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From: rjac@shell02.TheWorld.com
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Subject: Re: gook charlatan Andrew B. Chung back in the news
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 21:23:31 -0400
Organization: NewsDemon - www.newsdemon.com

On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 20:49:27 +0100, "Andrew B. Chung Ph.D
(plagiarised) MD (revoked)" <achung@emery.edu> wrote:

>On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 01:39:34 -0400, rjac@shell02.TheWorld.com wrote:
>>Documented case of gerbiling
>>John Robinson
>>LA Times
>>"In retrospect, lighting the match was my big mistake. But I was only
>>trying to retrieve the gerbil," Andrew B. Chung told bemused doctors
>>in the Severe Burns Unit of Salt Lake City Hospital. Chung, and his
>>homosexual partner Michael "The Gook" Ejercito, had been admitted for
>>emergency treatment after a felching session had gone seriously wrong.
>>"I pushed a cardboard tube up his rectum and slipped Raggot, our
>>gerbil, in," he explained. "As usual, the Gook shouted out
>>"Armageddon", my cue that he'd had enough. I tried to retrieve Raggot
>>but he wouldn't come out again, so I peered into the tube and struck a
>>match, thinking the light might attract him."
>>At a hushed press conference, a hospital pokesman described what
>>happened next. "The match ignited a pocket of intestinal
>>gas and a flame shot out the tube, igniting Mr Chung's hair and
>>severely burning his face. It also set fire to the gerbil's fur and
>>whiskers which in turn ignited a larger pocket of gas further up the
>>intestine, propelling the rodent out like a cannonball." Ejercito's
>>asshole hurts like crazy. Chung suffered second degree burns and a
>>broken nose from the impact

It's a gay gook thing. They do this right after telling each other
that they're "wonderfully hungry"

>- -
>Wonderfully hungry?  Check out this morbidly obese
>Asiatic slug:
>Boedicea said about the gook:  Actually, it is obvious
>he's not all there.  Most wannabes are short on IQ and
>have severe mental problems.  I have yet to see a post
>from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
>does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
>aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
>posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
>one word drivel.  IMO he's using the computer in the
>therapy room of his local nutfarm.