Davin News Server

From: D. Ray <d@ray>
Organization: Usenet.Farm
Subject: Re: For all you Israelis
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 24 22:18:12 UTC
Newsgroups: alt.politics,nz.politics,uk.politics.misc,can.politics,soc.culture.british,alt.politics.uk

NoSpamAtAll <spamnot@not.home> wrote:
> In article <pdfIqiNaGqztgoNsdoinFUPpMsaTaHIH@news.usenet.farm>,
> D. Ray  <d@ray> wrote:
>> NoSpamAtAll <spamnot@not.home> wrote:
>>> These are crimes committed by the British.
>> No. British nation, British people did not commit them and
>> did not profit off of them.
> Are you totally insane? 

Did British people ever went on demonstrations demanding putting Boers
women and children in concentration camps?

>>>> Yeah, when Jews vote for Jews and hire Jews, 
>>> Proof?
>> They tell that to everyone themselves.
>> <https://youtu.be/_RyeYiBu3EA>
> "They"?

Yes, (((they))).

>>> Jews were discriminated against, for years, both in USSR and US
>>> universities
>> No, they weren't. 
> Again, are you totally insane?

Are you? We already got it, you’re a Jewish supremacist, but having a
proportional representation of your people in elite universities (2%) is
not discrimination. Discrimination is when all Ivy League deans are Jews,
majority of “White” professors are Jews, and half of “White” students are
Jews (again, 2% of population). 

Here’s good article on the topic:

