Davin News Server

From: NoSpamAtAll <spamnot@not.home>
Newsgroups: alt.politics,nz.politics,can.politics
Subject: Re: For all you Israelis
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 06:25:33 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: notospam

In article <dOdiHdPuFbArYwIpAXWjsOqboAvtYenV@news.usenet.farm>,
D. Ray  <d@ray> wrote:

> Isn't it suck when all one have to do to see that you’re lying is follow
> the link and read the article?

Indeed, read the article, you miserable 'tard.

And as everyone can easily check, such threats were made by the
Arabs many times since 1948, and are still being made today.


One day after the State of Israel declared itself as an independent nation
(May 14, 1948), Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi, Egyptian, and Transjordanian troops,
supported by Saudi and Yemenite troops, attacked the nascent Jewish state,
triggering the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. On that day, Azzam Pasha [secretary-general
of the Arab League between 1945 and 1952] announced:

"This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be
spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades".


Source:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Rahman_Hassan_Azzam