Davin News Server

From: NoSpamAtAll <spamnot@not.home>
Newsgroups: nz.politics,alt.politics,uk.politics.misc,can.politics,soc.culture.british,alt.politics.uk
Subject: Re: For all you Israelis
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 20:13:08 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: notospam

In article <pdfIqiNaGqztgoNsdoinFUPpMsaTaHIH@news.usenet.farm>,
D. Ray  <d@ray> wrote:

> NoSpamAtAll <spamnot@not.home> wrote:

>> These are crimes committed by the British.

> No. British nation, British people did not commit them and
> did not profit off of them.

Are you totally insane? 

>>> Yeah, when Jews vote for Jews and hire Jews, 

>> Proof?

> They tell that to everyone themselves.
> <https://youtu.be/_RyeYiBu3EA>


>> Jews were discriminated against, for years, both in USSR and US
>> universities

> No, they weren't. 

Again, are you totally insane?

"In the first half of the 20th century, Jews [in the US] were
discriminated against in employment, access to residential and
resort areas, membership in clubs and organizations, and in
tightened quotas on Jewish enrollment and teaching positions
in colleges and universities."


etc. etc. etc.