Davin News Server

From: Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com>
Newsgroups: can.politics
Subject: Re: OT: "Signed by"; was Only the best people, right?
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 10:21:46 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider

On 2024-08-26 08:56, Alan wrote:
> 40 of 44 former senior members of his administration won't endorse 
> Trump. And it's far more than just remaining silent:
> '“I have made clear that I strongly oppose Trump for the nomination and 
> will not endorse Trump,” former Attorney General Bill Barr told NBC News.'
> <https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-cabinet-endorsements-rcna96648>
> 'Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper has called him a “threat to 
> democracy.” Former national security adviser John Bolton has declared 
> him “unfit to be president.”'
> <https://apnews.com/article/former-trump-officials-criticize-2024-e202861911ab37cadfcf058b5b163fb9>
> And remember: Trump said he only hired the "best people":
> <https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-former-donald-trump-officials-refusing-endorse-him-1882733>

Signed by:
Emily Abell
Advertising Production Manager & Assistant to the Director Strategy, 
McCain for
President 2008
Chad Adler
Finance Intern, Mitt Romney for President 2012
David Almacy
White House Internet Director, President George W. Bush
Melanie Anne Alvord
Assistant Administrator for Communications, FAA (DOT)
Emily Apte
Associate Director Speechwriting, EOP, President George W. Bush
Philip Baker-Shenk
General Counsel, Chairman John McCain, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
Kimmie Balz (Lipscomb)
Director of Press Advance for McCain, White House Press Office for Bush
Michael C. Barnes
Confidential Counsel, Executive Office of the President, Office of 
National Drug Control
Policy, George W. Bush Administration
Beverly Barrett
Special Assistant for Cabinet Affairs, George W. Bush Administration
Andrea G Barthwell
Deputy Director, Demand Reduction, ONDCP, George W. Bush Administration
Raegan Bartlo
Communications Specialist, USDA, President George W. Bush
Christopher Barton
Director, National Security Council; Chief Counsel for House Permanent 
Committee on Intelligence, George W. Bush Administration
Jean Becker
Chief of Staff, 1994-2018, George H.W. Bush
David Bentley
Legislative Staff Assistant, Sen. John McCain
Brandon B. Beshears
Confidential Assistant, USDA, George W. Bush Administration
Tomás Bilbao
Deputy Director of Operations at HUD, George W. Bush Administration
Vicki Blanton
Director of Scheduling, Mitt Romney for President 2012
David Blaszkowsky
Director, Office of Interactive Disclosure, SEC, George W. Bush 
Jeffrey Bobeck
Director of External Affairs, Dept of Energy, 2007-2009, George W. Bush 
Lisa Boepple
Administrative Assistant, Congressman John McCain, 1983-1986, 
Legislative Director,
Office of Senator John McCain, 1987-1988
Barrick Bollman
Site Advance, Mitt Romney for President 2012
Erin Bradley
Director, Office of Ann Romney, Romney for President 2012
Sally S. Bradshaw
Associate Director of Political Affairs, White House, George H.W. Bush 
Chief of Staff, Governor Jeb Bush
Barbara Brady Stober
Michigan Branch County Chair for Romney for President 2012
Joe Brezny
Nevada State Director, Romney for President 2008
Greg Brower
U.S. Attorney for the District of Nevada
Jamie Brown
Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, President 
George W. Bush
Steven Brykman
Sr. Digital Strategist, Office of Gov. Mitt Romney
Max Buccini
The White House, Press Office, President George W. Bush
Lance Bultena
Counsel, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
Meghann Burger Wilson
Executive Assistant, DHS; Executive Assistant, Department of Treasury, 
Affairss; Executive Assistant, DoD, Acquisition and Technology
Gahl Burt
Surrogate Coordinator, McCain for President 2008
Ellen Cahill
Scheduler/Executive Assistant, Sen. John McCain
Brian Cairns
Director of White House Writers, President George W. Bush
Caitlin Callahan McBride
Lead Advance Coordinator, McCain-Palin 2008
Sally Canfield
Domestic Policy Adviser, Bush 2000; Policy Director, Romney for 
President 2008
Jason Carroll
State & Local Coordinator, Intergovernmental Affairs, U.S. Department of 
Ed Cash
Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of Homeland Security
William Cervin
RNC/WH Office of Political Affairs, SECAF/GC, OSD Policy
Barbara C. Chaffee
Special Assistant to the President; Senior Director, Public Liaison, 
Office of Homeland
Security, George W. Bush Administration
Nicole Chmura
Director of Media Relations, Political Appointee, Department of Housing 
and Urban
Development, President George W. Bush
David Clark
Deputy Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel, The White 
President George W. Bush
Laura Clarke Coleman
Director, Donor Relations and Services, Romney for President 2012
Heath Clayton
Special Project Coordinator, The White House, President George W. Bush
Robert Cohen
Advance Staff, McCain for President 2008
Richele Cole Burch
72 Hour Coordinator, WV GOP Victory 2004, President George W. Bush
Jill Collins
2000 GOP Convention, 2021 Inaugural Committee, VP advance, President 
George W.
Daniel Connor
Presidential Helicopter Pilot/Marine One, President George W. Bush
Matt Coote
Ground Operations Coordinator, Romney for President 2012
James Dalthorp, Jr
Communications / Content and Adverting Team, Romney for President 2012
Craig Daniel
Deputy White House Liaison, Department of the Treasury; Secretary’s 
Briefing Book
Coordinator, Department of Homeland Security; Operations Manager, 
Bush-Cheney ‘04
Katie Daryl
Communications Dept. (Intern), Sen. John McCain
Suzy DeFrancis
Deputy Assistant to the President for Communications; Assistant 
Secretary Public
Affairs HHS, President George W. Bush
Doug Denneny
Military Legislative Fellow, Sen. John McCain
Anne Dixon
Political Intern, McCain for President 2008
Jennifer Dodds
Lead Digital Producer, Romney for President 2012
Joe Donoghue
Legislative Director, Office of Sen. John McCain
Lauren Dorff
Outreach Coordinator for the FBCI USAID, George W. Bush Administration
Eric Earling
Deputy Secretary’s Regional Representative, US Department of Education, 
George W. Bush
Eric D Eberhead
Staff Director and Chief Counsel Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
Daniel Edwards
Intern, Sen. John McCAIN
Jon Evans
Deputy Director of Content, Romney for President 2012
Stacia S. Feinberg
Staff Assistant to VP Quayle and Volunteer Coordinator, McCain for 
President 2008
Todd Ferrara
Special Assistant to US Secretary of Agriculture, George W. Bush 
Matthew Filter
Legislative Assistant, Sen. John McCain
Steve Fong
Special Assistant, U.S. Department of Transportation, George W. Bush 
Jon Fortin
Special Assistant, Department of the Treasury, George W. Bush Administration
Andy Foster
Associate Director, White House Office of Political Affairs, George H.W. 
Charles C. Foster
Immigration Policy Advisor, George W. Bush Administration
Sara Frankfurt Gail
Executive Assistant, Director’s Office, OMB, George W. Bush Administration
Rob Freeman
Deputy Staff Director, Senate Commerce Committee, Sen. John McCain
Daniel Fridman
Senior Counsel to the Deputy Attorney General of the United States, 
George W. Bush
Jessica Furey
US EPA, Associate Administrator, Office of Policy, Economics & 
Innovation, George W.
Bush Administration
Reed Galen
Director of Scheduling and Advance, Bush-Cheney '04 and Deputy Campaign 
John McCain for President
Judy Gamboa
Volunteer Coordinator, McCain for President 2000
John Gardner
Deputy Assistant to the President; General Counsel, USAID; Governor, US 
Service, George W. Bush Administration
David Garman
Undersecretary of Energy, George W. Bush Administration
Thomas J. Gibson, Jr
Chief of Staff, US Environmental Protection Agency; McCain for President 
2000, Policy
teams; Advance SC & VA
Frank Gifford Scholley
Volunteer, McCain for President 2000
Jonathan Glick
Operations & Advance, McCain for President 2008 & Romney for President 2012
Juleanna Glover
Press Aide, McCain for President 2008
Anthony Golia
Advance, Romney for President 2012
Gina Gormley Fong
Former State Director, former Director of Constituent Services, Office 
of Senator John
Felice Gorordo
Bush White House Office of Political Affairs (2003), Bush-Cheney 
Campaign (2004);
Bush presidential appointee at the U.S. Departments of Commerce, State and
Homeland Security (2005-2007)
Joe Greeley
Production Manager, Romney for President 2012
Deb Gullett
Administrative Assistant, Sen. John McCain
Wes Gullett
State Director, Sen. John McCain
Jimmy Gurulé
Under Secretary (Enforcement), U.S. Department of Treasury (2001-2003), 
George W.
Bush Administration
John Hadlock
Deputy State Manager, North Carolina, Romney for President 2012
Mark Hancock
Television Manager, Romney for President 2012
Benjamin Haney
Advance, McCain for President
Serenety Hanley
White House Internet Director; EPA Director of Web Communications, 
George W. Bush
Administration; RNC Political Technology Director
Michele Hannegan
Communications Director, CEQ - Council on Environmental Quality, George 
W. Bush
Bo Harmon
Voter Contact Director, McCain for President 2008
Maureen Harrington
Vice President, Policy and International Relations, Millennium Challenge 
George W. Bush Administration
Alisa Harrison
Director of Communications at USDA, George W. Bush Administration
Elton Hayes
Legislative Correspondent, Sen. John McCain
Jacqueline Hawkins
Staff Assistant, Presidential Personnel, The White House, George W. Bush
Chelsea Henderson
Volunteer, McCain for President 2008
Suzanne Hernandez
Constituent Advocate/Office of Sen. John McCain-Tucson
Paul Hickman
State Director, Sen. John McCain
David Hill
Associate Director, Bush-Cheney 2004; Deputy Associate Director, The 
White House
Rachel Hoff
Speechwriter & Policy Advisor, SASC Chairman John McCain
Faye Hoffman Hilpert
Congressional Liaison, Dept. of Education; Staff Assistant, HUD, George 
W. Bush
Gregory Houston
Campaign Aide, McCain for President 2000
Charlie Howell
Trip Coordinator for the EPA and the First Lady's Office, Bush White House
Wes Irvin
U.S. DOT - MARAD/FTA, George W. Bush Administration
Gordon James
Advance, McCain for President
Heather Janik
Deputy Press Secretary, EOP, George W. Bush Administration
Greg Jenkins
Deputy Assistant to the President/Director of Advance, George W. Bush 
Addison Jenkins
Denver County Field Director, Romney for President 2012
Tony Jimenez
National Operations Team, Bush-Cheney 2004
AE Johnson
White House; Deputy Director of Presidential Writers, George W. Bush 
Joe Johnson
Country Director - Russia IRI
Nicol Andrews Jones
Deputy Comms Director, FEMA & USDA, George W. Bush Administration
Warren Junium III
Producer/Director, George W. Bush Administration
Molly Kelly
Legislative Correspondent, Sen. John McCain
Kelly Kenneally
Deputy Director, Presidential Commission on White House Fellowships, 
George W.
Bush Administration
Matt Kilfoyle
Regional Finance Director, Romney for President 2012
Karen Kirksey
Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Legislative Affairs, General 
Administration, George W. Bush Administration
Christopher Koch
Chief of Staff, Senator John McCain
Priti Kothari
Coalitions Coordinator, Romney for President 2008/2012
Catherine Krug (Simonds)
Deputy Director Personal Correspondence, George W. Bush Administration
Rob Kubasko
Creative Director, McCain for President 2008
Carole Kuhn Waller
2008 Presidential Campaign, Scheduler — VP Nominee
Brittany Ladd
Press Advance Lead, McCain for President 2008; Director of Advance for 
Ann Romney,
Romney for President 2012
Jill Landon
Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff for the Vice President, VP 
Cheney 2006
Travis Larson
Press Assistant, McCain for President 2000
Dallas Lawrence
Director of Community Relations and Public Liaison, Dept. of Defense, 
George W. Bush
Sheila Lazzari
Staff Assistant, Sen. John McCain
Emily Leitch
National Security Council Staff, George W. Bush Administration
Eric Livingston
Bush-Cheney 2004, RNC
Amy Lorenzini Wren
Congressional Liaison, USTDA, George W. Bush Administration
Jennifer Lux
Communications Director, McCain for President 2008
Margaret Mankin Barton
Executive Director, National Women’s Business Council, George W. Bush
Windsor Mann
Youth Coordinator, Students for Bush, Bush for President 2004
Megan Markel
Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, FMCSA, U.S. Department of 
George W. Bush Administration
Danny Mazza
Former Intern, Sen. John McCain
Catherine McEaddy
Presidential Writer, The White House, George W. Bush
Sally M. McKeag
Special Assistant to ETA Assistant Secretary of Labor, George W. Bush 
Jana McKeag
Chair, American Indians for McCain 2008
Patrick Mendoza
Program Advisor to the Administrator of the EPA, George W. Bush 
Meredith Merritt
Deputy Associate Director, Homeland Security Council, George W. Bush 
Jen Millikin
Advance, Bush-Cheney 2004; Deputy Director of Communications, President 
W. Bush
Jen Millikin
Press Advance, Bush-Cheney 2004, Deputy Director of Communications, 
George W.
Bush Administration
Daniel Mintz
Chief Information Officer, US Department of Transportation, 2006-2009. 
George W.
Bush Administration
Talal Mir
Legislative Assistant, Sen. John McCain
Heidi Mohlman Tringe
Legislative Affairs Director, White House Office of Science and 
Technology Policy
Robert Morello
Director of Communications-Finance, Romney for President 2012
Virginia A Mulberger
Special Assistant to the President, National Security Council, President 
George H. W.
Martin J. Murphy
Founding Chief Executive Officer, CEO Roundtable on Cancer, Founder: 
George H.W. Bush
Mike Murphy
Senior Strategist, McCain for President 2000, Chief Consultant, Romney 
for Governor
Michael Napolitano
Office of Political Affairs, Bush Campaigns 00' & 04'
Bettina Nava
Arizona State Director, McCain for President 2000 and 2008
Brooks Nelson
Intern, USA Freedom Corps
Ryan Newcomb
Confidential Assistant DHS Political Appointment, George W. Bush 
Vinh Nguyen
Advance Representative, Bush for President, McCain for President, and 
Romney for
Natalie Nicolas
Research Analyst, Senate Armed Services Committee
David Nierenberg
National Finance Chair, Romney for President 2012
Megan O’Brien Fuentes
Scheduler, Romney for President 2012
Emmet O'Neal
Political Desk Coordinator, Romney for President 2012
Kaitlin O’Reilly
Regional Finance Director, Romney for President 2012
Manuel Ochoa
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grant Programs, Dept. of Housing and Urban
Development, George W. Bush Administration
Howard Opinsky
National Press Secretary, McCain for President 2000
Justin Oppmann
Director, Patriots Network, McCain for President 2000
Chris Orlando
Communications Director, President George W. Bush
Kate Osler
Press Advance, McCain for President 2008; Press Advance, Romney for 
Kimberley Palmese
Advance Representative, President George W. Bush
Ajay Patil
Senior Advance Representative, President George W. Bush
Kevin W. Parks
Executive Director, Federal Council on the Aging, George H.W. Bush 
Christina Pearson
HHS Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, George W. Bush Administration
Ann Marie Pedersen Yager
Department of Education, President George W. Bush
Michael Petrucelli
Deputy Director and Acting Director, US Citizenship & Immigration 
Services, US
Department of Homeland Security, George W. Bush Administration
Matthew Phillips
Congressional Advisor (Sch. C), Dept of State, George W. Bush Administration
Rees Porcari
Door Contact Director (Des Moines, IA Field Office), Romney for 
President 2012
Tyler S. Posey
General Counsel, Peace Corps, George W. Bush Administration
Virginia Pounds
Administrative Manager, Office of Senator John McCain
Katherine M. Prendergast
Finance and Logistics Officer, George W. Bush White House; Public 
Liaison Officer,
Melissa Price
Assistant Staff Secretary, Staff Secretary’s Office, President George W. 
Kristopher Purcell
Bush White House & Campaigns
Patricia Radford
Confidential Assistant for the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, 
Department of
Commerce, George W. Bush Administration
Rebecca Ratliff
Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities Appointee, George 
W. Bush
Meghan K. Reilly
Intern, Office of Sen. John McCain
Dawn Riley
Victory 2000 KY Director and USDA 2001-2005, George W. Bush Administration
Thomas Roberts
Bush-Cheney ‘04; Special Assistant, USDA, George W. Bush Administration
Julie Roberts
2001-2004 FEMA, Deputy Scheduler Secretary Chao Labor, Special Asst to 
US for Int’l
Trade Commerce, Special Assistant to Ambassador US Embassy the Netherlands
Josephine Biad Robinson
EOP, HHS, George W. Bush Administration
Webber Barton Roscher
Deputy White House Liaison for HUD, George W. Bush Administration
Jill Rulli (Neunaber)
Iowa State Director, Romney for President 2012
Colin K Russ
Digital Events, Romney for President 2012
Jerry Sager
Bush for President 2004
Mark Salter
Chief of Staff, Office of Senator John McCain
Diane Salter
Scheduler, Office of Senator John McCain
Shay Saucedo
Southern Arizona Regional Coordinator, Sen. John McCain
Bradley Saull
DHS Deputy White House Liaison, George W. Bush Administration
Gabriel Schoenfeld
Senior Advisor, Romney for President 2012
Yale Scott
The White House Deputy Associate Director of the Visitors Office, The 
U.S. Department
of State Deputy Public Affairs Officer in the Office of the Chief of 
Protocol, U.S.
Department of Education Advance
Representative for the Secretary of Education
Will Shaw
Special Assistant to the Sec. of Energy for Congressional and 
Intergovernmental Affairs,
George W. Bush Administration
George Sheehan
Staff Assistant, Office of Sen. John McCain
Jill Sigal
Assistant Secretary of Energy for Congressional & Intergovernmental 
Affairs, U.S.
Department of Energy, George W. Bush Administration
Brooke Sikora Purcell
Legislative Assistant, Office of Sen. John McCain and Deputy State 
Director, McCain for
President 2008
Sarah Simmons Swanson
Deputy Director of Strategic Initiatives, George W. Bush Administration; 
Director of
Strategy, McCain for President 2008
Doug Smith
Legislative Correspondent, Office of Senator John McCain
Stephanie Smith Lee
Director, Office of Special Education Programs, U. S. Department of 
Education, George
W. Bush Administration
Jennifer Smits-Kilgus
SBA Regional Director and Legislative Management Officer both at U.S. 
Dept of State
and HUD, George W. Bush Administration
Mark SooHoo
Deputy eCampaign Director, McCain for President 2008
Sonya Sotak Elling
Legislative Assistant, Office of Sen. John McCain, Health Policy Advisor 
McCain for
President 2008
Micah Spangler
Field Director, Romney for President 2012
Susan Spencer Mulvaney
Deputy Chief of Staff, US Environmental Protection Agency, George W. Bush
Lindsay Stanton
Deputy California Finance Director, McCain for President 2008
Michele Stember Hannegan
Associate Director Communications White House Council on Environmental 
George W. Bush Administration
Andrew Stern
Digital Team Leader, Romney for President 2012
Daniel H. Stewart
Nevada Legal Counsel, Romney for President 2012
Melisa Niceol Stivaletti
US Department of Commerce, George W. Bush Administration
Jim Stoeckel
Fundraiser, Bush for President
Beth Supple
Trade Advocacy, US Foreign Commercial Service, Department of Commerce, 
W. Bush Administration
Timothy C. Suprise
George H. W. Bush & George W. Bush Campaign - Michigan
Jim Swift
RNC 2004 Field Staff
Jacob Terrell
Legislative Correspondent, Office of Sen. John McCain
Ansley Tillman Allison
Senior Legal Assistant, Bush for President 2000; Staff Assistant, White 
House Counsel’s
Office and Domestic Policy Council, 2001-02
Bradley Todd Deatherage
Special Assistant, Office of Policy Planning, US State Department, 
George W. Bush
Benjamin Tomchik
Correspondence Analyst, The White House, George W. Bush Administration
Mike Treiser
Finance and Treasury, Romney for President 2012
Olivia Troye
Homeland Security Advisor to Vice President Mike Pence and Confidential 
Office of the Under Secretary for Policy, Department of Defense, George 
W. Bush
Michael Turk
Government to Citizen Portfolio Manager, OMB
Gwendolyn van Paasschen
Legislative Assistant, Sen. John McCain
Yelena Vaynberg
Government Affairs, Department of Transportation, George W. Bush 
Brooke Vosburgh Alexander
Executive Assistant, Presidents Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Donald J. 
Mark Voyger
Russia Group Member, Romney for President 2012
Lars Walton
72-HR Taskforce Bush-Cheney 2004, 2000 Transition/Inaugural Team, 2000 
Michael Wascom
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Transportation, George W. Bush Administration
Dane Waters
Advisor, McCain for President 2008
Shelby Watts Valdez
Special Assistant, USAID; Director, 2004 72 Hour Task Force, RNC; 
Special Assistant
Secretary of Commerce
Kate Weinstein
Marketing Manager, Romney for President 2012
Kate Wesner
Voter Contact Director, Romney for President 2012
Marlene Wilden
Campaign Field Operations, Bush for President
Karen Willard
RNC Victory 2000, US HUD, US DOT
Anne Wisniewski
Political Intern, McCain for President 2008