Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Harris Campaign Tweaks Walz Biography Amid Scrutiny of Military Credentials - Now, Why EVER Would They Do That?
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 09:00:25 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

On Sun, 18 Aug 2024 16:00:05 -0700,  Alan says...  

> On 2024-08-17 05:24, AlleyCat wrote:
> > 
> > And of course, Alan Ski Bunny Baker will retort with, "well, he was LEGALLY a CSM, which has NO
> > bearing on the topic... Walz is STILL claiming to have retired AS a Command Sergeant Major, which
> > he did not.
> He most certainly did. The NGB 22 form filed on his separation date said so.

And of course, Alan Ski Bunny Baker will retort with, "well, he was LEGALLY a CSM, which has NO
bearing on the topic... Walz is STILL claiming to have retired AS a Command Sergeant Major, which
he did not.

You're making yourself look stupid.

Quit while you are behind.

Nope... he never completed the coursework that would have made him a bona fide CSM... he was on in 
name only... not a REAL CSM.

Walz is trying to pass himself off AS a retired CSM. That is not true. Old forms don't matter if 
they have been changed to reflect what Walz is NOW... a retired Master Sergeant, which IS an 
accomplishment in and of itself.

I'd respect him greatly, if he would just own up to that, but no... he's trying to pass himself off 
AS, not retired as... AS a CSM.


THAT should look like this:


REAL CSMs know, and more of them are coming out and expressing their misgivings about a man who 
claims to be something he's not... NOW... and retiring when he found out his unit was being 
deployed (bawk bawk baKAWK!), AND retiring before completing the REQUIRED coursework to make him a 
true CSM, and NOT simply a "conditional" CSM.


I see you never answered this simple little question, Chicken-shit-1.

Whatsamatta... to hard for you? I can understand. You skip EVERYTHING you're not confident in 
answering, OH MY GOD!, lest you be WRONG!

I know that would break your spirit and wreck your nappy-time, seeing how much of a narcissistic 
childish asshole you can be.

> The NGB 22 form filed on his separation date said so.


Give it up Ski Bunny... you lose. Harris camp says so... Pussy-1.

You ready?

Here it is.

ONE simple question.

So why is the Harris Camp doing this, if Walz IS a CSM, like his bio says?



Give it up Ski Bunny... you lose. Harris camp says so... Pussy-1.

So why this?


Harris Campaign Tweaks Walz Biography Amid Scrutiny of Military Credentials

Kamala Harris' presidential campaign updated its online biography of running mate Tim Walz's 
military service amid Republican efforts to question his record in the Army National Guard.

On its website, the Harris campaign (SNIPPED) a reference to Walz as a "retired command sergeant 
major" and now says that HE ONCE SERVED at the command sergeant major rank - a small change that 
nonetheless REFLECTS HIS TRUE RANK at retirement from the Army National Guard. Walz, the governor 
of Minnesota, served for 24 years in the National Guard before retiring in 2005 from the military 
to run for the U.S. House, where he became the most senior enlisted soldier to serve in Congress.

Led by GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance, a Marine Corps veteran who deployed to Iraq, 
Republicans have suggested that Walz inflated his credentials by calling himself a "retired command 
sergeant major."

The Minnesota governor did serve as a command sergeant major BUT WAS REVERTED BACK TO THE RANK OF 
HIGHER RANK with the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.


Similar accusations have followed Walz in previous campaigns, including his 2018 race for governor, 
when a paid letter to the editor written by two retired command sergeant majors alleged that Walz 
misrepresented his rank during the campaign. Walz went on to win that race.

"The son of an Army veteran who served as a command sergeant major, Walz was the ranking member on 
the House Veterans Affairs Committee, where he passed legislation to help stem veterans' 
suicides," the Harris campaign's biography of Walz now reads.

In the original biography, the same sentence called Walz 'the son of an Army veteran and a retired 
Command Sergeant Major in the Army National Guard himself," website archives show. A Harris 
campaign spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment, nor did Walz's 
gubernatorial office in Minnesota, the website for which still describes him as "Command Sergeant 
Major Walz." Walz's campaign website for governor also used this title.

"Walz attained the rank of command sergeant major and served in that role but retired as a master 
sergeant in 2005 for benefit purposes DUE TO NOT COMPLETING ADDITIONAL COURSEWORK," Army public 
affairs officer Lt. Col. Kristen Augé said in a previous statement to the Minneapolis Star Tribune.


Yes... it does matter. He's passing himself off AS a retired CSM, and he is NOT one.
> The highest grade he held was CSM and it wasn't misconduct.

STILL not the topic, and NO ONE said it was because of misconduct. 

So... dumb ass... WHY is the Harris Camp changing his bio to reflect that he did NOT 
retire AS a CSM, if he did?


The topic is, he's lying when he says he IS a CSM. I know you have to argue something 
else because your low self-esteem needs a boost, Billy, but go peddle your bullshit to 
someone who believes your off-topic bullshit.

Tim Walz is passing himself off AS a retired CSM and he is not one, so he's lying. I 
don't CARE if he made General... he didn't retire AS one.

Because he did not EARN the CSM before he retired, chicken shittingly.

"... he was conditionally promoted to command sergeant major..." - REAL Command 
Sergeant Major Julin

Conditionally. He never MET those conditions, so NEVER a Command Sergeant 


Former Command Sergeant Major Doug Julin, Who Was Walz' Military Superior In 
The Minnesota National Guard, Tells How Walz Went Over His Head To Get Out of 
Going To Iraq


Criticism over her running mate, Governor Tim Walz's decision to retire ahead 
of his unit's deployment to Iraq. A new CNN K-file report shows that similar 
accusations were made against him in 2006 during his first run for Congress. 

Now, here is actually what we know. Walz filed paperwork for his congressional 
bid in February of 2005. The following month, the National Guard announced a 
possible deployment within two years. He retired in May of 2005, although it's 
unclear when he submitted his retirement papers. Now, two months later, his 
unit received deployment orders to Iraq.

Joining me now for an exclusive interview, retired Command Sergeant Major of 
the Minnesota National Guard, Doug Julin. Sergeant Major Julin says that Walz 
knew about the scheduled deployment to Iraq and went above him to get approval 
for that retirement.

Sergeant Major, thank you for joining me this evening. Everyone is really 
focused on the nuance of this specific issue, so I want to pick your brain on 
this because you gave an interview to the Washington Post where you said, and 
I'm going to quote, nobody wants to go to war. I didn't want to go, but I went. 
The big frustration was that he let his troops down. Now, he was entitled to 
retire after 20 years of service. I think he served 24. Why do you suggest that 
he let his troops down by exercising that choice to retire?

A REAL Command Sergeant Major, Sergeant Major responds:

Well, there's a number of things out there, and hopefully I've got time to 
present this whole sequence of events to you tonight, Laurel. Reason being, is 
that there's so much stuff going on out there that people don't really 
understand the chronological events as they occurred.

And I'm going to kind of start back in the fall of 2004 is what we received, my 
commander and myself of the First Brigade 34th Infantry Division Brigade Combat 
team. What's called notification as-sourcing, which is a NAS.

We were inform that we would be alerted to go to Iraq within the next upcoming 
year or time period out there. Start preparing your team, getting your team 
together, and let's get the process in play.

From that going forward, we met with the 1 of the 125 field artillery.  
Introduced ourselves, talked to them, and give them heads up. This is what's 
happening. We don't know a full particulars, but we will get to it.

In approximately February of 2005, my boss, my commander, Colonel, and the 
command team... we scheduled a meeting at Camp Ripley, Minnesota for a meeting 
getting everybody together, so all the battalion sergeant majors, the battalion 
commanders, and the staff, would get to see each other and kind of start the 
team building event in that concept there.

At that meeting was Governor Tim Walz, or Sergeant Major Tim Walz at the time. 

When we had the meeting and it was over with, he asked to speak with me and we 
sat down and spoke one-on-one, and that's where he informed me. He says, just 
to let you know, I have put a bid in for Congress.

I have not been selected yet. I have not been nominated yet, but I just want to 
let you know. Okay, give me a warning order, which we call a warning order out 

The following month in March of 2005, or could have been April. You give or 
take a month right in there. We had another meeting at Camp Ripley. At that 
time, Tim Walz was there.

We had our meeting. Everybody was talking about who, what, what, and where, and 
what we were going to be doing, what our mission was coming up to be, how we 
were going to handle it, and how we need to build the team.

Again, this whole time period, we're doing what's called building a team to go 
forward to Iraq. After the meeting, Tim Walz came in and sat down with me 
because I had talked to him before and said, I need to know what this answer is 
at that time. He came in, we sat and talked.

He told me, he says, I have not been nominated. I am going forward with the 
battalion. I said, good... let's go. We got the team built and we're starting 
to build the team up there.

A month lapsed or a little bit more lapsed and in June we went to Camp Ripley 
for our meeting again and I walked into the team the meeting hall...

(at this point, the CNN talking head asked, "hmm?", as if CSM Julin had said 
the wrong name, BEFORE he said ANY name, so something fishy here)

... and Tom Bearons? was there and I asked Tom what he was doing there and 
that's when he informed me that he had quit.

(why did he say Tom Bearons and why did she ask "hmm?" before he even said his 

The issue that came out of this was, first of all, how did Tim Walls quit 
without discussing with me, because I was his next level of leadership.

(CNN talking head interrupts because she wants to play the typical liberal 
bullshit semantics game here)

Excuse me Sergeant Major I just want to be precise in the language... you're 
using the word quit you mean that he had opted to retire still is that right he 
had not somehow gone AWOL or been dishonored we discharged and some way he 
opted to retire okay.

Yeah I mean the terminology that came to me was he quit and went from there and 
yeah yes he opted to I'm gonna back up two seconds he opted to retire which I 
found out at a later date in June is where it went to.

When I found this out at the at that meeting my focus is to build the team 
let's go forward we've got to do this. The other issue out there was is that 
the individual that approved this was two higher two levels higher than myself 
in the enlisted corps and should have had Tim Walls come back to me and talk to 
me about this and discuss this as to why he was going forward now or not going 
forward now after he had already told me he was going forward.

I understand Sergeant Major now thinking about that timeline I think it's 
important the way you've laid it out because it sounds as though yes he was 
entitled to retire there was a protocol where he was supposed to go to you you 
say it's for that approval but there was somebody he went to instead of you 
which has caused some level of consternation but you in the way that he's 
handled how he decided to retire. I do wonder what you make of the way his 
retirement is being characterized now by political figures and others who are 
saying that somehow he has stolen valor, number one, or that his retirement was 
an abandonment of his duties. How do you feel about the experience that you are 
describing to us right now being described as political talking points?

The real thing is, is that the level that he held at that time, which could 
have been either a first sergeant, but he was conditionally promoted to command 
sergeant major. He knew the rules or the policies or the procedures and the 
manner of how to address issues going forward. If this would have been an early 
entry, low level ranking individual, different story. We would have understood 
that, OK, he didn't understand the processes and the procedures. Tim Walz knew 
the processes and the procedures. He went around me and above and beyond me and 
went in basically went to get somebody to back him, to get him out of there 
without. It was just a backdoor process that he handled against me or against 
the thing, the battalion out there. The real focus was.

Oh, go ahead. But I do want to ask this question quickly, Sergeant Major, and I 
appreciate your time. But is your concern about the manner in which he did not 
speak to you or his decision to retire, which he as we've talked about, he 
would have been entitled to do, which causes the most concern? Because that is 
the focus that so many people are wondering about, whether he has done 
something wrong in service or done something personally to offend you.

No, he did something wrong in service, as I stated before. He knew the policies 
and procedures and how we go to leadership and address issues or discuss issues 
and concerns out there. Again, backing up, he had told me, no, I'm going 
forward, we're going to go to battalion and go from there. So I'm under the 
belief and he told me he was going forward. I'm underneath that. I'm believing 
that he's going forward. He went around me, which he should have addressed it 
with me so we could help do some things out there.

He went around me and the fact is, is that there's a possibility he probably 
would have probably realized I would have probably known it's too late you're 
going forward. Because we'd already received our notification of sourcing. And 
there's one other little point out there that people say, well, he hadn't been 
notified yet. Yes, he had been notified.

Now, there's another step out there is what's called stop loss. 90 days prior 
to the actual deployment, we received our orders. And at that time is what's 
called stop loss, where if you're in a position, you're going forward, 
irregardless unless there's some really major or process that gets you out from 
not going on the deployment itself.

So there's that window of opportunity there. People say, well, he never knew he 
was going forward. Yeah, HE KNEW HE WAS GOING FORWARD. Had he gotten his orders 
yet? No, at that time he had not. As far as being a command Sergeant Major, he, 
as soon as he retired or... I'm going to go with the term retired, which he 
did, which... And he was eligible after 20 years to get a full retirement.


Here is where CNN broke off, because they KNEW they were being told Walz was 
basically deserting his post AND had done something wrong.

Suck it, Cuntnadian.
