Davin News Server

From: Chips Loral <loralandclinton@invalid.co>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.trump,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: Democrat Leader Caught on Camera: 'We Will Lie, Cheat & Steal To
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 17:00:09 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

Alan wrote:
> It didn't matter that I was addressing him

Let's look at what really happened, not the fictional insinuations that 
the Alan troll has made :


May 16, 2024
118th Congress (2023–2025)

Failed Cloture on May 23, 2024

This bill is provisionally dead due to a failed vote for cloture on May 
23, 2024. Cloture is required to move past a Senate filibuster or the 
threat of a filibuster and takes a 3/5ths vote. In practice, most bills 
must pass cloture to move forward in the Senate.

Other activity may have occurred on another bill with identical or 
similar provisions.
34% chance of being enacted

Only about 21% of bills that made it past committee in 2021–2023 were 


This week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer plans to call the Senate 
to vote on S. 4361, an anti-immigrant bill led by Senator Chris Murphy. 
The National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) strongly opposes S.4361, 
which would decimate the United States asylum system, choke off access 
to protection for many, and render the system unfair and punishing for 
the few who are able to access it. Last week, we joined more than 100 
organizations in urging Leader Schumer to reverse course.

The vote on this bill is a ploy that uses the lives of people seeking 
safety as pawns in an insidious political game. There is no doubt that 
the operational and humanitarian challenges on the United States’ 
southern border are grave. This bill responds to those challenges with 
jails, punishment, and disdain – an approach that is not only deadly but 
counterproductive, exacerbating chaos rather than ameliorating it. NIJC 
continues to call on elected officials to meet this moment with 
compassionate, rights-respecting policies that work. These solutions 
exist and we reiterate our call to elected officials to demonstrate the 
political will to discuss and implement them.

S. 4361 is not the answer, and we urge senators to oppose the bill. In 
short, S. 4361 will:

Violate the Refugee Convention by closing the border to people seeking 
safety: The centerpiece provision of the bill requires the U.S. 
government to seal the border to people seeking asylum when the numbers 
of people arriving at the border reach a certain “trigger number.” This 
would force the U.S. to close its doors to countless people in need of 
asylum protection and send them back to harm.

Exacerbate the humanitarian and operational challenges on the border: 
Like the procedurally similar Title 42 policy, expulsions and 
unpredictable border closures will create chaos and incentivize 
organized crime on the border. Refusing to process people so they may 
seek safety in the U.S. will mean they are trapped – unable to return 
home and vulnerable to kidnappings and violent crime by cartels and 
other armed groups. Under Title 42, people in this untenable situation 
were forced to try multiple times to re-enter the U.S., exacerbating 
processing delays.

Make asylum largely inaccessible for those who are permitted to ask for 
it at ports of entry: The bill creates a rushed new process for people 
seeking asylum, starting with a screening interview most will fail under 
newly heightened standards. People facing rushed deportations under this 
new process will have no access to immigration judge or federal judge 
review, effectively guaranteeing wrongful deportations.
Punish asylum seekers with imprisonment, while enriching private prison 
companies: The bill seeks record-breaking funding for immigration 
detention – higher levels than seen even during the Trump 
administration. Private prison companies will reap the benefits, while 
refugees will be punished with incarceration for the mere act of seeking 


Sponsor and status
Photo of sponsor Christopher Murphy
Christopher Murphy
Sponsor. Junior Senator for Connecticut. Democrat.

And functionally what did the vote mean?


This was a vote on “cloture” in the Senate, which means to end debate so 
that an up-or-down vote can be taken. A vote in favor is a vote to end 
debate and move to a vote on the issue itself, while a vote against is a 
vote to prolong debate or to filibuster.


WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate failed Thursday to advance a border 
security bill as both parties seek to hone their messages on immigration 
policy in the runup to November’s elections.

The Senate bill failed to advance on a 43-50 procedural vote. The 
chamber already rejected the measure as part of a broader foreign aid 
package earlier this year. The bill, negotiated with the White House and 
a bipartisan trio of senators in the hopes of winning broad appeal, 
would have overhauled immigration law for the first time in more than 30 

Two of the border deal’s chief Senate negotiators, Oklahoma Republican 
James Lankford and Arizona independent Kyrsten Sinema, voted against 
advancing the measure Thursday, protesting what they said was an 
unserious process focused on political optics.

The bill did not get all Democrats on board, which Schumer acknowledged 
earlier this week was a possibility.

“We do not expect every Democrat or every Republican to come out in 
favor of this bill,” Schumer said on the Senate floor Tuesday. “The only 
way to pass this bill – or any border bill – is with broad bipartisan 

But the bill failed to attract that broad support, losing backing even 
from Democrats who’d voted for the foreign aid package.

Democratic senators who voted against moving the bill forward included 
Alex Padilla and Laphonza Butler of California, Ed Markey of 
Massachusetts and Booker. Independents Bernie Sanders of Vermont and 
Sinema also voted against.

Sinema said she voted against advancing her own bill because she felt 
Democrats were using her bill to “point the finger back at the other party.”

“Yet another cynical, political game,” she said.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska was the only Republican to vote to advance 
the bill after Lankford voted against the bill he helped write.

Lankford said Thursday’s vote was “a prop.”

“Everyone sees this for what it is,” he said. “It is not an actual 
effort to make law, it is an effort to do political messaging.”

Padilla, who voted against the larger package, said on the Senate floor 
Thursday that he was disappointed Democrats were voting on the bill 
again because it did not address the root causes of migration or create 
lawful pathways to citizenship for children brought into the U.S. 
without authorization known as Dreamers, farmworkers, and noncitizens 
who have been in the country for decades.

He urged other Democrats to vote no.

“The proposal before us was initially supposed to be a concession, a 
ransom to be paid to Republicans to pass urgent and critical aid to 
Ukraine,” Padilla said. “What’s this concession for now? It’s hard to 

Senate Republicans accused Democrats of bringing the bill as a political 

“One thing the American people don’t have to wonder about is why 
Washington Democrats are suddenly champing at the bit to convince their 
constituents that they care about border security,” Senate Minority 
Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said on the Senate floor Thursday. 
“(Americans) know the solution is not cynical Senate theater.”

Not a serious bill.

Just another Demotard flim flam distraction that leaves the border wide 



But at least they pulled the Israel & Ukraine strawmen out, that's a start.

And people, THIS is why you can;t trust a word out of the Alan troll's 
mouth, even when he pastes some data in - it's all been cherry-picked 
and de-contexted, every damned time!

    🐂💩🐂         🐂💩🐂            🐂💩🐂          🐂💩🐂

The _only reason_ Alan relented and admitted the bill was a spinoff of 
the prior border legislation is because he knew I had him by the short 

Fucking lying Cuntnadian TROLL!
