Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Have You Ever Wondered Why The Present Warming Started Going Up After 1970?
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 22:51:37 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

Clean Air Act: 1963

Clean Air Act: 1970

In the United States, the "Clean Air Act" typically refers to the codified 
statute at 42 U.S.C. ch. 85. That statute is the product of multiple acts of 
Congress, one of which-the 1963 act-was actually titled the Clean Air Act, and 
another of which-the 1970 act-is most often referred to as such.


Milloy Forces Washington Post To Admit Cleaner Air Is Causing Warming

Hey everyone, Steve Malloy here. Congratulations, sort of, to the Washington 
Post for finally, sort of, mentioning the new Nature study about cleaner air 
causing more warming.

The study was published by Nature almost a month ago and I've been hectoring 
the fake news media about ignoring it. Check out my videos on it.

Post reporter Shannon Osaka finally mentioned its results without providing any 
details. The study reported that 80% of the past year's warming spike was due 
to cleaner air resulting from global shipping using lower sulfur diesel fuel.

Toss in El Nino and the warming spike of the past year is entirely explained by 
nature and cleaner air. Greenhouse gas emissions have nothing to do with 

But Osaka failed to mention the 80% estimate or link to the study in her 
article. She linked lots of other material but not the new Nature study. She 
apparently doesn't want readers to know about the 80% estimate and the fact 
that greenhouse gas emissions are demonstrably irrelevant to warming.

Osaka tried to spin the cleaner air caused warming by saying that air pollution 
has actually been masking warming caused by emissions. But while sulfur 
aerosols in the sky may have been shielding us from more warming, there are a 
few things to keep in mind.

First, it's been warming for a long time, since the coldest point of the Little 
Ice Age about 350 years ago, so warming is natural. Next, we've been cleaning 
the air since the 1970s.

If cleaner air is causing warming, then it's been happening since then. Has all 
reported warming since the 1980s actually been caused by cleaner air?

Finally, Osaka claims as an aside that air pollution has killed tens of 
millions of people and so cleaning the air has been necessary.

That is absolutely false. Only a handful of people have ever been killed by 
outdoor air pollution. I discuss these few incidents in my 2016 book, "Scare 

All of the handful of deaths were caused by the combination of air inversions 
trapping acidic industrial emissions during the mid-20th century. But such 
acidic industrial emissions don't happen anymore anywhere, even on the worst 
air day in China or India.

No one dies from air pollution because emissions of acidified gases like sulfur 
dioxide are always at low and safe levels. And that's how it all ties together. 

Sulfur dioxide emissions are very low today. That means fewer aerosols in the 
sky to reflect solar radiation back to space. And that means more sunshine and 
more warming.

Warming is not greenhouse gases, it's the sun.



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