Davin News Server

From: Dhu on Gate <campbell@neotext.ca>
Newsgroups: can.politics,alt.politics
Subject: Re: "Freedom's
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 16:31:06 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On Mon, 26 Aug 2024 19:50:58 -0000 (UTC), Dhu on Gate wrote:

> Just another word for nothin' left to lose" 
> https://www.rt.com/news/603075-durov-french-arrest-telegram/
> Hey there Pavel, there's something the French have forgotten,
> that Liberty is a Special Freedom we grant other Humans, to 
> use the things (ideas, widgets ...) we make for one another.
> OpenSource Telegram <<<
> Make it a Public Utility with open maintenance.  
> We'll have your back on this.  For sure, for sure.
> Dhu
One of the technical prebloms that Telegram, and every other 
comms device in existence, has is pointed out by Kreml 
spokesperson Peskov:


But even great corporations cannot buy the kind of talent needed 
to break into something like Telegram.  Only great Nations have 
the ability to openly employ the teams of physicists needed 
to break into something like Telegram as such teams constitute
military grade weapons: minds like Alan Turing don't and won't 
operate in the dark.  

So if it's not GRU and the NSA going after Pavel... the French? 
Naaah, they got physicists too, but mebbe not so well informed.  
So is it Corporate?  Macaroon sez it's not political...


Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.  
 C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-) 
 Duncan Patton a Campbell