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Subject: Re: Brilliant: What 'Israeel' Is Trying To Do Is Genocide, Not Self-Preservation. So “Self-Preservation” Has To Be Redefined So 'Israeel' Can Be Accused Of Doing It…
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 20:52:41 +0100
Organization: NewsDemon - www.newsdemon.com

On Wed, 21 Aug 2024 13:16:32 -0400, Loose Cannon <efberg73@gmx.com>

>On Wed, 21 Aug 2024 07:39:47 -0700, Michael Ejercito
><MEjercit@HotMail.com> wrote:
>>Brilliant: What Israel Is Trying To Do Is Self-Preservation, Not 
>>Genocide. So “Genocide” Has To Be Redefined So Israel Can Be Accused Of 
>>Doing It…
>>August 21, 2024 / Jack Marshall
>>The case of “genocide” is a classic in the annals of deliberate 
>>linguistic manipulation for unethical goals.
>>A detailed essay in the New York Times explains the machinations around 
>>the word, which is similar to what we have seen recently in other cases, 
>>like that of “women,” “racism,” “lying,” “ad hominem” (in a debate here 
>>on Ethics Alarms), “fascism,”and “insurrection,” to name just a few of 
>>many. The proliferation of this Orwellian process should set off not 
>>just ethics alarms but evil alarms.
>>As the article correctly explains, international law addressing genocide 
>>was aimed at extreme and unequivocal examples where a nation sets out to 
>>exterminate an entire race or ethnic group for no other reason than that 
>>group’s existence. It is the ultimate hate crime, and thus was labeled a 
>>“crime against humanity.” The Holocaust was the prime example: nothing 
>>describes genocide more indisputably than a group of experts, military 
>>officials and government leaders sitting around a table and deciding on 
>>a “Final Solution.”
>>But as the article relates, mission creep has invaded the anti-genocide 
>>brigade, for example with the United States being accused of genocide in 
>>its treatment of Native American and because of the actions of the KKK 
>>and others during the Jim Crow era, and now, with Israel being vilified 
>>by the genocide label for being determined to eliminate a terrorist 
>>organization pledged to commit genocide against Israelis.
>>Naturally, the United Nations is complicit in this process, and, 
>>naturally, so is the I.C.J., the U.N.’s top court. The U.S., among other 
>>nations, supports the Geneva Convention but doesn’t accept the authority 
>>of the I.C.J. The article doesn’t explicitly explain why, but the reason 
>>is obvious: the court is subject to political motives and bias. It can’t 
>>be trusted.
>>“Genocide” has been slowly made a synonym for “human rights violations,” 
>>and wars are by definition human rights violations. Thus the U.N. can 
>>always use a politicized definition of “genocide” to declare any war, 
>>even one triggered by a nation’s right and obligation to defend itself 
>>and its citizens, as “genocide”—particularly if the nation waging the 
>>war is Israel.
>>By the standards being weaponized by the protesters at the Democratic 
>>National Convention, the U.S. ending World War II with two atom bombs 
>>would qualify as genocide.
>>This is the unethical—but effective—process:
>>1. Identify a nation, group, individual, or leader that you want to 
>>2. Find a word universally regarded as describing conduct that is 
>>heinous and unforgivable.
>>3. Redefine that word so that the policies, conduct or stated position 
>>of that nation, group, individual, or leader can be described by it.
>>4. Repeat that word in association with the nation, group, individual, 
>>or leader’s policies, conduct or stated positions so that the word 
>>itself is defined by those policies, conduct or stated positions, rather 
>>than the other way around.
>>The average member of the public—you know, morons—won’t know the difference.
>>What makes this tactic so effective, diabolical, and impossible to stop 
>>is that there are many examples of pejorative words that should be used 
>>and understood to apply beyond their most narrow definitions. Child 
>>abuse. Indoctrination. Propaganda. Totalitarianism. Conflicts of 
>>interest. The distinction, perhaps, is whether the expanded definition 
>>is made in good faith, or it it is only aimed at a particular adversary 
>>to achieve strategic political gains.
>>The article, “The Bitter Fight Over the Meaning of ‘Genocide’” is here 
>>for you to read, freed from the paywall.
>Gook, what the zionist occupier is doing in Gaza is EXACTLY what the
>Ukrainian auxiliary police did to the kikes in Kiev circa 1941-42

Yup.  The only difference is that the Kiev pogrom was a MITZVAH.

- -

Wonderfully hungry?  Check out this morbidly obese
Asiatic slug:

Boedicea said about the gook:  Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there.  Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems.  I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel.  IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.