Davin News Server

From: R Kym Horsell <kymhorsell@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.global-warming,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,can.politics,alt.politics.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.usa.republican
Subject: Re: The World's Number 1 Climate Scam Fraudster Michael E. Mann...
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 20:50:18 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: kymhorsell.com

In alt.global-warming Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> wrote:
> On 2024-08-28 08:37, AlleyCat wrote:
>> The world's #1 #ClimateScam fraudster - @MichaelEMann - predicted a record 33 named storms.  It is the end of
>> August, and there have only been five.  I don't expect to see a retraction, acknowledgment or mea culpa from
>> him or the @washingtonpost
>> https://x.com/MichaelEMann/status/1807213689852043497
> What Michael Mann has to say is of less interest than what the actual 
> prediction was:

The Atlantic hurricane season has been 2x normal so far this year.
How the extra energy breaks down into individual storms is always tricky.
Anyone with better than a goldfish's memory may have noticed a lot of water
falling out of the sky for the last couple months along the Gulf and E
seaboards. Mostly just a couple extra long-running storms.

According to the UCAR.EDU realtime page Jan-Aug in the NA has seen
12 hurricane days when 5 are normally expected, 4.5
major hurricane days when 1.3 are normally expected
and an ACE of 55.1 units when 30.3 are normally expected.

It's actually the Pacific that is way down on normal.

[As usual, Serial Dimwit's own source proves he can't read:]

On 3/6/2016 5:24 PM, AlleyCat wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Mar 2016 15:55:21 -0600,  Unum says...      
>>> Hmmm... why is the ONLY site saying that we're putting 40gts, (39.8gt,
>>> actually), a GOVERNMENT run site?
>>> NO ONE else is saying it's that high... NO ONE. So, again, you are lying,
>>> because THEY are lying.     
>> ratboy snipped this one too, which agrees;           
>> http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v7/n10/full/ngeo2248.html
>> See chart A on figure 1.
> You mean THIS one: http://i.imgur.com/HafRCKf.jpg
> The one that has data up to 2013 ONLY, and is ESTIMATING we'll BE at 38gts
> in 2015?  LOL  Again... THEY'RE ESTIMATES, and WRONG.  
[Blardy blardy blardy blar through 100 posts all the same].

> 2006          9.355 Gtc       8.363 GtC               0.992 GtC

You didn't see the footnote, dumbass?
*Convert carbon to carbon dioxide (CO2) by multiplying the numbers 
above by 3.67.  
-- Unum, 09 Mar 2016

[Dimwit then tries to divert that 39.8 Gt is not 40 Gt so is "a lie".
When that falls flat he tries to divert that scientists are lying
because they never tell you whether the "ton" in Gt is a short
or long ton and there's a big difference. He never seems to have heard
of "tonne" -- big surprise!]