Davin News Server

From: NefeshBarYochai <void@invalid.noy>
Newsgroups: can.politics,comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.society.liberalism,alt.politics.democrats.d,alt.politics.trump
Subject: Re: Israel launches large-scale military invasion in the northern West Bank
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 07:29:58 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: The World : www.TheWorld.com : Since 1989

To be on the fair side, let us not ignore the REAL genocides
in the Middle East, all committed by Muslims against Muslims.

Two recent example: 650,000 killed in Syria's civil war,
450,000 killed in Yemen's civil war.


On the whole, out of the sum total of Muslims killed in the
Middles East since 1948, barely 3% were killed in conflicts
with Israel (add to the above the million killed in the
Iran-Iraq war, and numerous others, killed in numerous other
wars and conflicts between Muslims).