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Newsgroups: can.politics
From: Auric Hellman <adhellman1@gmail.com>
Subject: Canadian family sues Catholic hospital over refusing to administer
Organization: White Rose Society
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 16:06:18 -0400

The family of a woman who was denied assisted death at a Catholic 
hospital in Canada is now suing the hospital for refusing to kill their 

According to CTV News, 34-year-old Sam O’Neill sought Medical Assistance 
in Dying (MAiD) in 2023 after a cervical cancer diagnosis left her in 
excruciating pain. O’Neill received palliative care at St. Paul’s 
Hospital in Vancouver, but was told that the hospital would not offer 
MAiD because it was a Catholic-run facility; the Catholic Church opposes 
euthanasia and assisted suicide. O’Neill was later transferred to a 
Vancouver hospice facility, where she received a MAiD death, though at 
that point she was sedated and did not wake to say goodbye to her family.

The lawsuit claims that because the Catholic hospital abided by its 
beliefs in the dignity of human life, it denied O’Neill a “dignified death.”

“Although Ms. O’Neill was ultimately provided with access to MAID, the 
circumstances surrounding the forced transfer and Ms. O’Neill’s access 
to MAID caused and exacerbated Ms. O’Neill’s egregious physical and 
psychological suffering, and denied her a dignified death, including the 
ability to say goodbye to her family and loved ones,” the lawsuit reads.

O’Neill’s parents, Jim and Gaye O’Neill, say the lawsuit is meant to 
challenge religious exemption laws and to stop the forced transfer of 
patients from facilities that refuse to commit euthanasia.

“It’s OK to have your freedom of religion, but we have the same right, 
and you can’t physically harm us to make your point,” said Jim O’Neill.

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Dr. Auric D. Hellman

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