Davin News Server

From: AlleyCat <katt@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: "The Oceans Are Overflowing," Claims Guterres
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 10:37:01 -0500
Organization: AlleyCat Computing, Inc.

"The Oceans Are Overflowing," Claims Guterres

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently sounded another dire warning about the state of our planet, 
this time claiming 'the oceans are overflowing" because, you know, 'science'.

"This is a crazy situation. Rising seas are a crisis entirely of humanity's making. A crisis that will soon 
swell to an almost unimaginable scale, with no lifeboat to take us back to safety."

Not content with the level of drama, Guterres ups it further, "A worldwide catastrophe is putting this 
Pacific paradise in peril. The ocean is overflowing."

Guterres' rhetoric leans on the same old alarm, but when examined against the actual data, the story falls 

Even the latest IPCC Report (AR6 WGI), sold as 'the most authoritative source on climate science," provides a 
far less concerning view of sea level rise. Far from confirming the "oceans are overflowing," the IPCC report 
states that any rise is a far more gradual and regionally varied process, indistinguishably from natural 

The report makes it clear that for a great portion of the planet, a detectable change in the rate of relative 
sea level rise (RSLR) hasn't been found (and might not even emerge before 2100), contradicting fairy tales of 
an imminent global catastrophe.

Moreover, to get any meaningful RSLR at all, the IPCC is required to employ the wholly unrealistic 4.5 and 
8.5 emissions scenarios. And, even under those absurd higher scenarios, the AR6 report states that many 
regions may not see a detectable change for 100-years, if ever. This isn't mentioned in the media.

The idea that we are on the verge of some "unimaginable" catastrophe, with no lifeboat in sight, replaces a 
scientific reality with a emotive, fear-inducing fantasy.

Sea level rise is a slow, complex process with significant regional differences. For example, the majority of 
the atolls that Guterres speaks with such alarm to, such as Tuvalu, are actually growing, not sinking.





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