Davin News Server

From: NoSpamAtAll <spamnot@not.home>
Newsgroups: alt.politics,nz.politics,can.politics
Subject: Re: For all you Israelis
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2024 16:39:25 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: notospam

In article <vac33t$1af18$1@dont-email.me>,
Dhu on Gate  <campbell@neotext.ca> wrote:

> "Jews" are not the issue, it's Israeli NAZIs, committing Genocide 


Not a very successful "genocide", with the Palestinian population
multiplying itself about five-fold since 1948.

Yes, Israel made mistakes, but the main problem had always
been, and still is, the genocidal intents and actions of
its neighbors, starting in 1948.

If you want to bitch and whine about genocide, start with
the 600,000 killed in Syria's civil war, and the 450,000
killed in Yemen's, to mention two recent examples. But
probably you don't give a shit, huh?