%
825 | Biden's Most Notable Gaffes - 'God Save The Queen, Man' - Queen's 
Dead, Dumb Ass |      1 |    14,357 |   1 |  0.01%
826 | Projection, Thy Name Is Liberal - Florida Republicans Oust Their 
Sex Perv Ch ... |      1 |    14,155 |   1 |  0.01%
827 | Projection, Thy Name Is Liberal - Florida Republicans Oust Their 
Sex Perv Ch ... |      1 |    14,072 |   1 |  0.01%
828 | RUDY CANOZA'S Obsession of The Day - Ronny Jackson??              
               |      1 |    14,064 |   1 |  0.01%
829 | RUDY CANOZA'S Obsession of The Day - Ronny Jackson??              
               |      1 |    14,026 |   1 |  0.01%
830 | Expert's Testimony Was Not Heard After The Presiding Judge Played 
Tyrant         |      1 |    13,982 |   1 |  0.01%
831 | NSA Snooping: Obama Under Pressure As Senator Denounces 'Act of 
Treason' - M ... |      1 |    13,863 |   1 |  0.01%
832 | Documents Clearly Show That 96% of U.S. Temperature Reporting 
Stations Are I ... |      1 |    13,856 |   1 |  0.01%
833 | Media Hyping 'Extreme Heat Warning' When Calif. Temps Are 
Anything But 'Extreme' |      1 |    13,776 |   1 |  0.01%
834 | Re: Racist quotes: Who said it, Biden or Trump?                   
               |      1 |    13,682 |   1 |  0.01%
835 | Rudy Canoza's Crying Himself To Sleep Every Night, Because The 
Teflon Don, I ... |      1 |    13,493 |   1 |  0.01%
836 | Rudy Canoza's Crying Himself To Sleep Every Night, Because The 
Teflon Don, I ... |      1 |    13,422 |   1 |  0.01%
837 | THIS, Ladies, Is THE Definition of Projection Blaming - We're 
Going To Blame ... |      1 |    13,390 |   1 |  0.01%
838 | THIS, Ladies, Is THE Definition of Projection Blaming - We're 
Going To Blame ... |      1 |    13,355 |   1 |  0.01%
839 | The FBI Claims The Biden Crime Wave Is Over, But We Found Out The 
Numbers Ar ... |      1 |    13,346 |   1 |  0.01%
840 | This Article Is One Huge Exercise In Contradiction                
               |      1 |    13,304 |   1 |  0.01%
841 | The Amount of Government Subsidies That Have Gone To Wind And 
Solar Generati ... |      1 |    13,238 |   1 |  0.01%
842 | Unnecessary Covid School Closures Backfired on Democrats In A Big 
Way            |      1 |    13,212 |   1 |  0.01%
843 | Oh Look!... THE Biggest Child on Usenet, RUDY CANOZA,  Being a 
Childish Hypo ... |      1 |    13,207 |   1 |  0.01%
844 | Whoomp... There It Is - Part 2                                    
               |      1 |    13,197 |   1 |  0.01%
845 | trump could be president LONG before this cunt could take 
someone's property ... |      1 |    13,183 |   1 |  0.01%
846 | Canada A 'Laggard' on Homophobia In Sports, Studies Show          
               |      1 |    13,153 |   1 |  0.01%
847 | Yes, Trump Can Win The 2024 Election. Here Are Four Reasons Why - 
Reuters        |      1 |    13,148 |   1 |  0.01%
848 | Palestinians: Stop Blaming The Jews-Hams Is Starving Our Brothers 
And Sister ... |      1 |    13,097 |   1 |  0.01%
849 | Why the U.S. Electric Grid Isn't Ready for the Energy Transition  
               |      1 |    13,072 |   1 |  0.01%
850 | It IS All About The Money And No Matter HOW Many Times You Post 
RECORD-BREAK ... |      1 |    13,049 |   1 |  0.01%
851 | Democrat Senator Refuses To Leave All-White Private Beach Club 
Despite Champ ... |      1 |    12,995 |   1 |  0.01%
852 | stupor70s, No Better Than Margaret Sanger                         
               |      1 |    12,927 |   1 |  0.01%
853 | No, Hoping Trump Drops Dead From A Heart Attack Or Stroke Is Not 
(shreiking) ... |      1 |    12,924 |   1 |  0.01%
854 | The Lithium-Ion Battery 'Energy Storage' Facility Blaze You 
Hadn't Heard Abo ... |      1 |    12,859 |   1 |  0.01%
855 | The Drag Queen Antifa BLM Gay Socialist Fascist Marxist Communist 
Racist Ins ... |      1 |    12,852 |   1 |  0.01%
856 | Yup... Watch Even MORE People Take Trump's Side                   
               |      1 |    12,819 |   1 |  0.01%
857 | [sniff] [sniff] You Guys Make Me Cry...                           
               |      1 |    12,744 |   1 |  0.01%
858 | Winter was mild in Europe but a beast elsewhere:                  
               |      1 |    12,709 |   1 |  0.01%
859 | Re: McDonald's menu hikes: McDouble up 168%, McChicken 200% in 10 
years          |      1 |    12,668 |   1 |  0.01%
860 | Facing Calls To Act, Canadian Lawmakers Note 'Rising Tide' of 
Hate And Viole ... |      1 |    12,641 |   1 |  0.01%
861 | Toddler Runs Away to Mommy                                        
               |      1 |    12,636 |   1 |  0.01%
862 | Missing Binder At Center Of New Claim That CIA Drummed Up Spy 
Operation          |      1 |    12,635 |   1 |  0.01%
863 | More Climate Disaster Lies Debunked With Facts                    
               |      1 |    12,593 |   1 |  0.01%
864 | A Jury Found Climate Skeptic Liable For Defamation - Legal 
Experts Say He Ha ... |      1 |    12,577 |   1 |  0.01%
865 | McDonald's Menu Hikes: McDouble Up 168%, McChicken 200% In 10 
Years              |      1 |    12,545 |   1 |  0.01%
866 | Re: Pedophilia more common among homosexuals                      
               |      1 |    12,503 |   1 |  0.01%
867 | Wanna Terrify a Liberal Racist, Like Rudy? - The Stop Voting 
Democrat Party  ... |      1 |    12,457 |   1 |  0.01%
868 | Why Do White Liberals Think So Little of African-Americans?       
               |      1 |    12,375 |   1 |  0.01%
869 | It's Alright, Unum... Things Will Get Worse - The Slow, Painful 
Death Of Bid ... |      1 |    12,358 |   1 |  0.01%
870 | Evaluation of Wind Turbine-Foundation Degradation                 
               |      1 |    12,286 |   1 |  0.01%
871 | Re: "Final Solution" in the form of a "Jewish state" in Poland    
               |      1 |    12,279 |   1 |  0.01%
872 | Yeah... White Supremacy Is Their ONLY Problem                     
               |      1 |    12,198 |   1 |  0.01%
873 | Yeah? So Why Do Brown People Always Move To White Countries?      
               |      1 |    12,188 |   1 |  0.01%
874 | Carbon Credits... The New Shell Game... Literally                 
               |      1 |    12,184 |   1 |  0.01%
875 | As Anti-LGBTQ2 Hate Grows In Canada, Advocates Say It's 'Never 
Been As Scary'    |      1 |    12,180 |   1 |  0.01%
876 | Damn... Looks Like Canadians Have NEVER Been Racists. Loops. - 
Canada's Raci ... |      1 |    12,157 |   1 |  0.01%
877 | Rudy Canoza:  What An Idiot - WHY Do American Far-Left Loon 
Wingers Root for ... |      1 |    12,132 |   1 |  0.01%
878 | So, THIS Is What It's Like To Be Fucked In The Head, Liberal?     
               |      1 |    12,100 |   1 |  0.01%
879 | Trudeau: No Better Than American Democrats                        
               |      1 |    12,022 |   1 |  0.01%
880 | Is It A Stereotype, If It's Real?                                 
               |      1 |    12,008 |   1 |  0.01%
881 | Critics of Campus Protests are Weaponizing Anti-Semitism to 
Undermine Studen ... |      1 |    11,978 |   1 |  0.01%
882 | Why Are You Climate Screechers Such Racists?                      
               |      1 |    11,972 |   1 |  0.01%
883 | Real Adult Language                                               
               |      1 |    11,969 |   1 |  0.01%
884 | Mentally Unstable Liberal STILL Doesn't Get It - Unemployment 
Claims Do NOT  ... |      1 |    11,882 |   1 |  0.01%
885 | McDonald's, Missiles & Marches: Biden's Thursday Devolves Into 
All-Time Gaff ... |      1 |    11,875 |   1 |  0.01%
886 | E. Jean Carroll - Already Unhinged In The 1990s?                  
               |      1 |    11,874 |   1 |  0.01%
887 | Why Do Stupid Far Left-Wing nut Extremists (BLM/Drag 
Queens/Gays/Socialists/ ... |      1 |    11,847 |   1 |  0.01%
888 | Tesla Dumped By Rental Giant Sixt - Unum on Suicide Watch!        
               |      1 |    11,838 |   1 |  0.01%
889 | Nothing To See Here. This Has Nothing To Do With The "Vaccines". 
I Repeat: N ... |      1 |    11,825 |   1 |  0.01%
890 | I've Told These Freak Nerdy Basement Dwellers 5000 Times...       
               |      1 |    11,757 |   1 |  0.01%
891 | Is It Wrong For Me To Call A Racist Nazi And Homophobic Midgets 
Like Rudy Ca ... |      1 |    11,697 |   1 |  0.01%
892 | THIS Is An Adult? - LOL... When Rudy CANOZA Can't Refute, He 
Attacks Like A  ... |      1 |    11,697 |   1 |  0.01%
893 | What The Liberals Haven't Recognized Is That These Blunders Were 
The Direct  ... |      1 |    11,670 |   1 |  0.01%
894 | All That Media Hype And Wildfires Across Southern Europe Were 
Completely Nor ... |      1 |    11,656 |   1 |  0.01%
895 | Treasonous Traitor Joe Biden WANTS Illegal Aliens for Future 
Democrat Votes, ... |      1 |    11,646 |   1 |  0.01%
896 | House GOP Probes Intel Agencies Using 'Disinformation' Charge To 
Obstruct Bi ... |      1 |    11,623 |   1 |  0.01%
897 | When Alcoholics Cain't Ra'member Shit                             
               |      1 |    11,621 |   1 |  0.01%
898 | Hunter Biden's Not Going To Jail... No Need For a Pardon - The 
Biden Family, ... |      1 |    11,527 |   1 |  0.01%
899 | You Chicken Shits Needs To Be Told This, Because, Apparently... 
You've Forgotten |      1 |    11,500 |   1 |  0.01%
900 | Rudy's "Safe And Effective Poison Vaccine - 3 Million Excess 
Deaths In 47 Co ... |      1 |    11,493 |   1 |  0.01%

***** Most used Newsreaders (distinct user) *****
 num| Newsreader                                                        
               | Util. | Nb Msg | %
  1 | Mozilla Thunderbird                                               
               |    61 |  2,639 | 24.60% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Xnews/5.04.25                                                     
               |    43 |     75 | 17.34% xxxxxxx
  3 | trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)                                      
               |    32 |    635 | 12.90% xxxxx
  4 | ForteAgent/                                           
               |    15 |     99 |  6.05% xx
  5 | Claws Mail 4.1.1 (GTK 3.24.41; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)               
               |    10 |  1,045 |  4.03% x
  6 | MicroPlanet-Gravity/3.0.11 (GRC)                                  
               |     8 |  3,427 |  3.23% x
  7 | Xnews/2006.08.24                                                  
               |     8 |     15 |  3.23% x
  8 | Others                                                            
               |     6 |      9 |  2.42%
  9 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 
               |     4 |    547 |  1.61%
 10 | MicroPlanet-Gravity/3.0.4                                         
               |     4 |     19 |  1.61%
 11 | slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)                                                
               |     3 |    325 |  1.21%
 12 | tin/2.6.2-20221225 ("Pittyvaich") (NetBSD/9.3 (amd64))            
               |     2 |     85 |  0.81%
 13 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101      
               |     2 |     25 |  0.81%
 14 | Pan/0.155 (Kherson; fc5a80b8)                                     
               |     2 |     20 |  0.81%
 15 | NewsTap/5.5 (iPhone/iPod Touch)                                   
               |     2 |     19 |  0.81%
 16 | Usenapp for MacOS                                                 
               |     2 |     12 |  0.81%
 17 | Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American)                        
               |     2 |      5 |  0.81%
 18 | Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5512                          
               |     2 |      3 |  0.81%
 19 | G2/1.0                                                            
               |     2 |      2 |  0.81%
 20 | Pan/0.153 (Mariupol; c5405f5)                                     
               |     1 |    290 |  0.40%
 21 | Forte Agent 3.3/32.846                                            
               |     1 |    201 |  0.40%
 22 | Forte Free Agent 3.3/32.846                                       
               |     1 |    161 |  0.40%
 23 | Pan/0.149 (Bellevue; 4c157ba git@gitlab.gnome.org:GNOME/pan.git)  
               |     1 |    100 |  0.40%
 24 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101       
               |     1 |     49 |  0.40%
 25 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11.7; rv:91.0)             
               |     1 |     25 |  0.40%
 26 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 13.4; rv:91.0)             
               |     1 |     18 |  0.40%
 27 | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101           
               |     1 |     13 |  0.40%
 28 | Hogwasher/5.24                                                    
               |     1 |     13 |  0.40%
 29 | XanaNews/1.21-f3fb89f (x86; Portable ISpell)                      
               |     1 |     12 |  0.40%
 30 | News Rover 19.1.0 (http://www.NewsRover.com)                      
               |     1 |      7 |  0.40%
 31 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 14.4; rv:91.0)             
               |     1 |      7 |  0.40%
 32 | Unison/2.2                                                        
               |     1 |      7 |  0.40%
 33 | MesNews/                                             
               |     1 |      6 |  0.40%
 34 | Microsoft Windows Live Mail 16.4.3528.331                         
               |     1 |      5 |  0.40%
 35 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/91.0 Se ... |     1 |      5 |  0.40%
 36 | tin/2.0.1-20111224 ("Achenvoir") (UNIX) (OpenBSD/5.5 (i386))      
               |     1 |      5 |  0.40%
 37 | Xnews/2009.05.01                                                  
               |     1 |      3 |  0.40%
 38 | Sylpheed 3.7.0 (GTK+ 2.24.33; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)                
               |     1 |      3 |  0.40%
 39 | Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5931                          
               |     1 |      3 |  0.40%
 40 | Microsoft Windows Live Mail 14.0.8117.416                         
               |     1 |      3 |  0.40%
 41 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/91.0 Se ... |     1 |      3 |  0.40%
 42 | Pan/0.149 (Bellevue; 4c157ba)                                     
               |     1 |      3 |  0.40%
 43 | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101           
               |     1 |      2 |  0.40%
 44 | ????? St0opey's Favourite Newsreader v1.0 CODENAME: "Stormin' 
Gormin" ?????      |     1 |      2 |  0.40%
 45 | Claws Mail 4.1.1 (GTK 3.24.38; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)               
               |     1 |      2 |  0.40%
 46 | XanaNews/                                                 
               |     1 |      2 |  0.40%
 47 | Pan/0.158 (Avdiivka; )                                            
               |     1 |      2 |  0.40%
 48 | NewsTap/5.5 (iPad)                                                
               |     1 |      1 |  0.40%
 49 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101      
               |     1 |      1 |  0.40%
 50 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 
Thunderbird/60.9.1  |     1 |      1 |  0.40%
 51 | tin/2.6.1-20211226 ("Convalmore") (Linux/5.15.145 (x86_64))       
               |     1 |      1 |  0.40%
 52 | MT-NewsWatcher/3.5.3b3 (PPC Mac OS X)                             
               |     1 |      1 |  0.40%
 53 | Groundhog Newsreader for Android                                  
               |     1 |      1 |  0.40%
 54 | XanaNews/1.20-0cfde51 (x86; Portable ISpell)                      
               |     1 |      1 |  0.40%
 55 | ForteAgent/ trialware                                 
               |     1 |      1 |  0.40%
 56 | Sylpheed 3.7.0 (GTK+ 2.24.30; i686-pc-mingw32)                    
               |     1 |      1 |  0.40%
 57 | MicroPlanet-Gravity/3.0.4 
*thX1BaTM~DW)y>UfN@S{EF}]NVJb0tk>I;DH,6H"b{{C$VcEn ... |     1 |      1 | 

***** Most used Newsreaders (summary) *****
 num| Newsreader                       | Nb Msg | size       | or.   | 
  1 | MicroPlanet-Gravity              |  3,447 | 26,385,790 | 1,933 | 
34.58% xxxxxxxxxx
  2 | Mozilla Thunderbird              |  2,639 |  8,135,051 |    34 | 
26.47% xxxxxxx
  3 | Claws Mail                       |  1,047 |  3,931,401 |     3 | 
10.50% xxx
  4 | Mozilla                          |    696 |  2,482,041 |    33 |  
6.98% xx
  5 | trn                              |    635 |  1,244,967 |   622 |  
6.37% x
  6 | Pan                              |    415 |  1,013,665 |   136 |  
4.16% x
  7 | slrn                             |    325 |  1,222,820 |     4 |  
  8 | Forte Agent                      |    206 |    642,339 |     2 |  
  9 | Forte Free Agent                 |    161 |    480,165 |    49 |  
 10 | ForteAgent                       |    100 |    495,742 |    48 |  
 11 | Xnews                            |     93 |    277,954 |    24 |  
 12 | tin                              |     91 |    343,919 |     2 |  
 13 | NewsTap                          |     20 |    293,872 |     6 |  
 14 | XanaNews                         |     15 |    634,521 |    12 |  
 15 | Hogwasher                        |     13 |     42,185 |     7 |  
 16 | Usenapp for MacOS                |     12 |     43,238 |     4 |  
 17 | Others                           |      9 |     32,193 |     4 |  
 18 | Microsoft Windows Live Mail      |      8 |     18,901 |     3 |  
 19 | News Rover                       |      7 |      8,263 |     2 |  
 20 | Unison                           |      7 |     44,304 |     0 |  
 21 | MesNews                          |      6 |    925,258 |     6 |  
 22 | Microsoft Outlook Express        |      6 |     18,290 |     2 |  
 23 | Sylpheed                         |      4 |     19,754 |     1 |  
 24 | G2                               |      2 |      4,848 |     2 |  
 25 | ????? St                         |      2 |     20,124 |     0 |  
 26 | MT-NewsWatcher                   |      1 |      1,391 |     1 |  
 27 | Groundhog Newsreader for Android |      1 |      5,347 |     0 |  

***** Most used Newsreader (résumé, by user) *****
 num| Newsreader                       | Util. | Nb Msg | %
  1 | Mozilla Thunderbird              |    61 |  2,639 | 24.60% 
  2 | Xnews                            |    52 |     93 | 20.97% 
  3 | trn                              |    32 |    635 | 12.90% xxxxx
  4 | Mozilla                          |    16 |    696 |  6.45% xx
  5 | ForteAgent                       |    16 |    100 |  6.45% xx
  6 | MicroPlanet-Gravity              |    13 |  3,447 |  5.24% xx
  7 | Claws Mail                       |    11 |  1,047 |  4.44% x
  8 | Pan                              |     6 |    415 |  2.42%
  9 | Others                           |     6 |      9 |  2.42%
 10 | tin                              |     4 |     91 |  1.61%
 11 | slrn                             |     3 |    325 |  1.21%
 12 | Forte Agent                      |     3 |    206 |  1.21%
 13 | NewsTap                          |     3 |     20 |  1.21%
 14 | XanaNews                         |     3 |     15 |  1.21%
 15 | Microsoft Outlook Express        |     3 |      6 |  1.21%
 16 | Usenapp for MacOS                |     2 |     12 |  0.81%
 17 | Microsoft Windows Live Mail      |     2 |      8 |  0.81%
 18 | Sylpheed                         |     2 |      4 |  0.81%
 19 | G2                               |     2 |      2 |  0.81%
 20 | Forte Free Agent                 |     1 |    161 |  0.40%
 21 | Hogwasher                        |     1 |     13 |  0.40%
 22 | News Rover                       |     1 |      7 |  0.40%
 23 | Unison                           |     1 |      7 |  0.40%
 24 | MesNews                          |     1 |      6 |  0.40%
 25 | ????? St                         |     1 |      2 |  0.40%
 26 | MT-NewsWatcher                   |     1 |      1 |  0.40%
 27 | Groundhog Newsreader for Android |     1 |      1 |  0.40%

***** Summary results *****
Total found messages : 9980 for 182 days
New threads : 2947
Total replies : 7033
Total modified threads : 2962
Total size : 48820025 bytes (47,675.81 KB)
Total lines : 855720 lines
Total users : 230
Average number of messages by user : 43.39
Average size of messages by user : 212,260.98 bytes (207.29 KB))
Average number of lines by user : 3,720.52

The numbers prove that usenet is not dying